The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 300 It's a Dream 1 Everything Is a Dream

Chapter 300 It's a Dream, Everything Is a Dream
In less than a quarter of an hour, there were no living people in this outpost barracks.Everyone in Yan Yun's bloodthirsty knights is bloodthirsty, as long as they fight, there will be no survivors.Shi Hui once told the generals that Cen Xi didn't think so at the time.

Seeing these enemy troops now, in the hands of this group of Yanyun blood knights, there is really no room for resistance. First of all, I feel that these knights are really strong.Then when he saw that even if the enemy begged for mercy, the blood knights still killed them, he understood that what Shi Hui said was true, these blood knights were a group of bloodthirsty lunatics.

This means that it must be a critical moment to use this army in the future. Otherwise, if the slaughter continues, I am afraid that not only will the opponent not be afraid, but it will arouse the opponent's idea of ​​united resistance.

"Speaking of which, can you stop being so cold-faced?" After cleaning up the battlefield, Cen Xi looked at the blood knights, and had to say that in the middle of the night, he followed this group of people dressed in black and wearing veils, with a cold expression on their faces. Guy, I feel really bad.

"..." However, no one responded to him, or that after they passed the training and became blood knights, they no longer had emotions.Only nine people could be sacrificed to create a blood knight. One can imagine how dangerous the process is.

"Okay..." Seeing this, Cen Xi stopped asking this question.

After a brief rest, Cen Xi called Li Jin and Tai Shici directly, and said to them: "From the information provided by Jin Yiwei, Yuan Shu dispatched Mei Cheng to station [-] troops in Shu County, including [-] soldiers. , but in this general's opinion, only [-] elites are enough to defeat an enemy of this level.

So there is no need to wait for the troops behind, rest in place for two hours, and then immediately attack Shu County, is there any objection? "

"But according to the general's arrangement!" Of course, the two of them will not disagree, no matter from the analysis of the combat power of the enemy and us, or the previous battle that Cen Xi set up was not considered a battle at all, and the two of them did not exert much effort, except for being a little tired. , basically there is no problem, it is completely possible to fight another battle.

"Since there is no problem, then take a good rest. Remember, assemble immediately in two hours!" Cen Xi nodded.

During the march, it is actually quite good to have two hours to rest.There were also times when she couldn't rest for a day and a night. If it wasn't for ensuring the team's combat effectiveness, Cen Xi wouldn't even arrange a rest. Time is very precious.

Two hours later, the team quickly assembled.It's amazing, many of them should be regarded as recruits, just after a war, they were near the battlefield, but they were still able to sleep peacefully.After two hours, I recovered a lot of energy, and I can continue to fight.

High lethality, high resistance to beating, and high recovery ability, these are the qualities that Yanyun blood knights must possess. The price is that their service time is only ten years, and they can only live to around 50 years old at most.At the same time, the five thousand knights who came over also have good physical fitness. Their recovery ability is relatively poor, but it is above the normal level. Not surprisingly, they can actually have the lifespan of a normal person, or even slightly longer. After all, the training system is different.

"General, the siege equipment has not been transported yet..." Tai Shici stepped forward to remind him before he was about to set off. After two hours, he thought that the equipment and soldiers from the rear would come one after another, but he did not expect to.Without siege equipment, with their cavalry unit, they may not be able to attack.

"Don't worry, there are still [-] infantry among us, but they are all on horseback!" Cen Xi didn't take it seriously. For siege or something, a long ladder would be good. There are not no infantry, just to test it their strength.

Tai Shici didn't know about the existence of Asura's dual-sword soldiers, but the ones following him now, excluding the Yanyun Blood Knights and Knight Legion, were basically a cavalry unit with dual-swords, and they were easy to recognize.

"Pawns? The pawns riding on the Dawan BMW?" Tai Shici obviously couldn't believe that these pawns actually used the Dawan BMW as a means of transportation.According to him, if it's just for transportation, riding a yellow-maned horse would do just fine.

Yellow Mane, Black Mane, White Mane, and Dawan Horse, as the generals under the command of Shi Hui, already roughly know the four grades of horses in the army.These horses seem to have similar speeds according to their ethnic groups, and there will never be a situation like 'the yellow-maned horse has the speed of a Dawan horse' suddenly.These generals are also curious about how to train them so that they can be trained so uniformly.

"It is said that they also have a certain ability in cavalry combat, and can be used as cavalry when needed... The key is that every soldier has the strength above a military rank, so it is very difficult to train and requires a lot of resources. Others can only be used You're going to ask the lord." Cen Xi didn't know much about these LV4 units, after all, the time to take over was too short.

Anyway, as long as you know their general abilities, there is no need to worry too much.Especially after Shi Hui introduced the situation of these arms at that time, he said to them: "Anyway, they are even more elite than the previous batch!"

It's good to have this sentence, the previous batch is already considered elite, if there are still elites, then there is no need to doubt their combat effectiveness.

Juchao is only a hundred miles away from Zongyang, and at the speed of Dawan BMW, although its durability is limited, it still arrives around noon the next day.From a distance, the shadow of the city wall can already be seen.

"There's no need to stop, charge, the whole army charges!" Cen Xi shouted, and took the lead in charging. In order to maintain their horsepower, they slowed down their horses all night and rested for half an hour to feed the horses. and beans.

