Chapter 267

Zhang Wei's arrival was actually very unexpected to Shi Hui. He participated in the assessment as an examiner, and he participated in the martial arts test.With his ability, it is impossible for him to be in the top fifty.

The problem is that he is Zhang Wei, the younger brother of Zhang Lu, the former prefect of Hanzhong. He came this time not only to participate in the assessment, but also to bring Zhang Lu's friendship.According to the intention of the court, if the latter wants to continue to be a master, he can only resign obediently.Now that I am idle at home, I am probably full of resentment.

Originally, Shi Hui didn't intend to meet guests during the assessment period, but Zhang Wei had a special status, so he met and talked for half an hour before the latter left at the back door.Afterwards, the assessment was determined to be 19 people, starting from the military marquis when entering the army, and the starting point was higher than others.

"He has said that he has written a letter back to his brother Zhang Lu during this time, and that in a short period of time, there will be Taoist priests from the Five Dou Rice Sect to help us improve the teachings and regulations of the Ancestor God Sect, and even help us train some trainee Taoist priests. " Fang Xuanling is obviously also concerned about this matter. Some time ago, Shi Hui said that he wanted to build faith, so he was a little concerned.

"Well, Liu Bowen is responsible for this matter. He is a few years older than you, and his experience and talents are slightly higher than yours. I plan to focus on training in the future. You have to get along well with him." Shi Hui reminded .

"Subordinates obey!" Fang Xuanling nodded, focusing on Liu Bowen in his heart.

Liu Ji, 28 years old, nicknamed Bowen, is a native of Yongning County, Kuaiji County. His ancestors offended the court's dignitaries and were demoted to Yongning. After learning about the chaos in the world, he wanted to choose a master to shine on his family.Force 40 (Peak 61); Intelligence 100 (Peak 103); Domination 77 (Peak 100); Politics 80 (Peak 100); Character Level: Diamond.

It has to be said that this potential is actually higher than that of Fang Xuanling.The problem is that Shi Hui didn't intend to let Liu Ji lead the army alone, so there is no inevitable requirement for a rise in command. In fact, the position of 'Prime Minister' is more suitable for him.

The key is that Liu Ji was about 20-23 years old before he became an official. He used to study Taoism under Yu Jimen, and he had a certain amount of research on Taoist theory and culture.So take this job in charge of the Ancestral God Sect to give him an opportunity to climb up quickly.

For outstanding talents, Shi Hui does not intend to encourage them, but also does not want to waste their talents elsewhere.

"One of the routes planned for next year is via Wuyi Mountain. Have you contacted Peng Yue yet?" Shi Hui immediately moved on to the next topic, which had actually been decided a month ago.

"Peng Yue has already replied that there is no problem. Next year we will be able to go directly to Kuaiji County on the road that has been repaired!" Fang Xuanling nodded. According to the original idea, next year Cen Xi would personally lead the army from Mount Wuyi to Kuaiji County.

Peng Yue surrendered in name only, and in order not to cause any misunderstanding, he sent someone to discuss with them in advance.Fortunately, Pengshan is easy to talk and allowed to borrow the Wuyi Mountains.

"Let Cenxi pay attention, after all, it is difficult to keep some disobedient tribes. At the same time, this march must show our majesty and style!" Shi Hui said solemnly, he intends to use this time to show off his soldiers The strength of Peng Yue's tribes should carefully consider their own strength before thinking carefully.

"My subordinates have already sent someone to inform me!" Fang Xuanling really considered everything very thoroughly.

Shihui began to enter the preparation period before the large-scale expansion of the army, and the Guanzhong and Jizhou courts were not idle.With the completion of the autumn harvest work and another batch of grain sent from Yizhou and Jingzhou, the food crisis of the Guanzhong court finally disappeared.

Without the food crisis, the troops with Ma Teng as the main force and Li Jue as the deputy, brazenly launched an attack on Bingzhou.Although Gao Gan is not a fool, but tens of thousands of troops are coming towards him, he can only send people to Jizhou for help.

