Chapter 242 Shan Yue is easy to talk

Before there was any reaction from the mountains, Shi Hui took out a map of the Wuyi Mountains, pointed to a few places and said, "Since you are willing to enclose, as a condition...these three places, I want to build a village here , and at the same time, in the next two years, we will build about two to three roads leading directly to your tribe. Of course we will pay for it, and we will give priority to recruiting your tribe to build it."

"You!" Peng Shan was worthy of being Peng Yue's patriarch, seeing the locations of these three cottages, he became anxious.If Shi Hui builds cottages in these three places, then they have to leave Wuyi Mountain, they must either look through the mountains, or they can only take a longer way out of the mountain, otherwise they can only go to these three cottages.

It can be said that if Shihui successfully builds these three cottages, they can tell that the main passage of the mountain has been blocked by Shihui.Relatively speaking, the safety of Yuzhang County will also be guaranteed because of these three cottages.

"Since it is attached, I don't want it to be a nominal allegiance!" Shi Hui looked at Peng Shan, "Wuyi Mountain is also in the territory of the Han Dynasty. The way we get along with each other is nothing more than mutual compromise. Tolerate each other. I will try my best to help you develop Wuyi Mountain. In the next 50 years, this area will also be ruled according to your methods.

But relatively, the road must be repaired to strengthen your connection with the outside world.At the same time, all ethnic groups must learn Chinese, and Chinese must be your first language.As for us, we will teach you how to grow fruit trees, new farming techniques, and even poultry and livestock breeding techniques.

You will gradually break away from the hunting and gathering lifestyle, and gradually change to the route of planting trees, farming and farming. Of course, if your ironware is of good quality, I can also consider buying it as military supplies.If you have money, you can naturally go out of the mountain, buy the supplies you need here in Nancheng County, and develop your village and ethnic group. This is a win-win result. What does the patriarch think? "

"That's it?" Peng Shan felt that the situation was wrong, or too wrong. When would the Han people care so much about the lives of their Yue people? It's just that it's weird, and it's hard to say.

"That's it! You and I both live in this land, and there are only two ways to get along. You can either kill one side, or you can only live in harmony. The Han and Vietnamese have been fighting for so many years. Are you tired of it? Seeing You can't kill me, I can't kill you, why don't you sit down and think about how to get along better?" Shi Hui shrugged.

However, according to his method, the Yue people will gradually break away from the barbaric lifestyle and settle down gradually. After 50 years, when the third generation arrives, the blood and wildness will be completely lost. In addition, learning Chinese from a young age, and then secretly instilling the concept of "Huaxia nation" over time, it will be a matter of time before they can assimilate.

Taking ten thousand steps back, if something really breaks out, there are several direct express routes, and troops can be dispatched quickly to calm down the place.He even made a plan to send Cenxi to Yuzhang County to garrison after solving Peng Yue's problem.Ruoshan is getting more and more misbehaving, he will naturally lead the army to solve it.

"My lord can see clearly!" Peng Shan rolled his eyes, the real meaning of the cottages could be guessed after careful consideration, let alone something as obvious as Chidao.

But he also had to admit that what Shi Hui said made sense.Living together in this world, either you die for me, or you find a way to discuss and coexist with each other.The point is, Shanyue doesn't have much advantage right now!

The other party knows everything about the situation at home, and it can be said that others can come and leave whenever they want.However, the other party is powerful. In the past, they could deal with the other party and even swallow the other party based on the family environment. Now that this advantage is gone, what else can they use to fight?

Relying on a family of hundreds of thousands of clan members, and then two hundred thousand clan soldiers, to fight to the death with the opponent?If there is really no way out, maybe this is the only way to deal with it. However, Shi Hui proposed the concept of harmonious coexistence, and he didn't intend to go so desperately.

"Father..." Zong Shuai stepped forward immediately, he was still Peng Shan's son, "If we really build their own roads for them, then in our territory, they can come and leave whenever they want?"

"There's no need to say that!" Peng Shan stopped him, "Since we want to live in peace, then the old man can directly decide on the construction of Chidao!"

If we continue to entangle in building Chidao, wouldn't it be equivalent to telling Shi Hui, "We don't actually intend to surrender. Surrender is just a stopgap measure. We will rebel when necessary"?Even if there is, it needs to be drawn slowly!Let the enemy take it lightly.The old patriarch couldn't help wondering whether it was wrong to choose the most courageous son as Zongshuai?

"I'm going back to discuss with my clansmen now, but I don't know what the general said. When the construction starts, I can send people to help!" Peng Shan turned around and looked at Shi Hui with a smile on his face.

"In less than ten days, when the money arrives, we can start construction! We will be responsible for the three walled cities. As for the road, we will first build a road from the south city to your clan. We will plan the specific route and leave the specific construction to you. The wages are settled on a daily basis, but the quality and construction speed must be guaranteed, okay?" Shi Hui asked.

"Where is there, it is right to help adults, how can you collect money?" Peng Shan was a little surprised when he heard that, Shi Hui really planned to pay for their clansmen to help build Chidao?

"Remember what I said, since you are willing to surrender and choose a peaceful solution, then I will naturally not treat the people of Liming under my rule badly, no matter whether they are Han people or Yue people! We need to pay for road construction. With the corresponding expenses, how can people work for nothing?" Shi Hui replied very affirmatively.

"My lord is benevolent! If we know this, why should we meet each other..." Peng Shan's body trembled a little, obviously too excited. If the former officials and lords could really treat everyone equally, why would they have resisted the Han court until now.

"It's not too late now! But those [-] prisoners, they launched an attack on us, so in order to atone for their sins, I want them to help build bridges and pave roads in Yuzhang County, quarry for three years, and release them back after three years Here you go, do you have any objections?" Shi Hui also set out his conditions.

"Since you have already used force against your lord and you have been captured by your lord, your lord can do what you want." Peng Shan sweated when he heard the words at first, for fear that Shi Hui would kill all the [-] captives.Unexpectedly, he only worked for three years, and Pengshan had nothing to say.

"Very good, it seems that the preliminary negotiation has turned out pretty well!" Shi Hui nodded, "It's rare that everyone has reached an agreement. Tonight I will hold a banquet in the army, and I will ask the patriarch to show respect!"

"Where is there, the general has an invitation, I am honored to wait!" Peng Shan replied with a big smile.

Seeing Peng Shan and others being sent out, Shi Hui also looked at Cheng Yu with some doubts: "Since when have these Shanyue people been so talkative? Zhong De, do you think there is a fraud?"

Cheng Yu smiled faintly when he heard this, but did not speak...

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!Of course, don't count on the third one, tomorrow will be the same...but I feel like next week will be fine!
  From September 9th to 12th, the China-ASEAN Expo will be held in Nanning, um, it’s actually because of this that I have to go out on duty...for security, you know...


(End of this chapter)

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