The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 232 The Chip in Zou's Hand

Chapter 232 The Chip in Zou's Hand

"So it's all on my side, right?" Shi Hui took the battle report written by Mu Huali and saw that he had successfully occupied Xiakou, defeated Lu Bu's army, and started building fortifications in Xiakou at the same time. Some happy.

But he didn't want Huang Zhong to come suddenly and proposed to disarm and return to the fields.He claimed to have tried his best, and even captured the enemy general Xu Huang on the battlefield, but his fate was hard, he did not die, but he had no intention of military affairs.I just want to go home to support the elderly and work hard in the fields.

In particular, after Huang Xu's diagnosis and treatment by Hua Tuo, his disease was finally eradicated. This is what Huang Zhong is most happy about.If you can disarm and return to the fields, you can also stay with your children and teach them how to practice literature and martial arts. There is nothing wrong with spending your old age like this.

Regarding Huang Zhong's matter, Shi Hui felt that it was a pity to let him leave like this, and only said to let him wait here for a few days, let him think about it.In the end, before we had time to weigh it, a few days later, another woman was brought over by Mu Huali Tuo.

At the same time, Zhang Xiu was brought here with the woman.After Zhang Xiu was captured, Lu Bu and even the Guanzhong court seemed to have forgotten about this prisoner, but Zhang Xiu had a bad temper and refused to surrender. Willing to help Mu Huali talk about Zhang Xiu.

Of course there were other requests, but Mu Huali couldn't make up his mind, so he had to send the two of them over.This is how Shi Hui complained.However, while complaining, we have to seriously examine these issues.

Leaving aside Huang Zhong's matter, Shi Hui finally sent someone to invite Zou Shi over first.It can make Cao Cao so fascinated that he even forgets that he is still in other people's territory. It really makes people wonder how beautiful Zou is.

Not long after, Mrs. Zou was brought over by the guards, and when Cao Cao saw her, Mrs. Zou was naturally younger at the moment, and the temptation of a younger woman was naturally greater.

After all, he is a bit old, about 23 or [-] years old, maybe a little older.She looks worse than Shangguan Wan'er, that is to say, slightly inferior to Cai Yan.However, the appearance is not enough to make up for it, and Zou's natural sense of helplessness gives men a strong sense of conquest. It is no wonder that Lao Cao just got along with her for a short time, and he can't wait to accept her!
Shi Hui looked at Mrs. Zou, making silent comments in his heart.There are beautiful wives and concubines in the family, especially Zou Shi is indeed not as good as them. This temperament is good, but it only makes people have the idea of ​​conquering her, not the idea of ​​marrying her back home.

"What should I call you, better?" Shi Hui asked casually.

"The slave's family is a survivor, the general can call the slave's family Zhang Zou." Zou saluted slowly, looking at Shi Hui unabashedly before, as if nothing had happened.In fact, she knew better in her heart that the more Shi Hui valued her, the more bargaining chips she had.

"Well, let's do it like this!" Shi Hui retreated, "Zhang Zoushi, speaking of it, I'm really curious, why are you willing to persuade him to surrender even if the court didn't plan to rescue Zhang Xiu? As for me, I also want to save him?"

Zhang Ji has already died, and Zou's widow has been at home for a while, and during this period, some messy things happened with Zhang Xiu.If you don't figure it out, it's nothing more than attracting Zhang Xiu's hatred.

"My husband and I have been married for three years. My concubine has not been able to live up to my expectations. I have not been able to give him a son and a half. The Zhang family has withered, leaving only Zhang Xiu, a single seedling. There is no way for my concubine to continue the blood of my husband, at least I have to keep it. The blood of the Zhang family!" Mrs. Zou said slowly, but in the middle of speaking, the sentence already brought some crying, and the helplessness became more obvious.

Men already have a desire to protect women. It has to be said that Shi Hui is a little impulsive at the moment.

"Then here comes the problem!" Shi Hui sat cross-legged on the futon like this, and looked at Zou Shi casually, "What conditions can you come up with to let me let him go? If you just let him surrender, then there is no need, I There is no shortage of talents under my command, Zhang Xiu didn't surrender immediately, to be honest, I really didn't intend to keep him!"

"Where is the general?" Zou looked at Shi Hui a little nervously, "Zhang Xiu is the spear king of the north, with good martial arts and commanding ability, he must be a good helper to help the general in the east and west! Besides, if the general really intends to kill If he dies, I'm afraid he won't talk so much with the servants..."

"Wonderful, I actually felt it just now!" Shi Hui suddenly leaned forward and looked at Zou, "You are so pitiful, and your expression full of helplessness and helplessness is actually just a disguise. You are very shrewd and know exactly what to do. A good woman can make a man fall in love, but if you want to make me sink, you have to come up with more conditions."

"I didn't expect the general's eyes to be so sharp. I admire you." Zou gritted her teeth when she heard the words, "However, what I said before is true. To subdue Zhang Xiu will do more good than harm to the general!"

"Actually, you made a mistake!" Shi Hui came to Zou and held up her chin with his hand, "I have a lot of talents under my command, and I don't plan to recruit a general who cannot guarantee loyalty. In fact, there are only two ways in front of him, either to be killed by me, or to be sent back. So don't talk about persuading him to surrender to me, but think about how much you plan to pay to let me keep his life and send him back. He returned to Nanyang."

Speaking of this, he stared at Zou Shi's face and said, "If it's just you, the bargaining chip is not enough!"

"The general may not know something!" Mrs. Zou smiled when she heard the words, "Ms. Zou is also a well-known grain merchant in Liangzhou. Every year, there are a large number of caravans who will go south to buy grain and sell it to Guanzhong. It's not a direct descendant, but the family is quite favored. When they get married, the family will give a grain store to the slave's family.

Afterwards, with the efforts of the slave family, the small shop became better and better, and even relying on Dong Zhuo's relationship, it gradually replaced Zou's firm and became the largest grain merchant in Guanzhong.This is the real bargaining chip of the Nu family, as long as the general nods, then the Nu family and this firm belong to you! "

Talent, this Zou family is definitely a talent in business!For this reason, Zou's is indeed very valuable. Her greatest value is not the dowry business, but her management ability!

"Are you willing?" Shi Hui still asked, or tried it out.

"This business firm is only to help my ex-husband to be more relaxed in his official career, so I did my best. Now that my husband is away, this business firm is in the hands of my family, so it doesn't make any sense." Zou replied with a nod.

"Then from now on, help me take care of this firm!" After Shi Hui finished speaking, he pulled Mrs. Zou into his arms.The latter obviously had expected it long ago, but he was also docile and even took the initiative to cooperate.

In the evening, Shi Hui formally issued an order to put Zhang Xiu back.In fact, from the very beginning, he had discussed with Li Ji that it would be more useful for Zhang Xiu to be released rather than surrendered. Among other things, he was the prefect of Nanyang in name.Calculating now, the Guanzhong court will definitely start targeting Nanyang County. If he goes back and sees all this, what will he think?
Obviously, the result of doing so is far more cost-effective than recruiting him.Now he can still get a beauty, and even a business house, this deal is really a bargain.

But when it comes to running a firm, Shi Hui remembered that there is a way to really settle Huang Zhong!
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(End of this chapter)

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