Chapter 217
After I die, who cares about the flood?This sentence is domineering, but it also reveals a strong sense of helplessness. Everyone is dead, so naturally there is no way to interfere with anything happening!
There was a time when Shi Hui even suspected that if he died, would the people and soldiers who had been summoned disappear at the same time.But after he knew the truth about the 'recruitment' of these civilians, he was suddenly relieved.

Strictly speaking, they are not summoned "summons", but "resurrected" existences. Although they have no memory, they are living people. They also have their own emotions and thoughts, and perhaps have a bit of rebellious psychology. , but the idea of ​​"repaying gratitude" naturally occupies their main consciousness.

The first batch of recruited civilians has already started to marry and give birth. The birth of the first batch of babies means that even these summoned civilians can reproduce.But it also means that the loyalty of these civilians to themselves can only be maintained to their generation. The second generation may be influenced by them, but the third generation probably will not be absolutely loyal to themselves.

In other words, after 20 to [-] years, how to keep the people under the rule loyal will be a test of political ability.As for those people who are scattered all over the world and cannot be scrupled due to transportation and communication problems, Shi Hui dare not guarantee anything.

In November, Shi Hui originally planned to spend the New Year at home before going back, but Shi Xie kicked him out.

When Shi Hui proposed to celebrate the New Year at home, Shi Xie immediately reprimanded him: "Now your family has a great career, and all the civil servants and generals in Linxiang are waiting for you to go back. How can you delay the big event for your own selfish desires?"

Shi Hui also realized Shi Xie's good intentions, so he could only kneel down and solemnly kowtow three times: "The child is not filial!"

The next day, he brought his family and two maidservants with barbarian blood along with him, and started his return journey.Parents bid farewell for ten miles, and only waved goodbye when they were outside the Shili Pavilion, watching Shi Hui's family leave until they disappeared on the horizon.

"Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, the grass is green and the sky is green... A pot of turbid wine will make you happy, don't dream about the cold tonight." Shi Hui didn't know if he felt it, and sang the song "Farewell".

"Sister, why does the tune of this song sound weird?" Shangguan Wan'er listened to the song, firstly felt Shi Hui's reluctance, and then the tune of the song.

"You don't need to care about these at this time..." Cai Yan listened attentively, the artistic conception of this song is very good and it fits the occasion.The tune problem is not a problem. The tune of Shi Hui's previous "When Will the Moon Come" is also quite different from the current tune.

It is not elegant, but it has a different taste.No, we can't let these songs just be buried like this, and if they can't become mainstream, we should create conditions to make them become mainstream!Cai Yan suddenly made up her mind, or she was unwilling to remain silent!

After marrying Shi Hui, she used to stay behind closed doors, just wanting to be a good wife and mother.However, if these melodies of my husband's are buried, even if they are spread out, people will laugh at them. This is something she can't tolerate. After all, the two melodies are beautiful in both tune and artistic conception!
Shi Hui was still immersed in the thoughts of parting, but he didn't expect Cai Yan to have secretly made up his mind.But even if you know it’s okay, women should not stay at home and ignore world affairs. Cai Yan is willing to be a good wife and mother, and Shangguan Wan’er naturally dare not go too far, so the two of them were at home some time ago, and at most they helped him with government affairs After making some suggestions, they failed to fully display their abilities.

In this way, the group spent five or six days and finally returned to Linxiang City.

"My lord, you're back!" Along with a crowd of civil and military personnel, Fang Xuanling was the first to come to greet him. As the number one civil servant under Shi Hui's command, he naturally took the lead to greet him.

"In the past two months, nothing happened, right? Is there any movement from the puppet court in Chang'an?" Shi Hui asked.

"After the autumn harvest, the food problem in Guanzhong has eased, especially with the money and food provided by Yizhou and Jingxiang. Now Chen Binghedong, it seems that he plans to launch an attack on Hanoi and Bingzhou next year, so Lu Bu's part is only defensive. He didn't take the initiative to attack, not even probing or harassing!" Fang Xuanling replied.

"Is there any movement from Li Shimin's side?" Shi Hui felt strange, even if there was no movement from Lu Bu, what about Li Shimin's side?

"Before we moved nearly [-] people from Xiling to Yueyang, which directly caused the destruction of the people's livelihood in Xiling. Now he is also in dire straits. The only strange thing is that Lu Bu doesn't seem to have any intention of sending troops to help him maintain law and order." Fang Xuanling replied, he was very surprised why he felt that Shi Hui cared about Li Shimin so much.

So in his heart, Li Shimin became an existence that needs to be guarded against.

"Winter is coming, and the situation in Xiling is even worse. If Li Shimin can't calm down quickly, then the only result will be the chaos in Jiangxia. At that time, he, the prefect, may be convicted." Cheng Yu He also didn't know why Shi Hui valued Li Shimin so much. In his opinion, it was only a matter of time before Li Shimin died.

Will Li Shimin be convicted?If it is Li Shimin with a political potential of 100 points, Shi Hui really doesn't believe it.But thinking about it carefully, I don't think it's strange.No matter how strong Li Shimin is, he is still only one person, and he is still an ancient man. How can he turn the tide when he is alone and alone?

"There is one more thing, speaking of it, congratulations to my lord!" Fang Xuanling said with a smile. Originally, this was what he should have said first, but Shi Hui wasted some time because he was anxious to know the situation of the enemy.

Immediately, he took out a document and handed it to Shi Hui: "My lord, the imperial court ordered the lord to be the governor of Yangzhou, taking care of the four counties in southern Jing, conquering the general of the south, the marquis of Linxiang, and supervising the military forces in the south!"

"Which court?" Shi Hui asked in surprise. He never asked the Jizhou court for an official, did he?
"It's the imperial court of Jizhou, but now Yuan Shu is planning to attack Lujiang County, and it is estimated that he will go south to attack Yangzhou in the future. Why Yuan Shu was not appointed as the governor of Yangzhou, the subordinates don't know." Fang Xuanling replied with some apology.

"This subordinate discussed this matter with Duke Mao..." Cheng Yu stepped forward, "The most likely possibility is that the Guanzhong court has appointed Yuan Shu as governor of Yangzhou, and there should have been some sort of deal between the two. It is also possible that Yuan Shu has already taken refuge in the Guanzhong court. Only this possibility will force Yuan Shao to appoint the lord as the governor of Yangzhou."

"How could it be possible for Yuan Shu to join the Guanzhong court?" Shi Hui really didn't believe it.

"So this is just a subordinate's guess, but if you really want to give a reason, it's not difficult!" Cheng Yu replied, "What Yuan Shao can't give him, the Guanzhong court can give! You know, he is still only the rear general. After deducting this, he is nothing, Yuan Shao did not give him any actual official position at all, and the Guanzhong court named him the governor of Yangzhou, which means that Lujiang County does not need to fight, and it is directly under his rule. If Yuan Shu accepts this official position, then Lu Kang still has to accept his jurisdiction!"

"Won't the puppet court worry that Yuan Shu will turn against them when he grows up one day?" Shi Hui said jokingly.

"This is not something we need to consider!" Cheng Yu reminded.

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(End of this chapter)

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