Chapter 219

In troubled times, military affairs are important, and culture is important in governing the world. In troubled times, it is meaningless to pay too much attention to reputation, especially some cities on the front line, which were just built, but were captured by the enemy in a blink of an eye. wasted.

No matter how much Shi Hui pays attention to the people's livelihood, the first thing to do is to make the people have enough food and clothing. Even eating is a problem. Who has the time to study and practice martial arts?In the end, no matter how many schools are run, no matter how many materials are selected, it is just cheaper for the aristocratic family.

Let’s just say that Zheng Xuan’s academy now directly recruits students from the four counties in southern Jing, as well as the counties of Jiaozhou. It has been in operation for a year, but the result is that more than [-]% of the students are from aristocratic families, and only a poor [-]% are from poor families. Some even study for two or three months. I just left, not because I didn't want to read on, but because the situation at home really couldn't support them to read on.

The biggest problem is that Shi Hui has forgotten the work-study program.Last year, it was almost all about the military and the expansion of the territory, and then it was about recruiting manpower and establishing new county towns. There was not much attention paid to education, so naturally some problems were ignored.

As the new year passed, the generals and military advisers who came back to report on their duties naturally waited until the first meeting of the year.Especially when rumors were released before that Shi Hui was going to seal the generals, I was naturally looking forward to it.

There have been no major changes in the civil servants. Everyone knows this. They have been recruited by Shihui since last year, and it is only a year or so. It is not that there are no achievements, but the time is too short.As Shihui opened the government and set up the curtain as the general who conquered the South, there were official positions such as chief official, prime minister, joining the army, and master book. Fang Xuanling and others actually valued these positions more.

Even if Shi Hui has become the governor of Yangzhou, he has not really conquered the huge Yangzhou after all, and even if he is appointed as an officer, he has no actual power.Compared with working, the official position of the shogunate is more valued by them, and this is the real confidant.

"Last year, thank you for your hard work!" Seeing that the ministers of civil and military affairs had arrived, Shi Hui looked at them from the first place, and said slowly.

"Serving the lord is the duty of a minister!" Naturally, a sensible person answered first, and then others followed suit.It's a bit uneven, and it would be nice to attend a few more meetings like this.

This time, not only talents above the silver level, but also many school lieutenants, military commanders, and even military marquises also came to participate.The lobby of the entire yamen is now almost full of people.

Xue Qiang and Jiao Ting, who were recruited earlier, and Chen Ying and Bao Long, who were recruited later, were also among them.During the period, Shi Hui held a banquet once and recruited some civil and military talents, but there was still only one bronze-level person.On the contrary, there was a black iron-level native who made him a little dumbfounded.


Shi Hui didn't know what it was that recruited Luo Guanzhong in the Romance World, but he could be sure that this fellow was definitely not Luo Guanzhong, just like the white-board general named Qin Qiong he had recruited before.

Speaking of which, at that time Shi Hui looked at him a few more times among the ten guests, which made him terrified, thinking that he had offended Shi Hui in some way, and the process of the banquet was trembling.

"Thanks to everyone's attention, I will naturally not let you down!" Shi Hui stood up, first saluted everyone, and then solemnly announced, "If you have meritorious service, you will be rewarded. At the same time, based on your performance in the army during this period, those who have merit and talent will be promoted!"

Hearing this passage, all the generals secretly clenched their fists, hoping to be promoted a few more levels.

Even Li Yuanji, Li Jiancheng and others held their breath.Shi Hui means that talented people can also be promoted, which means that even if they join the army later, and they have not been in the army for three or four months, they may be promoted.

"Mu Huali listen to the seal!" As a matter of course, Mu Huali, the commander of the cavalry, was naturally the first to be called by the badge.

"Your subordinate is here!" Mu Huali immediately went out to salute upon hearing this.

"You joined me when I was humble, and you were loyal during this period, especially the skills of teaching cavalry archers to shoot, which is indispensable! The general will only look at ability and loyalty, not your race and origin. Therefore, seal Mu Huali is the general of Yueqi!" Shi Hui officially announced.

Yueqi refers to the cavalry formed by the attached Yue people, and also refers to the cavalry who can ride, shoot, shoot, and be brave.In the Han Dynasty, there were Yueqi school lieutenants and Yueqi generals, both of whom belonged to the official establishment and their status was not low.

"It's a job for a subordinate to serve the Lord. How can He De occupy this position?" Mu Huali panicked and quickly refused.

"Hahaha, I've heard of those who asked for an official, but I haven't heard of those who refused to be rewarded." Shi Hui laughed loudly when he heard the words, "They are all like you, so do other people dare to accept rewards? It's settled like this, you just Obediently accept this official position!"

"Subordinate... This subordinate kowtows to the lord!" Knowing that he could not refuse, Mu Huali simply knelt down and kowtowed three times to Shi Hui.

Since he is called a general, he can naturally form an army alone and command tens of thousands of soldiers.Although Mu Huali was originally a commanding cavalry soldier, he was only a school lieutenant in name, and he was flattered to be directly promoted to general after surpassing Zhonglang.

"All the cavalry are still under your command, and the best reward is to attack the city and capture territory for me!" Shi Hui asked.

"The subordinates should do their best to serve the lord!" Mu Huali also readily agreed, and then retreated under Shi Hui's signal.

The other generals were even more excited immediately, Mu Huali was named a general, where would they go?

"Where is Nanba (Jiyun)?" Shi Hui shouted, Nan Jiyun was born in Orion after all, Xingba, so it is also called Nanba by name, and Jiyun is called Jiyun.

