Chapter 23

"Return to the camp!" The war is over, and according to the rules, we will not take advantage of the victory to pursue.Shiwu shouted, and the whole army gathered back to the camp.

"102 people were killed and 278 were injured. Among the wounded soldiers, 75 were still unable to go to the battlefield after recovering, and 13 were seriously injured. It is estimated that they will not survive tonight. The rest can return to the battlefield as long as they are properly treated!" The small official counted the casualties, and then reported to the soldiers.

The identity of the soldier this time is actually the supply officer, and he is personally responsible for all the supplies and food.Naturally, the casualties were reported to him as soon as possible, and then he reported to Shi Hui.

However, Shi Hui is beside Shi Wu, so reporting to Shi Wu is actually equivalent to reporting to him.

"In the first war, let alone recruits, it is normal to be able to achieve such a casualty ratio. Since ancient times, in wars, there has always been a thousand enemies killed and eight hundred self-damaged. The reason why those famous battles in history can be recorded The annals, because of its rarity, cannot be regarded as routine data." Shi Wu looked at Shi Hui, and then said slowly.

Generally speaking, many generals are promoted little by little from the bottom.Under such circumstances, they can fully experience the cruelty of war before they actually lead the troops to fight.It's just that there are generals like Shi Hui who are promoted based on family connections.They have no actual combat experience, and often think of war too simply, so it is easy to suffer.

Even if you win a battle smoothly, seeing this casualty ratio, you will think that you are not capable enough, and you will lose confidence.The next time he becomes hesitant and flustered, he might end up defeated and killed.

"Nephew is very clear about not being arrogant in victory and not discouraged in defeat. However, this is the first time my nephew has led an army to fight. It may take two or three days to adapt to all this. Uncle can let my nephew slow down." Slow down?" Shi Hui cupped his hands towards Shi Wu.

"If you know this, I'm very relieved! Since you won this time, the rest is to negotiate with that village, and there is nothing to fight. For this kind of thing, uncle will come forward. You should take a good rest. My God! By the way, the iron ore will be delivered one after another today and tomorrow, and you will ask them to receive it!" Shi Wu reminded.

"Nephew knows!" Of course Shi Hui would remember, after all, what he lacks now is iron ore.

To be honest, there is no shortage of iron in the southwest and south, and Hainan Island has very high-quality iron ore, let alone Panzhihua iron ore.It's a pity that the Panzhihua Iron Mine is now completely in the territory of Nanzhongman; not to mention the Hainan Iron Mine, Yazhou has not been developed at all in this era, and there are at most some indigenous people living on it.

That night, the first batch of 2000 jin of iron ore was transported, which converted to 2000 units of iron ore.The badge is very clear, these 1000 units of iron ore represent 2000 sword and shield soldiers, or 500 bow and arrow/pike soldiers.Considering the lack of long-range attack means in the army, the badge is not a nonsense, first spent 10000 units of iron ore, 500 units of food, and recruited [-] archers.

"Don't take it out yet! Otherwise, it's hard to explain!" Shi Hui thought for a while and decided to leave the 500 archers in the space.

What surprised him was that there were no casualties among the system sword and shield soldiers recruited in this war.The number of sword and shield soldiers in the space still stays at '300', which means that no sword and shield soldiers were killed in the previous battle.

"Ordinary soldiers have 380 casualties, but those recruited by the system have zero casualties. If the news spreads, I don't know how many generals will be scared to death!" Shi Hui couldn't help but sigh.

Putting aside the matter of recruitment for the time being, as Shi Hui is the chief officer, if the soldiers below were injured, he would naturally go to express his condolences.

Just after leaving the barracks, he saw Cen Xi trying to wear a set of rattan armor, while Yang Xiong was laughing beside him.

"Speaking of which, this set of rattan armor is not today..." Shi Hui just walked up, but he felt that this set of rattan armor was so familiar. Looking carefully, it was not the rattan armor that the barbarian he killed said he was wearing. what?

In that case, the rattan helmet still has the savage general's stain on it... Shi Hui couldn't help but look away from the rattan helmet.

"My subordinates cleaned it. This set of rattan armor is made of hundred-year-old Teng, soaked in oil, and dried. Repeated this process, and finally produced this kind of rattan armor. It is not only light and breathable, but also as hard as iron. It's rare that it doesn't sink when exposed to water, and it can be used as a raft to swim when necessary... such a good thing, the subordinates think it's too wasteful to throw it away." Cen Xi replied.

In fact, he was a little bit worried, after all, this was Shi Hui's trophy, and he had no right to distribute it.

"Forget it, since you like it, so what if I give it to you?" Shi Hui shook his head, he wouldn't wear it anyway, "But it's very afraid of fire, and the forest environment is fine. If it's a flat environment, it's easy to get hit Trick, if you want to wear it, you need to be careful!"

"Your subordinate will naturally understand!" Cen Xi hurriedly cupped his hands and replied, he didn't expect Shi Huihui to give him this set of armor so generously.

The soldiers are very excited. They enlist in the army and are mentally prepared to go to the battlefield.But being able to survive to the end on the battlefield was a surprise.It was the first real battle, and I suddenly discovered that war is not so terrible. Every soldier and every general has more or less accumulated some experience.

The dead soldiers have already sent people to send their bodies back, and the compensation will be paid by the government of Jiaozhi County.On the side of the wounded soldiers, the 13 seriously injured did not make it through, and the disabled had to be discharged from the army. Only 190 people recuperated and waited for their injuries to return to the team.

Shi Hui expressed condolences one by one, even the soldiers who had to retire early, they also gave a few words of encouragement.Put these last night, and it was already early morning when I went back.

"It's unreasonable!" Passing Shiwu's camp, but hearing his roar, he immediately moved over curiously.

"It seems that the Shi family doesn't show their power. These barbarians really think that we are easy to bully?" As soon as they came outside the camp, they saw Shi Wu scolded angrily, and then paced back and forth in a heartbeat.

"Uncle, what happened?" Shi Hui asked curiously.

"It's Hui'er? In fact, that's the same thing. Uncle sent people to negotiate with them today, telling them to be obedient and stop making trouble. Who knew that they not only admitted failure according to the rules, but even cut off the envoy sent by uncle." The nose. The matter has come to this point, which means that this village intends to break with us completely!" Shi Wu said.

"Is it because they fought so badly today that they are unwilling?" Shi Hui asked tentatively.

"Even if we imitate the Spring and Autumn Warfare, how can the two armies fight without casualties? The rules are set by the two sides, and thousands of soldiers died, and they can only admit it obediently. It's just that they are defeated and have to be torn apart." The shameless face makes people dissatisfied!" Shi Wu sighed, "Now, it seems that a full-scale war is about to start! Uncle has sent people back and ordered the whole army to move towards this place! If we don't wipe them out this time, I guess in the future In the three-acre area of ​​Jiaozhi, this group of barbarians will not stop!"

"My nephew is very curious!" Shi Hui thought for a while after hearing the words, "They used to obey, one is because of the strength of the Shi family, and the other is that there is a powerful man behind us! They should be very clear about these two points , even if they are not afraid of our scholars, they will definitely have scruples about the big man, but why, now they dare to challenge us openly?"

Shi Wu also figured out this joint, and immediately frowned.Jiaozhou is located in a remote place, and Jiaozhi is even more blocked in intelligence.These people in the mountains naturally don't understand the real situation of the big man today.

Was their arrogance accidental or intentional?Or, is it a test for the big man? !

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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