The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 249 Controlling Peng Yue Step 1

Chapter 249 The First Step of Controlling Peng Yue

Ximenqing's crimes were quickly verified, and the exact amount depended on the attitudes of the wealthy families who had a relationship with him.

For example, those who are willing to surrender to Shi Hui can naturally be taken out, and the guilt of this part will be deducted directly.If you don't want to, then just go in, but no matter what the final result is, Ximen Qing will die.

"I didn't expect Ximenqing to make such a fuss, and the three old wealthy families in Changsha County were willing to surrender. By the way, they gave me an excuse to destroy the two disobedient wealthy families. This deal is quite a bargain!" Shi Hui looked at the file, follow-up The results are very gratifying.

A large amount of land and real estate was confiscated, and three of them were adjacent to each other. Shi Hui simply renovated it and finally used it as the site of Mengmeng School.Linxiang County is indeed quite big, but it was quite difficult to find a place big enough to serve as a school site.

As a result, when I first planned to set up a school, I could only choose to be in an area close to the periphery, and it could only accommodate 50 students.Now these three properties, after the renovation is completed, can allow 200 people to study or even board.

In terms of land property, it was directly distributed to refugees and people who lost their land to cultivate, and gained a lot of prestige.The key point is the urban management. Shi Hui, Fang Xuanling and others announced that after several months of "research", they announced that a new position would be set up in Changsha's county government offices, named "City Management", which belonged to the county magistrate. The subordinate officials are mainly responsible for the phenomenon of setting up stalls indiscriminately.

Obviously, this is an offending job. Shi Hui almost copied Ximen Qing's set, and even after Lu Fan, Cheng Yu, Shi Yuan, and Fang Xuanling served as staff at the same time, they further improved this measure to ensure Every penny collected will eventually fall into the local finance and will not be pocketed.

The key is that they have blocked several judicial loopholes, which means that it will be much more difficult for others to take advantage of the loopholes in the future.As for the sacrifice in this process, Shi Hui and the others didn't care too much, after all, it was still within the acceptable range.

As food from various places began to enter warehouses, documents were sent from Jiaozhou. Pastor Xie of Jiaozhou used the situation of official documents to mobilize a batch of grain and iron ore. He hoped that the governor of Yangzhou, Shi Hui, would help recruit 200 million people to go there.

This result was expected. After Shi Hui received the food, he naturally helped to recruit the population one after another, and then transported them to Jiaozhou one after another. Since there are 200 million people, this process is much slower. It is conservatively estimated that it will take two or three month's time.Subsequent counties under his rule also need to recruit people, especially Yuzhang, which means that he will not be able to easily go out for at least three to four months, and the march plan scheduled for September has to be postponed to the second year.

"With 200 million people, most of Jiaozhou is a barren land. How can Shizhou Mu settle down?" Fang Xuanling couldn't help exclaiming after seeing this official document.

Most of Jiaozhou is a barren land, full of smoky beasts and so on, and there are only a few places where people gather.Originally, more than 400 million people had been recruited one after another, and another 200 million people would be recruited in the future. Fang Xuanling was really worried that they would not be able to accommodate them.

By the way, in June 192, the Guanzhong imperial court appointed Shi Xie as Jiaozhou Mu, officially giving him military and political power.The Yangzhou Governor of Shihui in question, and even Yangzhou Mu, were not recognized.

According to Fang Xuanling's analysis, this is the foreshadowing laid by the Guanzhong court.If necessary in the future, you can rely on this to negotiate peace with Shi Hui.As for the conditions, I am afraid that the official recognition of the Shihui Yangzhou Mu, the General of the South, and the identity of the Marquis of Linxiang.

"Speaking of which, Xuanling really doesn't know yet!" Shi Hui suddenly realized when he heard the words, took out a map and pointed to a range, and said to him, "Earlier, in the west of Jiuzhen Rinan, three hundred miles away In addition, I found a large plain terrain, which can be used as a new settlement, my father meant to build this place as a state, and named it Yuezhou!"