"Subordinates are here!" Nan Jiyun didn't expect to be the second one, and immediately stepped out.

"You just joined the army the year before last, and you went out to fight with the army, conquered the traitors, and even shot and killed the leader of the bandits, Zhao Jia. I have recorded all the achievements you have made in the past two years." Shi Hui said sincerely.

"Serving the master is the duty of the subordinate!" Nan Jiyun responded quickly.

"If you have meritorious service, you will be rewarded, and you will be named General Huwei!" Appointed by Shihui, General Huwei is just a miscellaneous general, but compared to the previous miscellaneous captain, he is naturally two levels higher, and can command tens of thousands of soldiers. He was very satisfied with the result.

At the level of generals, in fact, there is no need to deliberately appoint them to command any troops.They have the ability to fight alone, and they can't bring a single unit into battle alone.

Nan Jiyun was very satisfied with this result, and quickly shouted: "Your subordinates should do their best to serve the lord!"

"Where is Cenxi!" Shi Hui shouted again after signaling Nan Jiyun to retreat.

"Your subordinate is here!" Cen Xi stepped forward, clasped his fists and saluted.

"You enlisted in the army when I was a lieutenant, and then joined my command. You have made contributions and hard work over the years..." Shi Hui said here, naturally it was an opportunity for Cen Xi to perform.

"When I met my lord in the past, I knew he was not an extraordinary person, and he would definitely soar into the sky! Looking back now, I was right!" Cen Xi flattered.

"In the past two years, you have fought here and there with me, and you have paid a lot. I named you General Hu Lie. I hope you will work hard and make more contributions! I hope that this position is far from the peak you can achieve!" Shi Hui He said solemnly, then raised his head and shouted at the generals, "Everyone should also use this to encourage themselves!"

"Your subordinates obey your orders. In this life, don't dare to forget!" All the generals shouted one after another. Speaking of which, who would want to stagnate?
General Hu Lie is also a miscellaneous general, but he can still rule over ten thousand people.Of course, this is the highest situation, and there will be needs, such as controlling thousands of people.No matter where the position is, no matter how many soldiers you command, you are the supreme commander.

"Thank you, my lord!" Cen Xi shouted immediately, "The last general will definitely continue to fight for the lord, until he dies!"

So far, the three most senior generals have been appointed.In fact, there are many people present who are stronger than these three, but their resumes still depend on their resumes. It is unfair to the old man himself and to be directly promoted to general after joining the army.

Moreover, most of them have not been in the army for a long time, are not familiar with military affairs, and do not even have the experience of commanding an army of more than a thousand people. Talent is talent, and if they lack enough practical operations, then it is just to encourage the seedlings to grow.

It can't be said that it makes them proud and arrogant, but wastes their talents, that is the most regrettable thing.For example, Li Yuanji, maybe he has the potential to grow into a diamond-level talent, but potential is potential. If he neglects his studies and martial arts training, then he may only stay at the gold-level in his life, or even regress.

Wei Wentong, Yang Xiong, Zhao Kuangyin, Zhao Yun, and Zhou Tai were named Generals Zhonglang; Gan Ning was already General Fubo and did not need to be further promoted. Li Jun and Jiang Qin under his command were promoted to Generals Zhonglang.The three heroes of the Ruan family are all captains of the Navy.

Xue Rengui, Li Jiancheng, Li Yuanji, Wenpin, Huo Jun, Cheng Brothers, Xie Brothers, Xing Daorong, He Zongxian, Xue Qiang, and Jiao Ting were promoted to be captains; Li Zheng and Sha Moke were promoted to Army Sima.

At the same time, Feng Chengyu was appointed as the Chancellor of the General's Mansion, Fang Xuanling was appointed as the Chief Official, Lu Fan was appointed as a member of the army, and Shiyuan was the chief bookkeeper.At the same time, Fang Xuanling was still the Chancellor of Changsha County, Lu Fan was the chief historian, and Shi Yuan was the meritorious Cao.

Once appointed, it seems that everyone has a reward, only two people are a little nervous, one is Li Yan and the other is Li Ji.There are so many people awarded with Shi Hui, but no two names were named.

"I don't know if anyone has noticed. Of all of you present, only Li Yan and Li Ji haven't mentioned it yet..." Shi Hui had been paying attention to their expressions, so he asked with a smile.

Everyone naturally kept silent, knowing that Shi Hui would continue, there was no need to say anything.During Yang Xiong's absence, it seemed that his political wisdom had improved a little, but he didn't come out this time.

"In order to improve the status of counselors, I want to set up the position of military adviser general, who is in charge of strategy and has the same status as the general. There is also military adviser Zhonglang, who is directly under the command of the military adviser general." Shi Hui laughed, "Appoint Li Yan as the military adviser general, Li Ji is a general in the army!"

Li Ji can actually be a general, but at this stage, he only has 80 dominance points and 75 force points, so it's not enough.In contrast, becoming a military division can better utilize his abilities.Even if he reached his peak, Shi Hui thought it would be better for him to study literature, unless there was a shortage of generals, or a certain important front line required the commander of the army to take charge of everything. At this time, Li Ji's nature could be regarded as a general.

"Thank you, my lord, I will definitely not let my lord down!" The two of them came out and shouted.

"Everyone, it's still the same sentence!" After the appointment, Shi Hui stood up, "This appointment is not the end for you, I hope you will work hard and make further progress in the future!"

"Here!" A group of civil and military personnel responded one after another.

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(End of this chapter)

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