The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 349 Rumors spread and palace examination begins

Chapter 349 Rumors spread and palace examination begins

This was a beautiful encounter, but the girl was a little thin-skinned and left in a hurry.Shi Hui didn't intend to develop another relationship, and he didn't care too much about it in the follow-up.

A group of girlfriends had a pleasant gathering, but the content of their discussion was not common topics such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, or female celebrities, but various knowledge, classics and political things.

"A group of girls, just after the exam, they acted as if they were sure to be on the list." How could Shi Hui not know that what they talked about was to prepare for the palace exam.

The palace examination can be said to be a means for the king to win over Jinshi. After passing the palace examination, all the scholars who refer to it are equivalent to "students of the Son of Heaven". If you don't find a good excuse, who will follow? !

Since there is already such a thing as the test, if you want to implement feudal rule, then the palace test cannot be abolished easily.It can’t be said that for the sake of high efficiency, the local government recruits officials, directly distributes test papers from the central government, and then the local government conducts a unified examination, uniformly approves the papers, and then directly appoints the local governor...

Just talking about the traffic problem, not to mention the time difference. The test papers in Jingzhou arrived, and then I rushed to Jizhou or Jiaozhou, or even Yuezhou, and sent the questions there, and then the candidates there could know the test questions in advance, wouldn't they? Prepare in advance?Even if an order is given to punish the Nine Clans if they dare to reveal the content of the test paper, under the temptation of Yifei Soaring to the Sky, there will always be someone who will take the risk!
It is better to be convenient for others than to be convenient for oneself. How to select materials in the feudal period has actually reached a perfect stage after so many dynasties of improvement, but the content of the exam can be adjusted a little, that's all.

At least, this method is more suitable for the current situation of this era.As for the future, Shi Hui will leave at most a so-called "ancestral training" so that future generations can "advance with the times"?It's rare to be the 'Great Ancestor', how can I not set up a few 'ancestral teachings'? !

A few days later, Shi Hui has been busy with matters related to the Northern Expedition, as well as the subject of the palace examination, and seldom pays attention to the situation of the people.But he didn't want the girls to talk and laugh in Chu Gong's mansion, so he sent them off out of politeness, but the news spread quickly, saying that he loved women who became officials, even if they hadn't had the imperial examination, he couldn't hold back .

Some people even ranked the women present at the meeting according to their appearance and status. Naturally, Huang Yueying was ranked at the bottom, but they did not rule it out.

After all, if you don't think it's a big deal, you will naturally say: Maybe Chu Gong has a unique appetite? !

Fortunately, it was only a rumor in the end. After all, press releases are subject to review, especially when it involves Duke Chu.In the end, the public opinion was spread in Xiangyang, and it has not yet been spread. Even if Shi Hui knew it in the end, he could only let it go.

The Qing is self-clearing, and the more you care about some things, the more trouble you will make. If you continue to toss, you can imagine: when Xiangyang was still rumored, Shi Hui was interested in drafting; local county towns have already started rumors that he has brought these women into the government In the local villages, from the mouths of the three aunts and six wives, I guess I have already made these women's bellies big...

As time passed day by day, Zhao Kuangyin's troops had completed the division of troops, and Xue Rengui led the troops alone for the first time. However, he has been under Zhao Kuangyin's command for many years, and naturally he has learned a lot of experience with his talent.

For Shi Hui, if he couldn't even do this, then he wouldn't be Xue Rengui.

The Muhuali and Cenxi tribes also began to divide their troops one after another.Others would like to have as many troops under their command as possible, but these army commanders under Shi Hui's command don't pay much attention to this.

After all, the fighting power of the soldiers is too strong, there is no such thing as them generals.Although leading the soldiers to victory is also considered their credit, but as an excellent general, a battle is almost of no level, and it is completely dependent on the soldiers to push it. After a long time, it is inevitable that some heroes have the illusion that they are useless.

"The allocation of materials is about to be completed, and it only takes three days to complete the expedition!" Just before the palace examination, Fang Xuanling was still reporting the situation on the front line to Shi Hui.

"It's a pity, I can't go out this time!" Shi Hui couldn't help but sigh, practicing martial arts at home every day, handling government affairs, and entertaining children with wives and concubines. Although life is pleasant, it doesn't feel fulfilling at all.

"This time it's just a partial battle. My lord doesn't need to fight." Fang Xuanling stepped forward immediately after hearing the words, "If it's a decisive battle to sweep the Central Plains and sweep the universe, it's reasonable for my lord to personally supervise."

"That's right. After all, it was just a war that lasted less than a month." Shi Hui shrugged.If there are no accidents, the target counties can be defeated within a month, and the imperial army can't fight on two fronts. They can either concentrate on the southern expedition or the northern expedition. Liu Bowen, Lu Su and others are more inclined to the latter.

Judging from the difference in strength between the two sides and the enemy, the imperial court can only bully and bully Yuan Shao at most.

"If you are in a hurry, you will jump over the wall. The imperial army has been bullied by us for too long, and maybe they will try to counterattack. Until the dust settles, there are actually many things that need to be guarded." Liu Bowen does not think that it can be taken lightly.

"Haha, this is the scope of authority of the military advisers, please take care of me!" Shi Hui saluted several civil servants. It can be said that they are really busy during this time.

"Where, where!" Hearing the words, everyone immediately returned the salute, "It's our duty to serve the Lord!"

Speaking of which, an official had already come to inform him that the palace examination was about to begin, and Duke Chu was invited to enter the palace to write questions.Shi Hui didn't hesitate when he heard the words, and quickly entered the hall. This time, all the candidates for Jinshi and the first degree can gather here.

Inevitably, it is natural to see Huang Yueying, who is the leader, is No.1 after all, and it is normal to sit in the first place.At this time, she just raised her head, and seeing Shi Hui looking at her, she lowered her head shyly.

"This time, take 'Yin and Yang' as the title!" Shi Hui looked at the crowd, "As the saying goes, 'A lonely yin does not grow and a single yang does not grow'. He used to be an official, and that was exclusively for men. Now look at the hall , there are already quite a few women who have reached the Jinshi level. It can be seen that among women, there are also many intelligent people. Seeing that the era of men and women serving as officials at the same court is coming, I hope you can describe this era from the perspective of "yin and yang". "

A group of candidates were also taken aback when they heard the words. This is not a question for them to take the exam, it is clearly for them to sing praises for this new era.You must know that their palace examination papers will be posted, and I'm afraid it will cause a wave of public opinion.

The problem is that this is a conspiracy at all, so they have no choice but to bite the bullet, choose the most gorgeous rhetoric, and write down the benefits of the new era.As for the female candidates, they naturally have no psychological barriers at all, and they write like flying.

I originally thought that someone would throw away the pen and just say no to the exam.But I didn't expect to hand in the paper, and I didn't see anyone doing it.I was a little disappointed in my heart, but at the same time I felt that it was all for granted.Those who are upset that men and women are officials in the same dynasty have already waved their sleeves and left to not take the scientific examination. Those who can participate and are awarded Jinshi are naturally aware of current affairs.

 Oversleeping... Well, there's a deep, deep reason for it, like the weather is good for sleeping or something...

  So Chapter 2 will be released later, please bear with me.

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(End of this chapter)

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