The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 252 Recommend Talents Before Selection

Chapter 252 Recommend Talents Before Selection

"My lord, the number of outsiders in Linxiang County has exceeded 20 recently, and the pressure of thieves and thieves is a bit high. Are you going to call in soldiers to maintain order? The scribes who came to take the exam are okay, and many of those warriors came from reckless backgrounds, and some even used to be rangers. He has a fiery personality and ignores the government, if he is not good, he will fight in the street, and it is only the people of Linxiang who suffer." Seeing that there were still 20 days before the assessment, Fang Xuanling couldn't bear the pressure and asked Shi Hui for help.

"Didn't it only be 10 people ten days ago? Why did it double in just ten days?" Shi Hui couldn't help being surprised when he heard that, although he did feel that the city had become a bit crowded when he went out these days, he didn't expect the people who came to the assessment It actually doubled.

Hearing this, Fang Xuanling sighed slightly and said: "There are so many people in the world who have nowhere to go to work. As long as there is a chance to go to work, they will flock to them. Of course, there are also many people who are just pretending to be fake, and some even plan to use some small ones. They got away with fooling around. In addition to deduction from poor families, there are also many children from aristocratic families who have also come to take the exam."

"I am the governor of Yangzhou in name, and the key sites are only four or five counties, so the other party is so optimistic about me?" Shi Hui couldn't help laughing when he heard that many children from aristocratic families also came to take the exam.

"However, everyone knows that there is a huge Jiaozhou behind the lord. Some time ago, Jiaozhou Mu reported to the court that he had already explored and gradually developed Yuezhou. At the same time, Biao Jiyun was the governor of Yuezhou. The court has agreed. With the support of two big states behind the lord, there is no need to worry about money and food, and the soldiers under his command are strong and strong, so he is fully capable of becoming the overlord of one side.

As long as the aristocratic families have a little discernment, they will naturally not miss the lord, let alone the Longxi Li family, didn't they send Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji over?The same is true for other aristocratic families, some have sent out sons, but more of them are collateral or concubine children. "Fang Xuanling said cautiously, the world's aristocratic families, it is already a habit to bet everywhere. Now in this situation, it can only be said that Shi Hui has attracted their attention and made them think it is worth betting.

It is also obvious that more aristocratic families do not think that Shi Hui will eventually win the world.Many people may think that Shihui's greatest achievement is to separatize the Jiangnan area and occupy it for dozens or hundreds of years.

"Jiangnan is really not favored by people..." Shi Hui sighed, and the consciousness of the Central Plains seemed to be still very strong.

Perhaps in the eyes of those aristocratic families who have lived in the prosperous Central Plains for a long time, the south of the great river is a barren land.There are dense forests and poisonous smoke everywhere, lofty mountains, and countless poisonous insects and beasts.Coming to this kind of place to be an official is nothing more than exile!

After a pause, he waved his hands and continued, "You earn your own face, not someone else's! Since they look down on Jiangnan, a few years later, when this place develops, I will not look down on them, but it's not their decision." of!"

"My lord is far-sighted!" Fang Xuanling also deeply agreed.

Let’s just say that here in Changsha, when he first came here, the law and order were only stable. Sun Jian had no ability to govern, he just ensured the stability here, and then let it develop on its own.After Shi Hui became the prefect of Changsha, in less than two years, Changsha County has changed a lot, especially as the first batch of pigs began to be slaughtered, even their family began to eat pork.

No one thought that castration at the time of suckling pigs could have such a big change.Pork doesn’t have that bad smell, piglets grow fast, they can be slaughtered in more than a year, and the taste is acceptable, especially after Shi Hui promoted several cooking methods, the number of pig farms has increased a lot in recent months .

Some live pigs were even sold to Jiangxia and Nanjun, earning a lot of money.At the same time, it has driven the prosperity of Changsha, and other industries are also thriving, all of which are the credit of Shihui.

