Chapter 275
"Fake, all of this is fake! Yes, these are the soldiers, and those who are attacking the city are the auxiliary soldiers!" Chen Wen, the prefect of Wujun, looked into the distance, where a war had just ended at this moment.

After Shi Hui arrived in Wu County, he directly defended Wu County and sent people to say surrender.Chen Wen had long planned to defend the city to the death, and earlier sent people out to ask for help, so naturally he would not surrender.

The next day, Zhou Xin's troops went to support Danyang County. They were just about to enter Danyang, but they didn't expect the envoys from Wu County to come.

"General, what should we do?" The subordinate military officer couldn't help asking. As for the title of general, it was completely flattering, just because Zhou Xin was just a school lieutenant now.

"Danyang County is too far away. If something happens to Wu County, can we still go back? It's all rescue, there is no difference between Wu County and Danyang County!" Zhou Xin quickly made a decision and led the army to rush towards Wu County.

They are not the only way. Other counties may gather 200 people, and some have gathered 500 people, and they are also involved in the rescue.

If Yan Baihu knew about this, he might have to join in the fun in order to make a name for himself.But now he can't protect himself. The cottage was surrounded by nearly [-] soldiers led by Cen Xi. Earlier, Yan Yu led the army to fight, but he was beheaded by Xing Daorong. Now he is defending the village and dare not say anything fought with each other.

At the same time, when the reinforcements arrived in Wu County one after another, Shi Hui no longer planned to play with the prefect and ordered to attack the city.

In the middle of the fight, I received the news that thousands of soldiers and horses came from the rear.Shi Hui was shocked at first, but after careful questioning, he found out that it was a motley army gathered by several troops. When asked about its combat strength, the detective said that it was enough to deduct [-] soldiers and horses, and the rest were just improvised mobs.

"This kind of waste, how can I use the regular army to deal with it?" Shi Hui snorted coldly, and ordered the auxiliary soldiers to gather to fight.

"My lord, am I right? Use the regular army to attack the city, and use the auxiliary soldiers to deal with the reinforcements?" After Shi Hui gave the order, Zu Lang couldn't help asking Yang Xiong next to him in a low voice. You know, these are auxiliary soldiers!Auxiliary soldiers who transport food, bury pots for cooking, and build bridges and pave roads!
"Concentrate on attacking the city, why bother to ask questions?" Yang Xiong glared at him.It was because Zu Lang was ignorant, or in other words, many generals who had just joined Shi Hui's command were ignorant, that's why he said such words.

Sure enough, when these soldiers, under the command of their respective officers, quickly gathered together, and then began to rush towards the enemy.Not only the enemy was shocked, but Chen Wen, who commanded the soldiers on the city wall to fight, was also dumbfounded.

In the end, it was 1 auxiliary soldiers who rushed into the thousands of enemy troops. As a result, these enemy troops were completely submerged in a short time.Perhaps these LV[-] level soldiers who have not systematically trained are really not good, but if they are desperate, they are absolutely fearless.

In addition, 3 people bullied thousands of people, and the enemy army has not reacted, and has been completely dispersed.There were two or three troops, even before a direct battle, they were frightened by the torrent of enemy troops in front of them, dropped their weapons and ran away.

"The gate of the city has been opened, rush in with me!" Just as Chen Wen and the others were frightened, an army had already entered the city and opened the gate. kill the past.

The Yiqianmo sword soldiers who followed him followed and killed in, which also meant that the war was about to end.

Chen Wen was quickly escorted to him, and Shi Hui shouted: "Chen Wen, you are the prefect appointed by the court, and I am the governor appointed by the court, and I am the general who conquered the South. Now that you have arrived in Wu County, you are fighting with me Xiangxiang, have you ever been convicted of a crime?"

"Damn!" Chen Wen spit at Shi Hui, "Don't talk about the court, after all, you are just a traitor who covets the world! Don't say anything else, just talk about these soldiers, how do you plan to explain it? You have only been appointed as the prefect of Changsha for more than two years, and you have [-] elite soldiers and [-] soldiers under your command. Let me ask you, can you guarantee that this was trained in more than two years?"

"You can't, don't you allow others to do it? This general might as well tell you, not only the 20 soldiers, I have [-] soldiers, [-] auxiliary soldiers, and [-] sailors. The number is more than five years ago There are still a lot of Han people in Jiaozhi County, what are you going to say?" Shi Hui retorted immediately.

This must be admitted. Five years ago, the population of Han people in Jiaozhi was only tens of thousands, and the elderly, weak, women and children had to be counted.What should Shi Hui do to suddenly conjure up this 30 army?

Not to mention that Chen Wen couldn't answer this question, even the civil and military men under Shi Hui couldn't answer it, so it's no wonder Jia Xu was so interested in this secret.

"One hundred thousand? You actually have 20 such elites, and [-] auxiliary soldiers... Hahaha, no wonder you can only serve as auxiliary soldiers with such combat power!" Chen Wen was shocked when he heard this, A trance suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, only to find it difficult to breathe, struggled for a while and then fell silent.

"What's the matter with him?" Shi Hui really wondered if this guy was pretending, and then he saw Yang Xiong go over to check his breath, so he couldn't help asking.

"He's not breathing!" Yang Xiong shook his head, what is this, shocked to death?

"General!" Xu Gong, the captain of Wu Jun, stepped forward, "Chen Taishou has not been in good health for the past two years, and occasionally because of illness, he has to rest for two days and cannot handle government affairs. Now I am afraid that he is out of breath and causing the root cause of the disease." , eventually died."

"Oh, I still insist on handling government affairs even though I'm sick. Prefect Chen is really a role model for my generation!" Shi Hui could not help but sigh with emotion when he heard the words 'suddenly realized'.The deceased is the greatest, and Shi Hui has to take care of his reputation.

After Chen Wen passed away, Wu Jun did not resist any more. After Shi Hui occupied Wu Jun, he heard that Cen Xi had wandered around Yuhang, so he ordered him to help deter the place.Before Cenxi set off, Liu Yao was brought over by Nan Jiyun, who only said that Danyang County had already surrendered half of it, and there were several counties in the north who were sending Yuwen Chengdu to subdue it.

As for Tai Shici, he was brought here two days ago.Shi Hui directly imitated Sun Ce's treatment of him. When he knew he was coming, he immediately went out in casual clothes and only one shoe, looking very happy.

After seeing him, he was "shocked and pale" when he saw his appearance, and then he untied him personally, and put on his only coat, and apologized a few times. Seeing this, Tai Shici was deeply moved, and finally accepted The surrender of Shi Hui.

He was in the battle, and he already knew that Shi Hui valued him.But when I saw him, I realized that Shi Hui valued him so much, and I was immediately grateful, feeling like I had met a confidant, so I was willing to surrender.

"Since the surrender of the three counties is a foregone conclusion, the next step is to move the government office here according to the original plan, so as to truly perform the duties of the governor of Yangzhou." Shi Hui looked at the next place, the civil and military officials who came with the army, " The question now is, should the new government be moved to Wu County, or to Wanling?"

"The subordinates think..." Cheng Yu came out, "Wanling was elected, and Wanling is not far from Wu County and Kuaiji County, and it is also not far from Yuzhang County. If necessary, it is convenient to send letters from Jiaozhou. It is the most suitable location for the government.”

Other civil servants also responded one after another, and Shi Hui immediately decided to make Wanling the new seat of Yangzhou.

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(End of this chapter)

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