"Charge!" Tai Shici and Li Jin also immediately realized Cen Xi's thoughts, and ordered the soldiers under their command to charge quickly.

The soldiers guarding the city were a little lazy at first, after all, it was already noon, and their stomachs had already started to growl.Thinking that it is time to hand over the shift, and then I will be able to eat.

In a trance, I only saw dust billowing on the horizon, and a troop rushed towards them quickly.The brain froze for about three seconds before realizing that this army might not be a friendly army.At this time, the enemy army was only less than 600 meters away from the gate.

"Close the door, close the door quickly! Enemy attack, enemy attack!" The soldiers guarding the city hurriedly picked up the copper gong on the wall, and because of nervousness, they dropped it once on the ground, then picked it up in a panic, and kept going. Beat up.

The soldiers guarding the city had already seen that the enemy soldiers who were coming towards them quickly retreated in, intending to close the gate with the joystick.At this time, the distance between the two sides was less than 300 meters.

"Li Jin, follow me in!" Cen Xi shouted, galloping his horse.The horse he sat on was rewarded with the emblem, and it was named 'Purple Gold Red Hare Horse'. It is said that the horse that sat on Lu Bu's horse, Chitun, was a good horse of the same level.

In fact, it's not just him, other generals have been rewarded with badges.The difference is that he exchanged for another Qinglong Yanyue Knife with his previous military exploits. The style is the same as Guan Yu's, but the quality is much better than his original Yanyue Knife.

It's a pity that his face shape is still somewhat different from Guan Yu's, and there is a gap in temperament, so he won't really become a "Guan Yu copy".

"Here!" Li Jin nodded, rode his horse and quickly followed Cen Xi to kill him. The horse he was sitting on was a family horse, faster than Dawan horse, so it made sense that Cen Xi would call him.

As for Tai Shici, who was riding a Dawan horse, he was a little helpless. It wasn't too long for him to rely on the badge.

Originally thought that the Dawan horse was already considered a good war horse, at least much better than the ones he had ridden before.But in front of the real good horse, he is still a little envious.

In a blink of an eye, the two had arrived under the city gate.The soldiers inside had worked very hard, the gate was almost half closed, but the two of them still rushed in, and Cen Xi took the lead. With a sharp swing of the Yanyue knife, under the slash, the three enemy soldiers were cut into pieces. two paragraphs.

"This weapon is strong enough!" Cen Xi almost couldn't control it. This knife is too sharp, and there is no sense of sluggishness as imagined, so he is really not used to it.

Not to mention cutting tofu, chopping it with a big knife is like cutting through the air without any resistance at all.After realizing it, there were already three enemy soldiers with their heads in different places, so he tried his best to control the sword to stop.

Li Jin didn't dare to show weakness, he held two guns and covered Cen Xi, and if anyone dared to approach, he would directly assassinate.

Finally, Yanyun blood knights came in one after another through the half-closed city gate.As Shura's two-sword soldiers entered, they dismounted one after another, and opened the city gate through the joystick, allowing subsequent knights and cavalry archers to come in.

Within the scope of the city, the cavalry cannot be used, but fortunately most of the people have already hid in the building. Under such circumstances, the knights galloped through the streets and turned by the alleys, but they were barely able to fight with them. Enemy armies engaged.

As for the Asura Dual Swordsmen, they will be fully displayed at that time.They were holding two swords, slashing left and right, beheading countless enemy soldiers, and from time to time the two swords merged, and when they swung, heads flew up one after another.

"Where is Mei Cheng?" Cen Xi rushed forward, and there was already a bloody road behind him, but after killing for a long time, he didn't see Mei Cheng, and immediately put the Yanyue knife across the neck of a small school and screamed.

"General, General, he is still in the government office..." The small school was also frightened and responded quickly.As soon as I finished speaking, I only felt a chill on my neck, and then a sense of weightlessness.

"Li Jin, Tai Shi Ci, you stay here and get rid of these bastards!" Cen Xi shouted, and then led his own army, and rushed to the government office.In just a moment, he had already broken through the external defenses and directly entered the government office.

"Where's Mei Cheng? Where is Mei Cheng?" Cen Xi broke into the mansion directly, killed a few defenders who rushed over, and then shouted.

"General Mei Cheng...he's still on the couch..." the defender said weakly.

Cen Xi was speechless at once, when is it, and he is still on the couch?After finishing off these soldiers, he entered Mei Cheng's bedroom, but saw a person on the bed, muttering: "It's all a dream, everything is a dream..."

It turned out that Mei Cheng had a flirt last night, and she got up late today, but in her sleep, someone said that there were enemy troops coming outside, but she didn't take it seriously at first.Immediately after hearing the report, saying that the enemy army had entered the city, he woke up suddenly. He was not fully dressed yet, and there was another report saying that the enemy army had already rushed towards the government office.

So Mei Cheng obediently took off his clothes and lay back on the bed. Maybe in his consciousness, all this was a dream?

"Dream your daydream, get up!" Cen Xi was speechless when he heard that, and lifted him up.

 Well, Chapter 2 is still posted at night, and I coded a thousand characters more, but the result is not enough time to finish Chapter 2...

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!At the same time, I wish you all a happy National Day, have fun, and have a good rest!


(End of this chapter)

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