Chapter 342

Jiaozhi County, the place where Shi Hui started, after seven years of construction, is completely different from the original barren land.

"Guests, it's actually more convenient for you to take the water route... Although the land route has been expanded several times in the past few years, new county towns have also been built, and the barbarians or Yue tribes along the way have also been cleaned up, which is much easier than before." The driver of the carriage house was driving the carriage and said to Cao Pi and Cao Jie in the carriage.

"Was it difficult to walk this way before?" Cao Jie asked.

"Difficult? Every time you want to take this road, you have to send troops to guard it. Otherwise, the merchants will not dare to go! There is only one way out of the mountain, and you may encounter fierce beasts or barbarians along the way. So what if you don't go? In the past, there was no waterway to go, and there was only one road to go between Jiaozhi County and Yulin County..." The coachman couldn't help but feel emotional, he is a native of Yulin County, a real aboriginal, and over the past seven years, he has witnessed Jiaozhou The change.

After a pause, he continued: "It's all right now. The road is more than twice as wide as before, and the safety along the road can be guaranteed. Even a carriage like ours dares to pass through the two places. Two or three new roads were built along the way. In the county seat, soldiers patrol the surrounding area every month, and soldiers go up the mountain every day to hunt, drive or hunt wild animals.

Even if you don't take this official road, you can go to Dongxing to enter Hepu County, or you can take a boat directly from Panyu to Haicheng County.Basically, merchants now take the sea route. After all, they can transport a large amount of goods, and they don't need many helpers and guards.Our biggest enemy on the sea is only the weather, there is no opponent at all! "

It is not so convenient to walk by land, but fortunately there are sentries along the way, and there are post stations to settle down.According to the coachman, if you want to go sightseeing, it is actually better to take the land route, and some people who cannot take a boat will choose the land route.

"What's that over there?" On the way, Cao Pi suddenly found a road under construction. What made him curious was that there were two thick iron bars laid on this road.

"That!" The coachman looked at it, "I heard that it is called a railway. It is pulled by a draft horse and can transport a large amount of materials from one side to the other. The key is that the speed is also fast. At present, it is from Longbian to Linchen. The ultimate goal is to build a railway from Yuezhou, via Longbian to Zhibushan County, Yulin County, and at the same time build a railway from Hepu County to Bushan County.”

"How much iron do you need!?" Cao Pi felt unreliable when he heard it. This is not only for repair, but also for maintenance!

"The new smelting process is expected to come out. I heard that it can keep the rails intact for five years in the wind and rain, and then gradually replace them after five years. As for the iron, there is no need to worry at all. A large iron mine was discovered in Hainan County. Now Jiaozhou's There is so much iron that we can’t run out of it, and if it wasn’t for worrying about the enemy, it would have been transported to the north to sell in large quantities.” The coachman replied directly, these things are not secret at all, as long as you look around a little, you can find out .

By land, starting from Linchen County, it takes three days to arrive at Longbian.According to the driver, this speed was unimaginable before.When Cao Pi and Cao Jie came to Longbian and saw the majestic city walls, they couldn't believe that this was actually a city on the border of the Han Dynasty.

"Longbian has been expanded for the third time, and it is completely built according to the scale of the state government. In fact, Longbian is indeed the state government now. After all, the three counties of Jiaozhi, Jiuzhen, and Rinan have been included in the scope of Yuezhou. Longbian is Yuezhou. The state capital of the state." The coachman pointed to the city, "Okay, the journey of the two of you has come to an end here, thank you for taking our car, and if you return, please take care of our car dealer!"

"Well, definitely, definitely!" Cao Pi said politely, but it's hard to say whether the return trip will still be by car.Of course, the coachman wouldn't really take it seriously, it's just that he was so concerned because he had an explanation from his superiors, and there was a certain commission for each departure.

With seven years of development, Longbian has indeed become more prosperous, even comparable to Panyu.Now the governor of Yuezhou has been replaced by Cheng Bing, the teacher Shi Hui first worshiped. However, considering that he is more suitable for education, not politics, Bai Juyi was transferred over to serve as Biejia.He also appointed Zhang Su to be in charge of governance.

Guoyuan, Sun Qian, etc. who followed Zheng Xuan at the earliest were all county guards, of course they were not from Yuezhou, and they were also the county guards of Hepu and Cangwu counties.With their talent and learning, it may not be a few steps closer in the future.

Both Jiaozhou and Yuezhou have already developed. What is lacking is education. Only prosperity and lack of education will make people's hearts gradually degenerate.Moral guidance is irreplaceable, and the newspaper industry flourishes here, and government encouragement and support are the key.

"Have you heard?" Just as Cao Pi was staying, someone suddenly started talking in the hall, "A new city was discovered in the west of Yuezhou. It is no longer a tribe of barbarians, but a civilization completely different from ours in China!"

"I heard!" The people at the same table immediately echoed, "I heard that three years ago, Chu Gong predicted that after leaving the Western Regions, going south, or going west from Yuezhou, there will be a region called India , the birth of this civilization is similar to that of our Huaxia, and gradually formed their unique civilization; further west, there is Anxi and Daqin, which are different civilizations from ours."

"I'm not going to say this!" The person who brought up the topic said directly, "I heard that there is gold all over the place, the people there are very docile, they are the most suitable slaves, and there are countless spices. The key is that they are torn apart. Several countries are fighting with each other. How much money can you make if we go to do business with them at this time?"

"How can we trade without knowing the language?" The companion retorted immediately.

"Didn't we knock down Nanzhong?" The man continued. "Near the west, some tribes' prophecies are somewhat similar to theirs. We can find such a person to act as our interpreter!"

"That said, maybe it's really feasible. I have some capital here, but I don't know what is needed there..." The companion immediately began to feel excited.

"Did you hear that?" Cao Pi no longer cared what they said, the key was the Indian civilization, "Out of the Western Regions to the south, gold, spices and slaves, these are all needed by the court!"

"You can report this news to father!" Cao Jun nodded, "But before that, we need to know more about these things. There is another thing I am very concerned about. They just said that Shihui captured Nanzhong?"

"Damn it, they can go north to Yizhou from the south at any time!" Cao Pi immediately reacted.

So, about a month later, what the two of them saw and heard was collected one after another and sent to Cao Cao.The latter locked himself in the room for a day, checked the map constantly, and finally wrote the memorial.

"Aiqing's words are true?" The next day, when he went to court, Cao Cao presented his memorial, and Emperor Xian was shocked.

"The minister sent his confidantes to Jiaozhou and Yuezhou to check. After two months, the news there continued to gather. Judging from the investigation results, after leaving the Western Regions, going south, that is, from Dawan Kingdom to the south, there may be real An exotic civilization!" Cao Cao replied solemnly.

After a pause, I continued to speak: "I implore Your Majesty to form the Western Expedition Corps, reopen the Western Region Protectorate, and expand westward! I am not talented, and I am willing to serve as the commander of the army to expand the territory for the great Han. I will not hesitate to die!"

 Cao, the general of the Han Dynasty conquering the west, the old Cao's long-cherished wish, let him be fulfilled!

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(End of this chapter)

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