Chapter 236

I have to say that the Yamakoshi came too slowly, too slowly!After Shi Hui quickly captured Nancheng County, seeing that the enemy hadn't come, he simply sent troops to strengthen the city wall, and at the same time hoarded a lot of supplies for defending the city. It was not until this time that the enemy launched an attack.

"I didn't count on the brains of this group of Shanyue at all. The enemy's foothold is not stable. As the side that occupies the right place, they didn't take the opportunity to launch a surprise attack. They leisurely determined the number of enemies before launching an attack. This is the worst I have ever seen. What a bad group of enemies!" Shi Hui climbed up the city wall, looked at the Yue people who had begun to surround Nancheng County, and couldn't help complaining.

As for how to calculate this group of Yue people, Shi Hui and the others have considered seven sets of plans. Although it is okay to have more preliminary plans, they can adapt to various possibilities, but it can be seen that this period of time is really too idle. .

"Frontguard, attack!" After completing the siege, a Yueren general shouted.

Of the 2 Yue soldiers, [-] were immediately separated out, and immediately took ladders and other objects, and rushed towards Nancheng County in all directions.Not only were they planning to climb the wall, but there were also a dozen enemy soldiers at each of the two gates, coming forward with battering hammers.

"Light up the rocket, and pay attention to the city hammer over there!" Zhou Tai and Shi Hui shouted one after another, the city gate is still strong, especially in order to defend the city, a lot of things have been piled up at the city gate, Prevent the opponent from breaking the door with this move.

However, according to the basic law of city defense, siege weapons such as rams or rams will be given special attention.

Having said that, the other soldiers who attacked also needed to be dealt with.However, there is obviously no need to waste arrows on their side. After all, they are very scattered when they are charging, and it is not easy to aim.

"Prepare the stone, is the hot water ready?" Shi Hui ordered towards the near side, and then turned around and shouted.

"The water is boiled and can be used at any time!" Yang Xiong replied immediately. Boiling water is a good weapon for defending the city. The disadvantage is that it requires waste water and firewood to boil it.It may still be usable at the beginning, but after a while the firewood will run out, and there will be no way to boil water.

"Scatter the water!" Shi Hui looked at the Yue soldiers who started to climb, and immediately gave an order.

The stones had already started to fall towards them, and while the enemy soldiers were injured and killed, some soldiers soon pushed down the ladder hooked on the city wall.But this kind of city wall with a height of three or four meters, to be honest, even if it fell, it would not die.

There were more than 20 cauldrons burning on the four walls of the city, and they immediately scooped up the scalding water with a long spoon and poured it on the enemy troops below.

This is really boiling water, even if they are wearing thick armor, the temperature can burn them instantly.Just such a splash has caused hundreds of casualties.In the end, there were more casualties than casualties, but those soldiers who were scalded will be brought back to the rear by two friendly troops, which will slow down the offensive a little.

At the same time, the rocket has already hit the opponent's battering ram, and the strong archer's shooting distance is quite long, and the hit rate is not bad.Each battering hammer was hit by at least four or five rockets, and it was already burning in a short time.As for the soldiers holding the battering hammer, at least one or two arrows were shot into their bodies, and they were either killed or injured.

There are not many places to stand on the city wall. The strong archers aim and shoot, but this does not waste time. After all, their shooting range is relatively far away. According to the prediction based on experience, one arrow shoots and takes away a leaper. human life.

"Han people, die!" Occasionally, a Yue soldier climbed up the city wall, intending to jump up and tear a hole.But he didn't want to make a move, a shadow of an ax flashed past, and before he could react, his head had already moved.

The city wall was narrow and not suitable for the attack by the halberd soldiers and Mo Dao soldiers, so the tomahawk soldiers came up one after another as the last line of defense.

Their thick armor, the enemy rushed up, often can not cause the effect of breaking the defense.On the contrary, they just hit the ax casually, and immediately made the opponent hard to guard against. If they were unlucky, even the ladder was smashed by the ax.

"The enemy didn't send out archers?" Shi Hui looked at the enemy's position and couldn't help frowning. The two armies fought, suppressed with bows and arrows, and then facilitated their own soldiers to climb the city wall. This can be said to be the basic method of siege.As a result, at least 2000 enemy troops have been killed and wounded so far, but the enemy army has no intention of sending out archers.

"This is a test, it seems that the other party is not too stupid!" Li Ji was next to the badge, "Our army only has 4000 people on the surface, so we are stationed in Nancheng County openly and squarely. The attack, but no new defenders came in the follow-up, it is estimated that the other party also felt that the situation was weird."

"This is also within the scope of the plan!" Shi Hui looked at each other with great interest, it seems that these Yue people are not so stupid.

"But depending on the situation, the other party is ready to make a serious move!" Li Ji pointed to the front, and sure enough, he saw the enemy's rear. There were two or three thousand soldiers with bows and arrows slowly coming forward.

Not only archers, but also many Vietnamese soldiers in iron armor also began to go into battle.The strength of the city defenders had already been known to them during the initial trials. Obviously, the other party was also weighing whether to send the main force.

As for the fighters in front, perhaps other small tribes, their sacrifices are not worth mentioning to the big tribes.It can be said that fewer people can rule better!
"Yue people are good at smelting iron. It seems that I am right. Looking at those armors and weapons, they are obviously not that kind of crude things. I just don't know how the quality compares with our armor?" Shi Hui looked at it from a distance. Looking at the opponent's armor, under the sunlight, those armor and weapons gleamed, and they were very sophisticated at first glance.

As the general gave the order to attack, the Yue people immediately launched a general attack, and the naked eye could see that there were dense crowds in all directions.In the enemy's ranks, there were suddenly several battering rams, and at the same time, there were actually a large number of soldiers holding pickaxes.

"The shovel troop, the Yue people saw that the city wall in Nancheng County was made of three-component clay, and planned to dig it up!" Li Ji exclaimed suddenly, he knew that this kind of shovel troop was specially used to dig the foot of the wall!

The ancients' research on siege can be said to be exhaustive. For ordinary earthen cities, they can be destroyed with a hammer or begging, or even a bed crossbow. When encountering a thick brick wall, they can also be destroyed with a trebuchet. There are even troops that specialize in digging tunnels, enter the enemy's city from the ground, and suddenly rush out to try to open the city gate.

There is no moat in Nancheng County, the city wall is only three to four meters of earthen wall, so the opponent dispatched a large number of shovel troops, the purpose is to break through the city wall.Most of the defensive methods of the Han people rely on the high walls and thick walls of the city to resist. As long as the city wall is stable, the opponent must pay huge casualties before it is possible to break through.

If the walls in all directions collapse and the enemy forces drive straight in, then it will be a decisive battle between [-] and [-].The advantages in terms of the number of Yue people can really be brought into play.

"It's no wonder that Peng Yue has always been the confidant of the big Han. During the long-term battle with the imperial army, they have gradually learned how to deal with the Han army's attack, and even carry out effective counterattacks. These experiences have been passed down from generation to generation, making them become It's getting more and more difficult!" Shi Hui sighed, "But we are not so easy to bully!"

Then he turned around and raised his arms and shouted: "Comprehensive counterattack, don't let their shovel troops get close to the city wall!"

Turning around, he said to Cheng Yu: "I'll leave for a while, and I'll be back soon!"

 In the end, Chapter 2 was kicked out at twelve o'clock, haha, it seems that today's two updates did not miss the appointment!

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(End of this chapter)

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