"So that's how it is, with a population of 200 million. Don't you want to develop this Yuezhou?" Fang Xuanling was suddenly stunned. Just looking at the map, he was somewhat shocked. The huge Yuezhou has an area larger than that of Jiaozhou, let alone one. Even if it is divided into two or three states, it is not a problem.It's a pity that there is no development here at all. If we start from scratch, it would be appropriate to divide a state first.

"This means that the two harvests of this year are estimated to be invested here. Until the first batch of grain is harvested in May and June next year, Jiaozhou will not be able to provide us with military rations. In other words, the diplomatic war can only be postponed until After September next year, you might as well take the opportunity to develop the region and continue to expand the army at the same time. By next year, I will assemble an army of 80 and sweep the entire Jiangnan. At that time, I will see that the puppet dynasty in Guanzhong will not recognize my identity as a Yangzhou pastor. !" Shi Hui sneered.

Fang Xuanling didn't know why, but after this expedition, Shi Hui seemed to be very concerned about the matter of "the Guanzhong court recognized him as a Yangzhou shepherd".Ordinarily, if he really conquered Jiangnan, it seems that it would not be a big problem to proclaim himself emperor directly. Why should he care about the appointment of a puppet dynasty?In the end, I can only think that Shi Hui has his own plans, and since he didn't plan to tell him, then don't ask!
Perhaps it was because of the news that Shi Xie was going to recruit people. After the four Jingnan counties had harvested the first batch of grain, various places also made requests one after another to recruit a group of people. Counting the three counties, there are also a million people.

Shi Hui benefited from Jiaozhou and recruited another 60 people, of which 50 were in Changsha County, and the other [-] were all transferred to Yuzhang.Not only enrich the counties, the key is to distribute along the Wuyi Mountains as the front line of contact with Pengyue.

At the same time, the walled city on Peng Yue's side also began to be built under the auspices of Hua Xin.The result of the construction is not only a walled city that can accommodate 3000 people, but also a number of fortifications in several key places.Finally, an announcement was made to Pengyue that all Pengyue people could only enter Yuzhang through these three gaps if they wanted to enter and exit Wuyi Mountain. If they took other trails, it would be regarded as Pengyue's declaration of war!
In this regard, Peng Shan finally agreed to Hua Xin's request.During this one or two months, as long as Peng Yue lays down his arms at the city gate, he can freely enter the counties of Yuzhang and trade various goods.Under Hua Xin's request, all goods were sold fairly. The goods sold by Peng Yue were purchased at reasonable prices, and the goods they needed were also sold within a reasonable range.

Peng Yue ate the sweetness, and his vigilance against the Han army began to relax.Many people's favorability towards the Han army has improved a lot.

So in such a friendly atmosphere, after Hua Xin received the money and food from Shi Hui, he began to recruit people. At the entrance of Wuyi Mountain, he began to build three galloping roads leading to the area where the Yue people gathered.

According to the requirements, this galloping road must be able to accommodate four horses moving side by side to be considered qualified.In order to take care of Peng Yue, the construction workers focused on Peng Yue's tribe.At the same time, three black iron-level scribes came here. They were supervisors in name, but they actually announced to the workers who came to apply for the job: "Those who understand Chinese are given priority. Those who are willing to learn Chinese can receive free training, and those who can speak Chinese fluently After that, wages can also increase."

The Han people and Peng Yue have already entered the honeymoon period, so naturally many Yue people have an indifferent attitude towards learning Chinese.Especially when other people get fifty cents a day's wages, but they can only get thirty cents, who can bear it?
"My lord, everything is going well with Pengyue. Within three months, the first batch of Yue people who know how to speak Chinese should be able to be cultivated to maturity. Afterwards, the Yue people will gradually give up their dialect. It's just a matter of time. Next, We need to start from the business side!" Fang Xuanling slowly reported to Shi Hui about the problems at Yuzhang's side.

"Yuzhang, is that the way it is after all?" Shi Hui shook his head, the benefits are indeed a good thing!
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  The next four chapters are mostly about farming. The purpose is to improve the world structure. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to subscribe. After all, it has nothing to do with hegemony.


(End of this chapter)

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