Chapter 304

"The battlefield..." Upon receiving Ma Teng's reply, Cen Xi smiled contemptuously, "Is there any place in this world that deserves to be called a 'battlefield'?"

Pure crushing is not considered a 'war', it can only be regarded as a simple 'bullying'.Zhang Ji's Xiliang iron cavalry had all been defeated in the past, but Cen Xi really didn't pay attention to the so-called Xiliang iron cavalry under Ma Teng's command.As for the other so-called elites, they might really be considered elites, but in Cen Xi's view, the soldiers under his command were not inferior to the opponent either.

The key point is that their morale is high, the soldiers are willing to work hard, and at the same time obey the command.As for the opponent, there are not only the troops of the imperial court, but also the Yanzhou Army that was originally under Cao Cao's command, and the Zhang Xiu Department that has just taken refuge in the team.

Cen Xi really wanted to ask Ma Teng: "Who the hell gave you the courage to think that you would have the ability to fight us?"

"General, you might as well give them a dismount, so that they won't dare to fight against us again!" Xu Shu stepped forward, "Order Zhuge Liannu to step forward!"

"That's right. Immediately pass on my military order to order Zhuge's Liannu Department to step forward!" Cen Xi originally planned to lead his army to fight with Ma Teng's Department, but he knew it was reasonable after hearing the words, so he could only issue an order.

He didn't know why, Zhuge Liannu was named after the compound surname 'Zhuge', maybe the inventor was the Zhuge family?It's just that as far as he knows, this kind of war weapon level weapon has never appeared before, and there is no skilled craftsman surnamed 'Zhuge', because this kind of crossbow is famous.

Perhaps, it may be that the badge is to distinguish it from the ordinary Liannu?There are also continuous crossbow soldiers in the army. The range of this continuous crossbow is only around 20 meters, and it can be increased to 30 meters if it is thrown.The key is that in about three breaths, one can be shot, and it is easy to form a curtain of arrows. This is the strength of the Liannu soldiers.

It is only said that if the continuous crossbowmen are sent to the front of the formation, more than 3000 people will throw arrows, and the arrows will continue to fall into the enemy's formation. Even if only [-]% of them can hit the enemy, it will cause terrible casualties.

But to say, he is actually more optimistic about this Zhuge Liannu.Following his order, the soldiers moved back the Zhuge Liannu in the rear army one after another, transported it with a trolley, and adjusted the shooting angle on the trolley. At the same time, there was also a trolley loaded with special arrows as a supplement.

According to Shi Hui, this Zhuge Liannu was originally a defensive weapon, and its size was much larger than it is now.Later, it was changed to a smaller size and made into what it is now, so that it can be sent to the front line on a cart and used as a war weapon.

The crossbow bolts of this kind of crossbow are specially made, in other words, they need to be transported by another convoy, and cannot be used in common with other crossbow bolts.Compared with traditional crossbows and even arrows, this special crossbow is longer and has stronger penetrating power, with a range of up to 500 meters, an effective range of 300 meters, and can penetrate iron armor within 100 meters.

There were 3000 Zhuge Liannumen under Cen Xi's command, but [-] of them had been sent to serve under Tai Shici and Li Jin's command, and only [-] were with him.There is no point in having too many, and it is not allowed to place so many crossbows in front of the formation.

"The first row is ready to shoot, the second and third rows are ready to move forward!" The captain commanding the Zhuge Liannu shouted, and the first row of one hundred Zhuge Liannu soldiers were ready to shoot.The second and third rows are also ready for replacements, and the crossbow supply vehicles in the last row are also ready for crossbow supply.

"What are those things, and why were they brought to the front line?" Ma Teng looked at the enemy's position and couldn't help frowning.

"It should be some kind of weapon. The opponent doesn't seem to be planning to attack!" Zhang Xiu stepped forward.

"It should be some kind of mechanism. There are more than a dozen small holes on the side of the mechanism facing us. There should be something shooting out of it. General, you might as well send shield soldiers to cover it before launching a charge!" Li Shimin examined it carefully. After a while, he turned around and looked at Ma Teng for advice.

"Good!" Ma Teng is also 'following advice'. He doesn't think that the Cenxi tribe just stays there, waiting for them to attack. Instead of being beaten passively, it is better to take the initiative to attack, especially the cavalry. If they don't run, then basically Abandoned.

"In the front, use Taishan soldiers to press the formation, and advance with heavy shields! The central army, use the Qingzhou soldiers to launch a charge, and the rear army will use the elite headquarters to break through!" Ma Teng immediately issued an order, and the infantry began to line up one after another.

"Cavalry!" Ma Teng immediately ordered, "Left and right sides, outflank the enemy!"

"General, the enemy seems to be planning to use heavy shields to guard against us! Besides, there is movement in their cavalry!" Wei Wentong stepped forward.

"I know you want to fight!" Cen Xi looked at Wei Wentong with a smile, "I order you to lead three thousand knights and three thousand light cavalry to deal with the enemy army on the left! Guan Ping, I order you to lead three thousand light cavalry to fight against Yan Yunxue. Knights deal with the enemy on the right!"

"The last general takes orders!" Wei Wentong and Guan Ping came out, and at the same time, the leader of the Yanyun blood knight, the captain.

Although the rest of the generals did not receive orders, everyone knew that as soon as the situation opened up, it was time for them to launch a general offensive.Chen Wu, Lu Meng and Cheng Chubi all took a deep breath at this moment, hoping to perform well.

