Chapter 312
The battle on Xiapi ended with the loss of [-] soldiers of the imperial army as Le Jin and Li Dian were captured.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei retreated to Pengcheng County. If the supply line had not been stretched too long, and there were too many problems to be dealt with, especially Mu Huali had led his army northward and directly defeated Xuzhou.

"Military division, with our abilities, we can completely take down the entire Central Plains in this Northern Expedition, why not continue going north?" Mu Huali was obviously more aggressive, in fact, even Yuwen Chengdu was ready to move.

The competition between him and Zhang Fei is not over yet, stopping here always feels a little uncomfortable.

"It's not our attack this time. We are going all the way, and the supplies are prone to problems." Wang Meng looked at the crowd with a rare face, "If there is a problem with the logistics, it will not only affect our Northern Expedition, but also affect other countries. The attacking situation of the troops. Not to mention, it is the lord who is in charge of the war in Jingzhou. If we affect them, then our sin will be great?
Since the original plan was only to take down Xiapi County, if conditions permit, we can at most clean up several counties in Pengcheng County and Pei County to warn the enemy and continue the Northern Expedition, which is unnecessary .

Besides, Xiapi County and Guangling County are riddled with holes, and many people have been displaced. We can't move these people to Jiangnan and make the two counties a no-man's land, right? "

"It's just..." Yu Wencheng was still a little unwilling.

"Okay!" As the general, Mu Huali is the chief general. The key is that he is a general with a brain. After listening to Wang Meng's words, he finally made a decision. Otherwise, be careful, and don’t be attacked by the enemy because of a momentary carelessness, it would be a shame!”

"Here!" Since the chief general had given the order, the generals below naturally knew it and could only accept the order obediently.

After more than ten days, the Guanzhong court sent people over, hoping to redeem Li Dian and Le Jin.It happened that the two were also loyal, Mu Huali personally came forward to ask for surrender, and even Wang Meng came forward to persuade them, but the two still refused to surrender.Originally, according to Mu Huali's intention, he would just kill him directly, but when he was about to do it, the messenger came.

"Military division, why did you let the two of them go? Don't be afraid, let the tiger go back to the mountain?" Mu Huali asked, both Le Jin and Li Dian are good at commanding troops, Le Jin's own strength is not bad, and Li Dian is Yun Wen. Yun Wu.

"In my opinion, if you just put back two frightened kittens, how can you let the tiger go back to the mountain? They have already seen the strength of our army. If they want to fight against us in the future, they will definitely think twice before acting. It will be easier to deal with it this way." .On the other hand, it would be more troublesome if another Lengtouqing came over."

"It's true what the military advisor said. It's better to be familiar with the enemy." Mu Huali thought for a while when he heard the words, and agreed.However, in terms of ransom, naturally there will be no shortage. The key is that he is also curious about what kind of ransom the puppet court can offer.

There is no shortage of food, armor, and horse emblems, so what ransom can the puppet court come up with to make them feel tempted?

As a result, the answer was revealed. It turned out that the puppet government planned to use the people who had to migrate due to the disaster in Yanzhou and Xuzhou as the main ransom, together with some money, food and grass, to redeem the two.

"300 million people, is this adding to our troubles?" Wang Meng was of course dissatisfied with the result, "We can accept it, but only 200 million people, and they must be young adults and children, and the proportion of women should be more!"

"In addition, in terms of money and food, the proportion should be increased appropriately. 200 million people, this is not the ransom you gave us, but the trouble you gave us. We are willing to take over. It is better than waiting for them to slowly die in Yanzhou!" Mu Huali also took the opportunity to sing red faces.

The envoy was none other than Chen Deng. Now he has a family and cannot return. The key is that the imperial court sent him to negotiate, fearing that he will eventually be used to convict him to appease people's hearts.

"I can agree to all of these!" Chen Deng weighed in, "But I hope you two agree to one condition!"

"But it's okay to say it!" Wang Meng looked at Chen Deng's appearance for a while, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said affirmatively.Just now, Chen Deng's face changed three times in a flash, and finally he seemed to have made some kind of determination, and it was a decision that was beneficial to them.

"I need you to arrange manpower, take our family out, and introduce to Yangzhou Mu at the same time." Chen Deng replied.

"Are you planning to betray the court?" Wang Meng asked immediately.

"Chen was conscripted by Tao Qian, the governor of Xuzhou, and was temporarily under Liu Bei's command because his lord gave Xuzhou to Liu Bei. After Liu Bei surrendered to the imperial court, he became an official of the imperial court. Chen never intended to serve the puppet court. Why? Come to betray?" Chen Deng said earnestly, "It's just that the father and younger brother are still in the hands of the puppet government, so they have to submit."

"If your father wants to leave, can the puppet court stop him?" Mu Huali obviously didn't believe it.

"The general doesn't know something!" Chen Deng also showed a helpless expression, "This time the battle of Xuzhou was obviously my mastermind, but in fact it was originally Cao Cao's man named Xi Zhong. The prestige of the family is even greater, because of this defeat, the puppet government needs someone to take responsibility. May I ask, who else is more suitable than Chen who is famous, the mastermind of this war, and even betrayed the people?"

"It's okay to rescue your family, but as a substitute, we can only introduce you to the lord. As for whether the lord wants to conscript you, we still need to assess, we can't guarantee it." Wang Meng replied. , In fact, it is indeed a famous family.

The grandfather's generation began to become the prefect of Guanghan, and among the father's generation, uncle Chen Qiuguan to Taiwei.Chen Yu, Chen Gui, and Chen Cong are all famous for their talents. The third generation Chen Deng has already held important positions at a young age.The only one who didn't make it clear was Chen Deng's younger brother, Chen Ying, who had the same name as the current Nan Jiyun's Chen Ying, but he didn't seem to be alone.

It's just that the imperial examination has already started to be implemented, and I'm afraid that direct recommendation may not be able to be admitted directly. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a broken rule?Even Wang Meng joined the army along the regular route, and after more than a year of assessment, he was specially promoted to be a general in the military division. In the army, he was gradually promoted from a small soldier.

"It doesn't matter, Chen is not afraid of any test." Chen Deng had no objection when he heard the words. As far as he knew, the person in front of him had served in the army for a year and had been promoted to be a general in the army.He prides himself on being somewhat capable, even if he starts as a small official, what is there to be afraid of?
"Okay, let's sign the agreement. I'll write a letter and ask Jin Yiwei to come forward and rescue your family!" Wang Meng nodded, indicating that Chen Deng could sign.

Jin Yiwei, this is the first time Chen Deng has heard of this name, but he can tell that this is Shi Hui's spy unit.Obviously, this is not just a pure spy force, otherwise the name 'Jinyi' would not be used.

The next day, Chen Deng, who had signed the agreement, went back and accepted the punishment directly. Guan Yu was furious after reading the agreement, and Zhang Fei almost killed him. Finally, Xi Zhi came forward and only locked him up.

 It's hard to code without drinking coffee... It seems that I'm really used to it...

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(End of this chapter)

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