Chapter 246

As soon as Shi Hui came home, he naturally didn't want to waste the rare warm time because of Ximen Qing's problem, so he simply put it aside temporarily, and then took three good wives and beautiful concubines to have dinner together.Several maidservants also served Shi Hui enthusiastically, and during the time when Shi Hui was away, they were equally sincere and fearful.

After a night, Shi Hui was refreshed, and the exhaustion from the expedition was gone. After saying goodbye to his wife and concubines, he returned to the government office.As soon as he met Fang Xuanling, he ordered him to find someone to ask about Ximen Qing's political situation during this period.

Fang Xuanling's status was second only to Shi Hui's, so he naturally didn't care about the political situation of a county magistrate, so he could only ask someone to find out more about it, but in the afternoon, he came to Shi Hui in a hurry.

"My lord, the political situation of Ximenqing during this period is already here, please check it out." Fang Xuanling did not complain directly, complaining why Shi Hui recruited such a scum as the county magistrate, and it was under their noses under.

"Haha, it seems that Ximenqing has done a lot of good things during this period of time?" Shi Hui frowned, picked up the file and looked at it, and sure enough, this guy really lived up to his trust during this period of time '.

After taking office, he almost pushed his business affairs to his deputy, but in his capacity as a county magistrate, he went to curry favor with local wealthy families, and at the same time blackmailed local businessmen, not to mention how much money he made. They robbed a lot of land by force, and it was a really 'beautiful' job.

But he was able to cover up these things pretty well, and he did it so covertly that Shi Yuan and others didn't know about it.Even Shi Yuan's evaluation of Ximen Qing was still: Although the talent is not very outstanding, he is still quite loyal.

Shi Yuan is his clan brother, even if others accept bribes, it is impossible for him to accept bribes.In other words, in front of them, Ximen Qing really played the role of a subordinate who was 'not very talented, but safe and loyal', and the key was to succeed!
"Where did you know his actual situation?" Shi Hui closed the report and asked, looking up.One must know that neither Shi Yuan nor Lu Fan had any negative comments.

"Since the lord wants his subordinates to investigate Ximen Qing, the subordinates think that there are two situations: either Ximen Qing has made important contributions and needs to be promoted; or there is something wrong with this person, and the lord needs to understand his evil deeds. So the subordinates After confirming that this person has no outstanding political ability in office, he ruled out the former, and after further investigation, he found out that this person is such a jerk." Fang Xuanling replied, his self-cultivation can be so excited, which shows that he really is. Very angry.

"It's not too early, at least it's not bullying men and women, imposing miscellaneous taxes and so on..." Shi Hui patted the file and laughed.

"He almost took advantage of the loopholes in the "Han Law" to seek personal gain in the name of official duties. He even took advantage of loopholes in several of our policies, which we did not notice. His subordinates don't even know now that he is not It's a genius, but this kind of genius is insane!" Fang Xuanling said slowly after taking a deep breath.

The most brilliant thing about Ximen Qing is that he extorted those street stalls. Even if the family spends ten cents a day, the money calculated in a day is very cost-effective.Over the past few months, the number of street stalls in Linxiang has decreased, and many shops have been rented out. As a result, the tax has increased a bit, which makes people laugh and cry.

You know, in order to solve the problem of this street stall, even Fang Xuanling can't handle it.Earlier in Linxiang, a new market was even opened to reduce the stall rents of local people, but most people still prefer to set up street stalls.

One is that street stalls can have better income in lively places, and the other is that they do not need to pay taxes or rent. In the eyes of ordinary people, if they can earn more money, they will naturally earn more. As for whether the government can collect taxes, it has nothing to do with them. relation.

Ximenqing's method is simple and rude. He takes thieves to the streets, and those who don't set up stalls according to the regulations directly extort part of the money according to the business. It's not much, about 5% of the daily income. This is the psychological bottom line of the stall owner.For those who did not pay, he directly overturned the stall or took away all the goods in the name of setting up the stall.

One month later, these stall owners had to pay, the key point is that the money they paid was actually three times higher than the cost of renting a stall in the market.However, compared with the money they earned, it can make them grit their teeth and continue to pay the money.

There are many things like this. Generally speaking, Ximenqing has done a lot of bad things during this period, but most of them are based on policy loopholes, and they are not illegal in legal terms.Some behaviors even gave Fang Xuanling some good ideas.But there is no way to deny that his actions have indeed made many people feel angry, which has also affected Shi Hui's reputation to some extent.

"His policies, those that are beneficial to us, can be considered to be kept. As for the unfavorable ones, we can find ways to repair or improve them. As for Ximen Qing, it is said that during this period of time, he has indeed helped me a lot. I'm really reluctant." Shi Hui said with great interest.

This was an era when people relied mostly on self-sufficiency and rarely needed to buy goods directly.The biggest commodity is nothing more than grain and iron.Salt also counts, but after traveling through so many years, Shi Hui has never heard of any shortage of salt.It’s not surprising if you think about it carefully. In history, Lao Cao was so short of money that he had to dig people’s ancestral graves, and he had to eat meat when he had no food. In the end, he didn’t lack salt for bacon.

There is also the damn traffic problem, the roads are not smooth, especially in the Jiangnan area, even if the goods are sold from Jiaozhou to Changsha, the freight can double the cost, in other words, the selling price is at least three times the cost to make a profit.In other words, unless there is a shortage, it will not be sold at all.

Commodity activities are low, so business taxes can't be collected much at all, coupled with the behavior of setting up stalls, the revenue of business taxes is even less.If there is not enough commercial tax, it must rely heavily on agricultural tax, and the burden on farmers cannot be reduced.

Insufficient financial revenue, follow-up construction, development and other messy things cannot be done.It's not surprising that Shi Hui and Fang Xuanling have had a headache for so long because of the problem of setting up stalls indiscriminately.

"I can't bear the infamy of allowing corrupt officials to harm the village. This dog can actually be raised, and it can be killed when it gets fatter. What does Xuanling think?" Shi Hui looked at Fang Xuanling.

"With Ximen Qing's ability, it is estimated that he is now at his limit. If he continues, he will cross the line!" Fang Xuanling shook his head, obviously Ximen Qing should have no way to create 'surprises' for them.As for the 'scare' thing, it's better not to have it!

"Well, killing early is also killing!" Shi Hui immediately made a decision.

"However, if you take the initiative to kill, you will inevitably be suspected of oversight!" Fang Xuanling reminded, after all, Ximen Qing is the county magistrate here in Linxiang, so it can be said that he is under their noses, but the other party has done so many things , Shi Hui and they turned a blind eye, which is a bit unreasonable.

"Of course I know that beating a dog depends on the owner, and killing a dog requires some skills!" Shi Hui smiled faintly, he had already made up his mind at this moment.The dog must be killed, and the key is for everyone to agree!
"My lord, just know what's in your heart!" Fang Xuanling breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

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(End of this chapter)

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