The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 257 The first test is really easy

Chapter 257 The first test is really easy

Crowds gathered at the examination venue one after another. Since it had been explained that it was a literary examination, only the 5 people who had signed up came here. They entered at [-] entrances, and special soldiers searched them, checked their belongings, and so on.

"Didn't you say that you can't bring a piece of paper into the examination room?" Finally, some soldiers found the paper on the examinee's body, and some characters the size of rice grains could still be seen inside.

"Runan Zhangcai, disqualified from the exam!" There was no need to argue with him, the person whose paper was found was automatically disqualified from the exam, and then was invited out of the exam room.

During this period, the examinee tried to secretly bribe the soldiers, but he was resolutely asked to leave without giving him any kindness.Unexpectedly, after the examinee left, he looked indifferent and muttered in a low voice, "Sure enough!"

Of course his name is not Zhang Cai, but he is indeed from Runan, Yuan Shu sent him here.He is a spy, and there are more than a dozen people who came here, both civil and military exams, and his goal is to test the supervision ability of the exam room.

As for the exam, he didn't have this talent at all, and it was impossible for him to pass the exam.So it was his last task to test the inspection mechanism of the examination room.Leave the rest to other spies!
"The first test is very simple, as long as you can read this paragraph of this official document and write one sentence at the same time!" The examiner handed an official document to the first candidate and asked him to read it aloud. Prepare a pen and paper to write one of the sentences.This test is really simple. It is nothing more than checking the other party's literacy level and writing ability.

If you don't even have the ability to read and write basic official documents, what qualifications do you have for other exams?
"The purpose of assessing talents is to... so if a standard is formed, the traditional system of filial piety and honesty can be discarded and replaced by assessment to gradually select talents." Around 2 minutes, one of the candidates had finished reading, according to the examiner's instructions It means that the reading must be finished within the specified time, otherwise even if the assessment fails, the time is about 3 minutes.

"Very good, go write one of the paragraphs! Remember to write down your birthplace, name and test number!" The examiner nodded, which means that the candidate has passed the first step.

The examinee was excited to write and read this official document, which was actually the most shocking thing for him.Shi Hui intends to abandon the previous method of selecting talents by recommending Xiaolian from the local area, and instead use the method of examination to select and select outstanding talents layer by layer. future.It also means that the so-called celebrities may be worthless to a large extent!
The test number is issued to candidates when they register, and it is encrypted with Shi's number, so it is very difficult to forge.Basically, it is temporarily prepared on the day of registration according to the state, county, gender of the candidate, registration time, etc. Only the registered officials can register according to the number of representatives of each state and county on the form.

In the end, the test number will be matched with the name and place of origin filled in by the candidate. If there is any problem, the test result will be invalidated.It can be said that for this assessment, Shi Hui also spent a lot of effort.

Others often conduct assessments gropingly. In the early scientific examinations, the recommendation system still accounted for a large proportion.It was not until the Song Dynasty that it gradually became orthodox.Shi Hui is a time traveler, so he did it in one step, and of course he didn't come up with stereotyped essays.

Strictly speaking, the eight-legged essay determines the scope of the examination, just like the "Administrative Professional Ability Test" and "Shen Lun" in the later generations. It is divided into a certain range, so that it is easy to learn and does not need to spend too much time accumulating huge knowledge to pass the exam.

According to Shi Hui's understanding, the stereotyped essays of the Ming Dynasty were actually quite advanced.Mainly, it can be avoided to a large extent, the situation that the examination questions of an examination have to be determined according to the interests and hobbies of the examiners, making the examination more fair.

Therefore, after discussing with Fang Xuanling, Shi Hui also appropriately introduced some of the scientific research settings of the Ming Dynasty.However, the specific implementation will wait until the next assessment begins. This time, it is mainly done simply. After all, there are not many candidates who have accumulated a lot of knowledge after studying in majors in this era.There is no way to force it too much, just make do with the recruitment, and be more serious next time!
"Passed the exam?" An hour later, Xun Fai walked out of the exam room and saw Xun Biao waiting for him outside, so he stepped forward and asked.

"It's too easy!" Xun Biao shook his head. The content of the first test was too simple, and he didn't have any interest in the test.

"It's not easy!" Xun Wei shook his head. "Those who can pass can at least understand a lot of characters. I guess they need to score additionally in writing. Only those who meet the passing line can be admitted. The key is the article..."

"It seems that Brother Fei has also noticed it!" Xun Biao sighed, "Shi Hui is instilling such an impression in us, whether it is passed or not, this official document will definitely be deeply remembered in our hearts. When this concept is formed, then it is estimated that Many people will not be satisfied with the current status quo, and if they want to become an official in the future, it may not be easy!"

"This is Yangmou. Shi Hui intends to use this assessment to announce his new rules to the families all over the world!" Xun Fai's expression was very serious. Shi Hui's move was almost provocative to the families all over the world.

"So we should resist him? Fight to the end? Or fully support Guanzhong, or the Jizhou court? My father probably won't care at all. After all, the children of the family have a rich background. We have a lot of chances of passing the examination, and the possibility of being in a high position It's very big, in other words, it's not a big deal even if you give up ordinary positions to those poor people. Occasionally, it's easy to win over one or two outliers!" Xun Biao didn't think so at all.

This initial test is very easy, many of the [-] candidates think so, but many people still think it is difficult.However, as Xun Biao said, no matter whether it is passed or not, this official document will inevitably be spread with them, so that everyone in the world will know.

As for the military test on the second day, it was even simpler. It was nothing more than a physical fitness test, and one could pass by completing the specified items within the specified time.This time, the standard is based on the standard of LV2 level soldiers, who can pass at least have a certain potential to become a middle-level and low-level officer.If the physical fitness is not up to the standard, then I'm sorry, the literary test is more suitable for such candidates, not the military test!
"Is the martial arts test easy?" Xun Fai came out, and Xun Biao, who had been waiting for a long time, stepped forward and asked.

"It's very simple, but the test items are very interesting..." Xun Fai smiled, and stepped forward to tell what he had seen and heard.

"If it's that simple, there should be quite a few people qualified, right?" Xun Biao couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

"It is said that there are 46 people applying for the martial arts exam, but only the 5000 who passed the earliest are admitted. Compared with the literary exam, the martial arts exam is very competitive!" Xun Wei shook his head. Some difficulty.

"Shihui is not planning to expand the army. Naturally, there is no need to recruit so many people. At least 10,000+ passed the initial test, and at least tens of thousands passed the second round. Could he still let them all be officers?" Xun Xun The table thinks this is normal.

"However, the exam in four days will not be easy!" Xun Fei laughed. "Fortunately, the scope of the exam has been determined. The first round will examine the Analects of Confucius, the second round will examine the laws and regulations, and the third round will be the policy theory. I don't know which university Yes, I came up with such a test range."

"Since the examination was proposed by the general, he may decide the scope of the examination. Besides, the content of the examination has not yet been released, and I don't know how to test it. It's really not easy!" Xun Biao frowned suddenly.

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover up, what is the content, we will see in four days!" Xun Fai was not in a hurry at all.

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(End of this chapter)

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