The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 327 Yuan Shao Also Comes To Share The Cup

Chapter 327 Yuan Shao Also Comes To Share The Cup

If the government's acquisition has reached the point where the price needs to be raised, Shi Hui feels that there is no need to continue the acquisition.The folks have begun to digest locusts by themselves, which is a good result. It can also be considered that there are fewer and fewer locusts, so the price is getting more and more expensive.

In the past, you could get a lot of them by grabbing them casually, but now you need to find them specially, and the cost will increase and the price will definitely increase.But catching locusts can be done by the old and the weak, women and children, and the whole family can earn more money if they go out, which can be regarded as a subsidy for the family.

"Maybe one day, there may be someone who specializes in raising locusts..." Shi Hui joked. In fact, he knew very well that there were indeed people who raised locusts in later generations, with an income of 10,000+ a year. When this news was reported, at that time The minimum wage there seems to be just over 600, and 10,000+ a year is almost unimaginable.

"I don't know about the other places of locust dish, but in Nanyang County, it has a great response. Many people come here admiringly, thinking that this is authentic. Maybe in the future, as the lord said, there will be people who specialize in raising locusts and selling them to the store. "Liu Bowen became serious when he heard the words.

Deducting the improvement of people's livelihood, the key is to deal with locust disasters. When encountering locust disasters in the future, local governments should also know how to deal with them. The key is to make the original disaster profitable, which is very rare.

As for letting locust vegetables 'migrate' here to become a special dish, Shi Hui didn't apologize at all. After all, in his era, the Yellow River probably couldn't flow into the Bohai Sea, and even the Yangtze River would try to minimize flooding. Maybe several lakes would not be able to form because of this. , This is the biggest change brought to the world by the traversers.

Whether these changes will lead to the disappearance of some specialty dishes, he does not know.

"The rest of the time is to digest the territory that has already been conquered. Since Chen Gong has surrendered, he will be appointed as the governor of Jiangxia; as for Chen Deng, I will appoint him as the governor of Guangling. In addition, I plan to appoint Yeluzhu as the governor of Xiapi; and the governor of Nanyang. What does Bowen think about the appointment of Zhang Hong?" Shi Hui asked.

"Er Zhang is also quite talented, and after Zhang Hong was a Jinshi in high school, his ability to govern in the local area is also very good. Even if the lord does not arrange it, his subordinates will recommend it. As for Yelu Zhu, literary talent and military strategy, the current Pi prefect is suitable But!" Liu Bowen didn't even think about it.

"Prefect of Jiujiang, I plan to promote Gu Yong, is he a little younger?" Shi Hui was a little worried.

"Gu Yong is 28 years old this year. He is still young, but his ability is very good. He is completely competent!" Liu Bowen nodded.

"The biggest problem now is the prefect of Lujiang. My father asked me to take care of my own people. I plan to arrange for him to be the governor of Jiaozhou. With his ability, he is fully qualified. Only Shi Song and Shi Gan..." Shi Hui said At this point, I don't know what to say, my father also hopes that he can take care of the family, maybe it is the result of Shi Song and Shi Gan's begging.

As the old man gets older, some things will inevitably be bound by human feelings and become irrational.Shi Song's ability is barely enough to be a county lieutenant; let alone a scholar, the county guard doubts whether he can do it.The upper limit of talent for two days is estimated to be like this, and it has nothing to do with whether you work hard or not.

"It can be appointed as the prefect of Changsha, and a suitable county magistrate can be arranged for him. As for the scholar prefect, he can be transferred to be the prefect of Lujiang." Liu Bowen thought for a while and gave an answer.

As far as Shi Yuan is concerned, it is fine to serve as the county guard or even the governor. As for Shi Gan, that’s all. Just arrange a qualified county minister to help him. Shi Hui thought for a while and nodded and said, “Then arrange Xiang Lang to help him.” !"

To put it bluntly, Xiang Lang is actually the governor of the county, and the scholar is just a mixed resume with a title of prefect.If he is wise and manages Changsha well, he can at least gain a reputation as a virtuous man, and then he can only hope for his next generation, that is, his nephew's generation.

All in all, although Shi Xie hasn't added a younger brother or sister to himself in the past few years, Shi Yi, Shi and Shi Wu all have new heirs, and they are all two or three years old. Thinking that I have a two or three-year-old His cousin is somewhat weird, but he knows very well that this is the characteristic of this era.

For example, Xun Yu is the uncle of Xun You, who is older than him, and Lu Ji, the uncle, is also younger than Lu Xun, the nephew.There are other situations, even when the old man is 80 years old, a son is born, who is the same age as his great-grandson or grandson.

Shi Yuan seems to be getting married too, and he is marrying a daughter of the Sun family, who is considered to be Sun Ce's sister.The couple are very loving, and it is estimated that a nephew or niece will be born soon.In fact, both Zou and Shangguan Wan'er were pregnant, and Xiaoyao was accepted as a concubine because of her pregnancy, and her original surname was restored, and she was called Song.

"My lord, our action this time has indeed attracted the attention of many people, especially those students and warriors. Can we open an Enke next year and recruit a group of talents, which can be regarded as preparations for us to sweep the Central Plains? At the same time, Maybe there will be female candidates coming to take the exam." Liu Bowen asked for instructions.

"Well, isn't it unreasonable to open another Enke so soon?" Shi Hui remembered that Enke had just opened last year or the year before.

"After all, what the lord is going to do next also requires a certain amount of fame. In order to reduce the pressure in this regard, a proper Enke is necessary!" Liu Bowen replied.

What else can happen next? He has already dominated the south of the Yangtze River, and even went north to defeat Jingzhou. Two counties in Xuzhou also fell into his hands. Naturally, it is impossible to continue to be a Yangzhou shepherd.

Someone below has proposed that he be called emperor, so that he can manage the place better, and at the same time, he can attack other forces in a legitimate way.It's just that Liu Bowen and others think that a transition is needed, after all, direct rebellion is suspected of being improper.

In fact, according to the past tradition, it is better to advocate abdication. As long as this tradition is maintained, not to mention the cost of future rebellion, and even if the rebellion is successful, it is a very important habit to treat the royal family of the previous generation well.

There are always some fools who think that there can be a permanent regime, so they kill the previous generation of kings without authorization, and finally they are destroyed, and the descendants of the royal family are also hunted and killed, and they may end up with no children and grandchildren.

So in the next step, he can only be proclaimed the public first, and then use the title of "Qing Jun's side, suppress the rebels" to enter Guanzhong and sweep Hebei.In the end, letting Emperor Xian abdicate, this process can be considered perfect.However, it is rare for a big man to have a foreign surname as a duke, so it is necessary to gain a wave of fame and attract a wave of talents...

"Well, let's use Enke!" Shi Hui nodded, since it is necessary, then don't hesitate.

"And the most important thing at the moment is another person. He did something while we were going south!" Liu Bowen took another piece of information, raised both hands, and sent it to Shi Hui.

"That guy Yuan Shao is really unwilling to be lonely!" Shi Hui took it over and looked at it, and couldn't help but sneer.

It turned out that Yuan Shao took advantage of their Northern Expedition to send troops to Qingzhou. Originally, he had already conquered the plains, and then came Beihai Donglai and other places. He even named Yuan Tan the governor of Qingzhou, and he intended to continue going south.

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(End of this chapter)

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