Chapter 282

The Luban Academy is still the same Luban Academy, and the number of researchers is still 200. Shihui has not expanded its enrollment. The main reason is that once the scientific and technological research is completed, these researchers seem to have nothing to do.

After leaving the Luban Academy, their memories inside will disappear, in other words, they will become ordinary civilians again.However, the technology that has been researched can still play a role. Sure enough, it is the same as the blacksmith shop in the empire era. When the technology is fully developed, there will be no meaningful buildings...

This time, what kind of surprise will it bring to itself?Seeing that LV4 has been upgraded, and buildings such as the blacksmith shop and the stables have also started to be upgraded one after another, Shi Hui has a look at what kind of surprises the Luban Academy has brought him this time.

Refined steel smelting: Civilians learn to smelt refined steel and make it into various tools, increasing the collection efficiency by 50%.

Fenglin Huoshan: Gather the soul of the army, gain faith, and increase the ability of a certain aspect by 30% according to the type of arms.

Bloodline Improvement: Improve the quality of horses by selecting and improving the bloodlines of horses.

Intelligence System: Allows to train spies and assassins in military camps.

Rotation system: Common people learn the rotation system, increasing grain production by 50%.

Training Brutal Soldiers: Allows training Yamagoshi Speed ​​Shooters, Rattan Armored Soldiers, and Rhino Armored Warriors.

Gene Lock I: Unlock the first layer of genetic restriction locks for civilians, and increase the maximum limit of four-dimensional potential to 70 points.

"You are the one behind the recruited commoners, the maximum limit of four-dimensional is only 50 points!" Shi Hui complained after reading the technology list.

As for how many materials are needed for these technological upgrades, he is too lazy to look at it. After all, one is that he can afford it, and the other is that the amount of gold required is too large, which will make his heart hurt.

I used to worry about it, if the upper limit of recruited civilians, or even converted civilians into soldiers, is only 50 points, then even if he opens a military academy, what should he do if he only trains military candidates in the end?
At the same time, I also worried that if the average level of the second generation is also at this level due to genetic problems, then it will take five to six generations to restore the national IQ.Now it seems that there is still a solution, but the level is not enough and I don't know.

"LV5 upgrade conditions?" Shi Hui, of course, also saw this. He thought that LV4 was already the limit, but he didn't expect that there is still LV5. The resource conditions can be checked or not. There is only one thing that really needs to be achieved - the unification of Huaxia .

I really didn't expect that the upgrade condition of LV4 is to become the governor, and LV5 actually requires the unification of China.

Each scientific research takes half a year. This is not a problem. In the end, it is just that there are not enough scientific researchers. 200 is still slightly less, so it will be increased to the upper limit of 500.Finally, the research time was reduced to 1 month.

Refined steel smelting naturally became the first content that needs to be studied. Shi Hui believes that this technology is related to whether it can unlock the special arms of LV4.Of course, the comprehensive weapon upgrade may also have something to do with this.

Bloodline improvement should be to unlock more excellent horse breeds, but I don't know if the red rabbit horse will also be spawned.

The barbarians made him a little curious, but relatively speaking, the intelligence system was obviously more important.In fact, the crop rotation system is what he cares most about. After all, if the grain production keeps up, he can also recruit more people and soldiers.

However, the second upgrade is indeed the technology of Gene Lock I, and the increase in the upper limit of civilian attributes is the fundamental thing!As for Feng Linhuo's skill, it can be put at the end. After all, even if he doesn't improve, his soldiers are already very elite.

It is estimated that going to battle in the future is no longer fighting, but crushing.At that time, it is estimated that a group of heavy infantry will be able to bloody a group of cavalry.Having said that, isn't the appearance of Mo Dao Bing just to deal with the cavalry?After all, in fact, the Han Dynasty had a kind of infantry weapon used to deal with cavalry, called the horse-cutting sword.

"Sure enough, there is no need for any strategy and tactics at all. Just pushing flat is the kingly way. With so many soldiers, you should just be tough. You don't need to win more with less. Just don't make low-level mistakes!" Shi Hui couldn't help secretly when he thought of this nodded.

After confirming the upgrade, Shi Hui could only leave it alone and let it upgrade on its own.Sometimes I think it’s not a good thing if it’s not a web game, you can’t buy building sequences with krypton gold, no, krypton gold buys props that shorten the progress, it takes 7 months to upgrade the 7 technologies, more than half a year, the wait is really terrible .

To make matters worse, the construction of the Luban Academy has already been completed, and the second construction project is the blacksmith shop. Looking at the progress of only 6.6%, Shi Hui has a word in his heart that MMP must say.

After exiting the program, Shi Hui just felt that he was not in the mood to sit down, so he got up directly.As for the book, he hadn't read it for a while, and there was no need to read it again. After a quick glance, he would keep it in his mind for the rest of his life. If he recalled it a few times, many places would become clear.The day before yesterday, I talked with Zheng Xuan about scriptures and Taoism, but the latter couldn't help feeling: "You beat me by a lot, and I'm very relieved!"
"Husband, why are you so sad?" After returning to the room, Shangguan Wan'er greeted her.Although it is a man's dream to sleep together, it cannot be done for the sake of the body.Color is indispensable, but it cannot be abused. The way to keep in good health is nothing more than this.

"I have something on my mind, so I'm bound to lose interest." Shi Hui replied with a smile, the program deep in his consciousness is his biggest secret, and even the closest people around him can't tell this secret.

"But what happened?" Shangguan Wan'er helped Shi Hui undress herself, and asked casually.

"Everything is fine, it's not about that aspect..." Shi Hui reached out and took Shangguan Wan'er into his arms.

Intimate contact was indispensable, even the maid who served the two of them was panting coquettishly in the ear room.When the cloud passed and the rain broke, and the two of them were about to embrace each other and fall asleep, Shangguan Wan'er suddenly said: "Husband, I heard that starting next year, you will allow women to take the imperial examination and military academy?"

"There is indeed such a thing. Among women, there are actually a lot of talents. There are even some positions that women may do better than men. There is no reason to say that men can serve as officials, but women must stay at home with their husbands and children." Scholar Hui replied.

"However, what should we do if both men and women become officials and serve as officials in two places? Besides, everyone is busy with work, so who will take care of the children?" Shangguan Wan'er asked.

"Generally, in this situation, we will coordinate. For example, transfer one party to the city where the other party is located, and don't let the couple separate. As for the issue of raising children, you can arrange maternity leave and breastfeeding leave for women. Besides, you can also let the old One generation will help take care of the children, or find a few servants and maids to take care of them. I guess there will be jobs like nanny or tutor in the future, right?" Shi Hui thought for a while and said, "Of course, I guess it's still There will be many women who actually don’t intend to become an official at all, after all, they don’t intend to become the mainstream, they just don’t intend to let real talents be buried.”

"In that case..." Wan'er stood up abruptly, and straddled Shi Hui, "How about Wan'er going to take the provincial exam next year?"

"Oh, you already have the status of Tongsheng?" Shi Hui was suddenly stunned when he heard this.

"Hey, when my younger sister went to take the exam, my concubine was curious and went to the exam together. It's not difficult, it's all about enlightenment. After elementary school, you can basically pass the exam." Wan'er lay on Shi Hui's body, mischievously Said.

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(End of this chapter)

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