In just two years, Changsha County has at least tripled its prosperity.It's hard to imagine what it will look like if it continues to develop. Perhaps within five years, it should be more than enough to catch up with the prosperous cities in the Central Plains.

When there is nothing to do, not only Fang Xuanling, but also many civil servants under Shi Hui have reflections.Their so-called governance in the past was to appease the people, educate them, and at the same time stabilize the law and order. In fact, they were better than Sun Jian.As for building bridges and roads, and repairing water conservancy, these were originally within the scope of corvee, and they did not need to consider them.

It's just that many people think that they can't do it. According to the original method, Changsha has become so prosperous in two years.What did they ignore in the past? As outstanding civil servants, if they don't even think about this, then it can only show that their ability is nothing more than this.

"Since others only see the straw outside and not the gold inside, let them do it!" Shi Hui didn't bother to waste time on other people's eyes, "Let Yang Xiong deal with them, anyway, that kid This period of time is probably quite boring. In addition, the examiners and officials must pay close attention to this time, and the content of the exam is absolutely not allowed to be leaked, otherwise a lot of preparation work will have to be done from the beginning."

"Don't worry about this, my lord. This time, my subordinate and Mr. Cheng will be the examiners, and Ziheng will help me with my advice. As for the exam questions, we only announced them the day before the exam, and now only one of my subordinates knows about it." Fang Xuanling replied affirmatively. .

"Be careful to keep it secret, and drink less during this time!" Shi Hui solemnly reminded, even though he believed in Fang Xuanling very much.

"I obey!" Fang Xuanling quickly agreed, and then continued, "However, before the selection, there is one person that perhaps the Lord needs to pay attention to. Before the selection, it would be good to take him down!"

"Who made you pay so much attention?" Shi Hui suddenly became interested, after all, Fang Xuanling seldom recommends talents.

"Jia Xu, a native of Guzang in Liangzhou, originally served under Dong Zhuo's command, and then went to Nanyang with Zhang Ji. When Yuan Shu and Liu Biao attacked Nanyang, he planned a lot and repelled their attacks many times in a row. This made Zhang Ji Nanyang was firmly established. Later, when the imperial court occupied Nanyang, Zhang Xiu defected to Yuan Shu, but he was nowhere to be found.

It was in the past few days that the subordinates received the news that he had come to Linxiang secretly, but he didn't make any noise. He just found a farmer to live in, and he didn't know his intentions.However, this person's strategic ability is no less than that of Mr. Cheng, and he is also considered a rare talent. The lord had better not miss it. "Fang Xuanling said slowly.

"Oh, if it's Jia Wenhe, then it's worth attracting!" Shi Hui nodded. The most famous "poison warrior" in the Three Kingdoms era was for this name, so he couldn't miss it.At least, he can't let him fall into the hands of others.

There are a lot of people who come to take the exam now, maybe there are also spies from other forces who plan to take the opportunity to recruit some talents.Shi Hui has strengthened the security in this area, but it is hard to say how many people can be blocked.Once Jia Xu's existence is exposed, I am afraid that many forces will loot it.

"Forget it, it seems that I still have to go there myself!" Shi Hui got up and asked his subordinates to prepare the car.Fang Xuanling didn't expect that Shi Hui would attach so much importance to him just after he recommended it, so he couldn't say anything, so he could only watch him leave.

Two quarters of an hour later, Shi Hui came to the farmer's home in the suburbs.After all, it is close to the city. Even if it is a farmer here, it is also a tenant of the local wealthy family. I have seen some scenes, but I am not frightened by Shi Hui's convoy.Of course, no one came to watch. Unlike the later generations, if you watch casually these days, you might lose your head.

"The governor of Yangzhou, the general who conquered the South, Shihui, the Marquis of Linxiang, pay homage to Mr. Jia!" Shihui came to the farmer and shouted.

 It is obviously impossible for Jia Xu to appear on the stage at the expense of Li Shimin or the Guanzhong court!Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!


(End of this chapter)

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