At the same time, he sent a letter to Zhang Yang of the Shangdang, asking him to join forces in the capacity of Bingzhou Mu to deal with the puppet dynasty in Guanzhong.As a result, five days later, he received the result that made him vomit blood-Zhang Yang decisively took Shangdang County and defected to the Guanzhong court!
Because of Zhang Yang's refusal to take refuge, an envoy was sent from Guanzhong some time ago to convey the will of Han Emperor Liu Xie: as long as Zhang Yang is willing to continue to be loyal to the imperial court, after the recovery of Bingzhou, he will serve as the governor of Bingzhou.

He was originally the prefect of Shangdang, and he didn't have any ambitions. He could be directly promoted to governor of Bingzhou, why didn't he do it?What's more, this time it was only to assist the attack, and he didn't need to go to the front line in person, so if he didn't do such a good deal, then he would be stupid!

After Yuan Shao received the news, he recruited his advisers to discuss.

Tian Feng and Jushou also discussed this topic. Hearing Yuan Shao's inquiry, he stepped forward and said: "My lord, I think I should send troops to rescue Bingzhou. Bingzhou is close to the Xiongnu, and it is one of our important sources of war horses. If the puppet dynasty occupies Bingzhou, then we will lose one horse source, and the puppet dynasty will have one more horse source.

The subordinates discussed with Gonghe (Ju Shouzi), and it is also beneficial to use Bingzhou as a battlefield.One can order the Montenegrin Army and the Huns to launch a surprise attack. The Montenegro Army nominally belongs to us, but in fact they listen to the tune and do not listen to the announcement.The Xiongnu belonged to the puppet dynasty in name, but as long as they gave enough benefits, they would help us; secondly, the state was barren and had little output. As long as the walls were further strengthened and the wilderness was cleared, the supply of the puppet dynasty could be disrupted. With a surprise attack, they will soon be in danger of food shortage, and at that time they will be able to fight.

Even, you can take the opportunity to send troops to the south, occupy the Shangdang and Hedong, and completely conquer the entire Bingzhou.At the same time, Zhang Yan can be appointed as the prefect of the Shangdang. As long as he can be lured out of Taihang Mountain, then the Black Mountain Army will not be a worry in the future! "

Yuan Shao looked at Fengji again, Guo Tu and Xu You, the three of them had also discussed before, originally planned to abandon Bingzhou and use Huguan to resist the puppet army.In their view, Bingzhou is also barren, and a lot of money and food have been spent on it this year, so it's okay to give up, it's just a headache for the puppet dynasty.

However, Tian Feng and Jushou talked about the benefits, and Yuan Shao was also a little moved, so they naturally couldn't sing the opposite.He simply agreed with the two people's suggestion that troops should be sent to support Bingzhou.

The opinions of the subordinates are rarely unanimous. The key point is that Yuan Shao really felt that what Tian Feng said was very reasonable, so he signaled the army to gather and prepare to support Bingzhou.At the same time, he sent letters to the Xiongnu and Zhang Yan, asking them to wait for the opportunity to surprise the puppet dynasty.

At the same time, there were also some accidents on Cao Cao's side.

Since repelling the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans, recruiting millions of people, and gathering tens of thousands of "Qingzhou Soldiers", Cao Cao has also possessed a certain strength.Many of the aristocratic families who abused him chose to become ostriches, which made him think that these aristocratic families had approved his policy.

Everything is stable, so he naturally hopes to take the old father out and come to Yanzhou to enjoy the blessings.But he didn't want his father to set off in Guangling, pass by Pengcheng, and was about to enter Peiguo, Zhang Kai, who was sent by Tao Qian to escort him, suddenly launched an attack, killed him, and took away all his belongings.

After receiving the news, Cao Cao felt his head was blank, he staggered and fell to sit on the futon, and the civil and military officials at the bottom were also startled.Fortunately, Cao Cao was Cao Cao, and he soon stabilized, but his anger couldn't stop at all.

"Old Tao Qian, I will make you pay with blood!" Cao Cao roared immediately.

 The situation in Xuzhou is ahead of schedule, but this time without Lu Bu occupying Chenliu, in what direction will history develop?
  By the way, I would like to recommend a book "Carrying an AK into Ming Dynasty", well, it seems to be the name.If you like Daming, you can watch it, right?


(End of this chapter)

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