"The enemy is coming up!" As the army shouted, it was visible to the naked eye that the infantry of Ma Teng's troops had assembled and began to advance towards them.Instead of slowly moving forward, it is better to say that it is running and launching a surprise attack.

Obviously they also know very well that they will be safe if they get into the enemy's formation as soon as possible!
"Unfortunately, it's impossible for you to get close!" Cen Xi said silently in his heart, and then ordered: "Zhuge Liannu Department, get ready to shoot... shoot!"

After setting aside a distance of about 150 meters, Cen Xi gave the order to shoot.He is very clear that it will take some time for the order to be passed on and then implemented.This is the best time to order to shoot.

Sure enough, when the captain below gave the order to shoot, the enemy had already entered within 100 meters.Even with heavy shields, in order to break through to the enemy's position as soon as possible, they still go all out to run.

But at this moment, Zhuge Liannu's first shooting started.One crossbow with ten arrows, after activating the mechanism, ten specially made arrows flew out, piercing through the heavy shield unexpectedly.Or even if the first arrow couldn't penetrate, the second arrow could still hit the group of Taishan soldiers unable to hold the heavy shield in their hands, and the third arrow had already knocked down the heavy shield in their hands.

"The second row goes forward, the first row retreats! The third row gets ready, and the supply truck starts replenishing arrows!" The captain in command shouted, and as the first row's continuous crossbows shot into the air, the soldiers quickly moved Pull it back, the second row immediately stepped forward, opened the mechanism and started shooting, and the third row was ready to shoot.

The first row retreated to the back, and the soldiers who had prepared arrows opened the back of the crossbow, loaded the crossbow, and then shook the joystick to string the crossbow. After doing this, the third row had almost finished shooting, and the third row The first row went up quickly, and then the second row has come back to replenish.

A large number of arrows were shot towards the enemy, and tens of thousands of crossbow arrows have been fired for three consecutive rounds...

Just looking at the Taishan soldiers in front, after three rounds of shooting, most of them have been shot dead on the spot, and some are seriously injured, making it difficult to move.The Qingzhou soldiers behind were originally less than 40 meters away from the enemy, but they were taken aback by the situation at the scene.

Before continuing to charge, the second round of shooting had already begun, and the crossbow bolts quickly fell among them. Some soldiers in front were shot and killed, and some fell to the ground with serious injuries, unexpectedly blocking them 40 meters away.

There is no way to advance, and advancing is death, but not advancing is also death, just because the effective range of the crossbow is as high as 300 meters, it can be said that the enemy is still within the attack range, and at most there is no way to penetrate their armor.

"General, the enemy's weapons are terrible. The [-] Taishan soldiers of our army have been wiped out, and the Qingzhou soldiers have begun to suffer casualties. Our soldiers have been at about forty paces and cannot move forward. Would you like to retreat?" The school captain hurriedly came to Ma Teng to ask for instructions.

"What kind of weapon is this? It's so powerful!" Ma Teng was also amazed at the moment. There has never been a weapon that has such a penetrating ability and also has the effect of bursting fire.

Those crossbow arrows were fired almost without any interval, and the unlucky soldiers were hit by at least two arrows.Qingzhou soldiers are all faith-based troops. They are not even afraid to die on the battlefield for their own beliefs.But what cannot be denied is that they are also flesh and blood, and they will still die if they are hit by an arrow!
"Let them stand up and lift up the heavy shields! The crossbow troops go up and contain the enemy! The cavalry troops, no matter what, must break through the opponent's position and destroy the opponent's weapons!" Ma Teng Shout.

As soon as Ma Teng gave the order, Sun Ce and Zhang Xiu had each led their soldiers, led Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan, each led [-] cavalry, and charged towards the enemy's two sides.

"Your opponent is us!" Wei Wentong, who was already prepared, killed him immediately.The blood knight's captain and Guan Ping also followed behind, heading towards the enemy army on the other side.

The two sides were originally separated by about two miles, and when they fought separately, they soon encountered each other in the middle of the battlefield...

"General, the other party seems to have sent a bow and crossbow force!" At the same time, some personal guards had already gone to report to Cen Xi.

"I see!" Cen Xi obviously also saw that in the opponent's position, the bow and crossbow troops had begun to pile up, and with the cover of the Qingzhou soldiers in front, they began to shoot.

"Let the continuous crossbowmen back, let the strong bowmen and continuous crossbowmen go up!" Cen Xi immediately gave the order.Not long after, the crossbowmen who received the order retreated quickly under the command of the captain, and the strong bowmen and crossbowmen who received the order stepped forward one after another and began to shoot.

The crossbowmen even squatted down and began to shoot at the Qingzhou soldiers in front. Cen Xi's subordinates were able to flexibly master the three-stage shooting, at least to ensure that there would be no confusion when the team was replaced.

"Damn it!" Ma Teng has been paying attention to the situation on the battlefield. Seeing that the crossbowmen of the Cenxi Department have also started to go into battle, he was not afraid at first, because ordinary crossbows can't penetrate heavy shields at all.But the key point is that the group of soldiers with weird-looking weapons in the middle of the opponent has shot three arrows in a row in a short period of time, and it seems that the situation is not over yet.

Although such a weapon is not very powerful, in the case of projectiles, projectiles with such a frequency will also be very dangerous.In particular, he could tell that the arrows fired by the opponent's archers and crossbowmen were too powerful, and heavy shields would probably be very difficult.

"This is not a level of battle at all!" Ma Teng quickly came to a conclusion, he found that the enemy's strength was too strong.

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(End of this chapter)

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