The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 323 You Are Only Left, Lu Bu

Chapter 323 You Are Only Left, Lu Bu

The fire started, gasoline is a good thing, and its combustion effect is much better than that of grease and gunpowder in this era.

It is not difficult to find pure oil. It was used in China in ancient times, and it was most widely used in the Song Dynasty. It was called "Menghuo Oil".On this basis, it is not a big problem to fractionate gasoline, or fuel mixed liquid, by the local method.

The heavy-duty trebuchet poured gasoline on the stone bombs, so this thing was originally an accessory for the army, and a large part of it was taken out by Shi Hui and dropped at several points in Bowangpo. Anyway, whether Bowangpo is destroyed here , has nothing to do with him.

Anyway, these days, there is no environmental protection law and wildlife protection law.

"The bees have been smoked out by the fireworks!" Shi Hui looked ahead, and because of the rapid spread of the fire, Chen Gong and the others had already ran towards them, "Be careful, bees can sting people!"

"If there is no challenge, then it would be too boring!" Guan Sheng said proudly, stroking his long beard.

As the rear army, Ma Jun had already received the news in advance, and then retreated. The auxiliary soldiers behind also began to take out tools to quickly build a isolation zone behind.Basically, there is no need to worry about the fire spreading here. What needs to be considered now is how to get rid of these annoying bees, and then go out to see if Lu Bu is wandering around here.

"Kill!" Gao Shun and the others had already realized that there was a sea of ​​flames behind them. If they continued to stay there, they would definitely be burned to death, but in front of them was the enemy. Even if they died in battle, it would at least not be considered a shame for a soldier.

"Hey, this momentum is good!" Guan Sheng fought for a while, only to feel that these soldiers were ready to die in battle, and they were completely fighting for their lives. He was very satisfied with this attitude.

If it was changed to the past, the army of [-] to [-] would have collapsed in less than a quarter of an hour, and this would be too boring.There is indeed a gap in strength between the two sides, but they don't have the courage to continue fighting, which makes people despise.

"The traitor will die!" But suddenly a figure appeared in front of Guan Sheng, and slashed at him with a single knife.

With a sound of "dang", Guan Sheng was blocking this attack, but the opponent's foot combat was much more flexible than him in the forest.It would be a bit of a disadvantage to continue to fight on horseback.

"I remember you!" Guan Sheng simply got off his horse, "You seem to be called Gao Shun, right? The leader of that elite army!"

Originally, Wancheng could fall in a day, but thanks to the elite defenders with fewer than a thousand people, they blocked their way.This troop at least has the combat power of Shura's dual-blade soldiers, but it's a pity that the number is too small, less than a thousand.If there are five thousand, maybe you can defend for an extra day.

"Get out of the way, my target is not you!" Gao Shun knew very well that the key to this battle was actually the badge behind him.

"Haha!" Guan Sheng waved the Yanyue knife in his hand, "Do you think I will let you go? If you want to go there, you can, step on my corpse!"

"Then please go to hell!" Gao Shun quickly approached Guan Sheng, he knew that Yanyue Dao was not good for melee combat.

"I dare to dismount, don't I know how to deal with this kind of situation?" Guan Sheng looked at Gao Shun with contempt, and swung the Yanyue knife in his hand, which was even faster than Gao Shun, and slashed at him.

"What a fast knife!" Gao Shun couldn't help being startled, he falsely blocked this move, but used this move to jump back and distance himself.

"Our Guan family's saber is fast!" Guan Sheng said proudly, the enemy couldn't react too fast, and even if they reacted, they couldn't stop the fierceness!

"Is it really okay to be so complacent?" Wei Yan laughed at the side, "If you have the skill to play tricks on the other party, it's better to finish them quickly! Look at me, Cao Xing is tied up!"

Guan Sheng heard the words and saw that Wei Yan had beaten Cao Xing to the ground before he knew it, and had someone tie him up.At the same time, beside him, there were hundreds of corpses of enemy soldiers. Of course, some of these were also masterpieces of Wei Yan's personal soldiers.

"Hey, it seems that we have to make a quick decision, otherwise Guan will be underestimated." Guan Sheng smiled faintly and looked at Gao Shun.

"Who will die and who will live, you don't know!" Gao Shun rushed forward quickly. At this moment, his eyes were firm and his strikes were sharp and unreserved. Guan Sheng could tell at a glance that this guy was going to do his best!
"You want to work hard too!?" Guan Sheng looked at Gao Shun contemptuously, swiping the big knife in his hand.Gao Shun felt a phantom flash in front of his eyes, and then his chest hurt, and he was sent flying.

"You!" Before Gao Shun lost consciousness, he looked at Guan Sheng, and he immediately understood that Guan Sheng was not serious before.His real strength is not only faster, but also stronger!

"Hmph, it's just at this level, but he actually has the nerve to come out and make a fool of himself!" Guan Sheng snorted coldly, signaling his subordinates to tie up this person.

The whole battle situation was in chaos, and when Cheng Lian and Hao Meng were commanding troops to fight separately, Hou Cheng, Wei Xu and Song Xian, seeing the opportunity came, immediately attacked, arrested Chen Gong, and arrested his cronies All suppressed.

"You three!" Chen Gong was not stupid, he knew what happened.All three were Lu Bu's former subordinates, and Wei Xu and Lu Bu were still related by marriage. Unexpectedly, all three of them betrayed.

"Following the imperial court has no future, it would be better to follow General Zhengnan! Military division, I'm sorry!" Wei Xu came to Chen Gong and said with a proud look.It was obvious that he didn't feel guilty at all.

"The general situation is gone, the general situation is gone..." Chen Gong heard the words, and did not scold the three of them for treachery, but felt that the imperial court was powerless, and the Shi Hui might really come to rule the thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty... By the way, it seems that there are fifteen prefectures now Bar?

If it is true that Yuezhou, which has already been played, and Yizhou, which has just been discovered, are included.

Seeing that three more comrades turned against the water, and most of the soldiers were led by them to surrender, even if Cheng Lian and Hao Meng were still loyal to Lu Bu, they couldn't continue to resist seeing this, so they could only obediently surrender.Of course, this action made Huo Jun, Zu Lang, Wen Pin and Zhou Tai very dissatisfied, and they were about to deal with them, but they surrendered before they were satisfied, which is really unpleasant!
"My lord, the isolation zone has been built, and the fire should be suppressed within a certain range!" In less than an hour, the commander of the auxiliary soldiers came over. In fact, he also has the title of general, but in essence he is still an auxiliary soldier, LV1. It was just a farmer, and Shi Hui didn't specifically remember his name.

"Very well, let's just sit and wait for the fire to go out! If you are bored, you can get some game for a barbecue... I remember there seems to be some cumin in the baggage?" Shi Hui laughed.

"My lord, Lu Bu was found in the rear, and they were wandering outside the rear. It seems that they found a fire, and they are waiting for us to be burned out!" At this time, a scout came to report.

"Ah, but I forgot about him!" Shi Hui patted his forehead, "But he's the only one left! Well, the barbecue will start later, Rengui, Lu Bu will leave it to you! Yang Xiong also Ambush near there, if you can't beat him, he will take over!"

"The final general decides that the lord will fetch Lu Buxiang's head!" Of course Xue Rengui would not allow Yang Xiong to intervene, so he led his army into battle.

"Perhaps, this is the end of Lu Bu?" Shi Hui muttered in a low voice, looking at Xue Rengui's leaving figure.

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(End of this chapter)

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