Chapter 240
"Be safe!" Peng Qi and Huang She were brought in front of Shi Hui in this way. Of the 4000 soldiers from the mountain crossing they brought, [-] to [-] were deducted and fled to the mountains. The rest were either dead or injured. In that case, more of them voluntarily surrendered.

"My lord, our army suffered more than 300 casualties in this battle. Fortunately, most of them were auxiliary soldiers. There were only less than 200 casualties in the soldiers, and [-] of them only needed a few days of recuperation before they could go into battle again; our army captured the enemy More than [-] were killed, and more than [-] were killed, and the rest fled into the mountains and forests, so it was difficult to pursue. The enemy generals Peng Qi, Huang She and others have already been captured, please send them down, my lord!" Cheng Yu and Li Ji spent a lot of money It took a lot of effort to complete the statistics of these data.

The [-] soldiers have hardly decreased. In the eyes of the two of them, this is a complete victory.As for the auxiliary soldiers, I hadn't counted on their combat effectiveness in the first place, so it was not surprising that there were casualties, and it was a good deal to sacrifice only four thousand.

In the situation at that time, the enemy army was determined to break through, so they launched a crazy attack. After all, the auxiliary soldiers were auxiliary soldiers, but they were finally torn open, allowing about three to four thousand Yue soldiers to escape. The formation was torn apart, and the casualties began to increase continuously. Coupled with the part that died during the defense of the city earlier, there were [-] auxiliary soldiers casualties.

There are at least 3000 auxiliary soldiers, and in the end they have no choice but to return to Changsha County!
"There will inevitably be casualties in war. The soldiers who died in battle should be cremated on the spot. At least the ashes should be brought back to Changsha for burial, and a monument will be erected to commemorate them. They may no longer have family members, but at least we can't forget their sacrifices!" Shi Hui said solemnly.

"My lord is benevolent and righteous!" Cheng Yu couldn't help sighing when he heard this.These days, human life is as cheap as dirt, and on many official roads, you can even see unrestrained corpses. Even soldiers may not be able to get a decent burial, let alone auxiliary soldiers.

Under the command of the governors of the Central Plains, the so-called auxiliary soldiers are mostly recruited refugees, or local people, are they mainly responsible for transportation? This is counted in the corvee.In other words, if you die, you basically die in vain!

"What about those Shanyue's bones?" Cheng Yu asked tentatively, with the intention of confirming whether the Shi Hui had the benevolence of a woman.

"If you burn it casually and scatter the ashes in the field, next year's harvest will definitely be high!" Shi Hui shrugged. These Shanyue were not his subordinates, so he had no reason to need mercy.

Immediately, he remembered something, looked at Peng Qi, and asked, "Or do you want to send people back, take out some gold and silver property, and redeem their corpses? Or, do you people think more about funerals?" random?"

"I wait for the Yue people, born to be raised by nature, born in this world, and return to this world after death, so it's just right!" Peng Qi immediately gritted his teeth and replied.They have been captured, they can be insulted by Shi Hui, and it is impossible to waste the resources of the clan for a group of dead people.

Besides, according to their funeral customs, the corpses were thrown into the forest and let the wild beasts eat them.As he said, he was born in this world, and returned to this world after death.

"Well, since this is the case, cut off the heads of those corpses and make them into Jingguan at the foot of Mount Wuyi! The corpses are cremated directly, burned thoroughly, and the ashes are scattered in the fields, so we can fertilize the fields!" Shi Hui Immediately issue the order.

"You!" Peng Qi gritted his teeth immediately when he heard this, and nodding his head to the ground, he cut off his head and piled it up into a Jingguan, which was an insult to Peng Yue.

As for Cheng Yu next to him, he felt a little more at ease, the lord's benevolence and righteousness seemed to be different.Kindness is indispensable, but the kindness of a woman can easily cause bad things.

"Okay, then it's up to you!" Shi Hui then focused his attention on Peng Qi and Huang She, "More than 2 of you have been captured by me, and I haven't figured out how to deal with them yet! Now I will give you a chance, as long as you tell us about the range of your Wuyi Mountain, the range of your activities in Pengyue, and the terrain features, then I will save your life, how about it?"

"Bah!" Hearing this, Peng Qi spit at Shi Hui suddenly.Fortunately, Shi Hui reacted in time and avoided it.

"Don't think that I betrayed my people! Wuyi Mountain stretches for thousands of miles, full of lofty mountains, miasma and poisonous gas, poisonous snakes and beasts everywhere, outsiders like you, don't expect to be able to enter Wuyi Mountain safely!" Peng Qi was proud He said that the big man had fought Peng Yue many times, but he had to retreat in the end.

The reason is that the big man is not familiar with the terrain here, it is easy to get lost, not to mention, if he is not careful, he will enter Peng Yue's ambush site.At the same time, what Peng Qi said made sense. There was a miasma of smoke everywhere, and there were poisonous snakes and beasts everywhere. It was not so difficult to find and destroy Peng Yue here.

"Is that what you said about the Wuyi Mountains?" Shi Hui picked up the topographic map on the desktop and placed it in front of Peng Qi.This map had nothing to do with the spies or the system, it was mainly drawn by him from memory.

Where is higher and where is lower here, he has marked these, and even marked out the possible positions of two or three Yue people, all drawn according to the situation of later generations.

Sometimes he really admires his memory. The satellite map he had seen by chance before, now as long as he has this idea, the memory will come to mind. With this memory, he drew the topographic map come out.

In fact, it's not just Wuyi Mountain. The maps I've seen before, even the ones I saw at a glance, now just need to be copied. With this and without this, the result is completely different.

For example, it is recorded in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms that at that time, Lu Kai predicted that there would be a rebellion in Nanzhong, so he mapped out the terrain here in advance, so there was a map called "Pingman Zhizhang Tu", which showed the important mountains, terrains and enemies gathered in Nanzhong. The places are marked, so that Zhuge Liang can go straight to Huanglong and attack its vital points.

In the final analysis, whether it is Nanzhong, Yangzhou, or even Jiaozhou, the biggest difficulty in crusade against barbarians is unfamiliarity with the terrain.Once this problem is solved, it is like a calculation problem that already knows the solution, and the rest is to see what kind of formula to substitute to solve this problem.

Sure enough, when Peng Qi saw this map, his face suddenly turned pale.He has been living in Wuyi Mountain, and he knows this area very well. Because of this, he saw this map and found that most of the terrain was exactly the same as in his memory.Among the key settlement locations, one of them was the settlement of their Peng clan.

In other words, as long as Shi Hui holds this map, it may be possible to find Peng's settlement and kill it!

When Peng Yue is no longer mysterious, the advantage of geographical advantage will be weakened to the greatest extent.I just don't know how capable these Han people are in mountain warfare, but to be honest, Peng Qi didn't dare to bet, and even Huang She didn't dare to bet.

"It seems that there is no problem with the terrain..." Shi Hui handed the map to Cheng Yu, and he already knew the answer based on Peng Qi's performance.

"Wait!" Peng Qi shouted hastily when he heard the words, "We are willing to surrender, I am willing to go back, and discuss with the clansmen, Peng Yue is willing to surrender all to you, I only hope that the general can let our clansmen go!"

"Hey, this script is wrong!" Shi Hui was immediately depressed when he heard this, why did Peng Qi suddenly become spineless?

 Thanks to book friends 'Li Peiyun', 'Aliec Lie', 'Wu Ye·Yuan', 'Xiao x Niu' and 'Book Friends 20170305165643281' for their rewards, thank you for your continuous support and love for this book!
(End of this chapter)

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