The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 21 The Taunt from the Barbarians

Chapter 21 The Taunt from the Barbarians

Wu Yuanqing, 23 years old, was originally the eldest son of Ying Guogong, a warrior of the Tang Dynasty, and is now the eldest son of the Wu family in Bingzhou.Eyes are high but hands are low, self-esteem is very high, but family knowledge cannot be underestimated; force 55 (peak 62); intelligence 70 (peak 75); dominance 60 (peak 67); politics 71 (peak 82); character level: Bronze.

After waking up, Shi Hui can still check the personal attribute information left by Wu Yuanqing in the restaurant.Especially for personality, I don't know how the hands are low, only the eyes are higher than the top.

With Wu Yuanqing's character, even if he was talented, he would not bother to recruit him.It's just that I'm a little speechless about the scope of this restaurant's new talents. Since even Wu Yuanqing can recruit, can Yan Song, Qin Hui, or even Aobai be recruited?

"Forget it, if it's really that unlucky, it can only be regarded as a waste of 100 units of gold! Let them brush it out, it's not bad to harm other princes in the past!" Shi Hui comforted himself, and with the help of his personal guards, he put on his armor , out of the account.

The soldiers have been assembled one after another, Shi Yuan, Yang Xiong and Cen Xi are ready.One person was missing from the sword and shield soldier, but he was actually collected by Shi Hui into the system space, pretending to go back to the village to contact the source of goods.

At the same time, 2000 catties of iron ore were also taken away as a deposit, which translates to [-] units of iron ore.Tonight, Shihui will find another place to take out [-] sets of weapons and armor for delivery in exchange for the final payment of the remaining [-] jin of iron ore.

6000 units of iron ore means that it is completely possible to recruit another 3000 sword and shield soldiers, or 6000 pike soldiers.Otherwise, recruiting 2000 light cavalry is not a problem!

"Soldiers, it's time to prove that you are strong!" Shi Hui came to the soldiers and shouted, "Tell me, have you been fooling around since you joined the army?"

"No!" Yang Xiong and Cen Xi immediately took the lead in shouting, and of course the soldiers behind them also shouted in unison.

"Are you a group of cowards who can't even hold their weapons steady on the battlefield and are afraid of killing chickens?" Shi Hui asked again.

"No!" This time there was no need to take the lead, the soldiers below all roared angrily, and it was obvious that they were a little angry.

"The problem is that I don't believe it!" Shi Hui yelled back, "What you can do now is to prove to me everything you said, and prove it all with a victory, even a huge victory! Tell me, are you trash who dare not even go to the battlefield?"

"No!" The soldiers yelled even harder, as if everyone was holding their breath.

"Since it's not, then follow me! Soldiers, it's time to prove yourself!" Shi Hui shouted, then turned around, got on his horse, and pointed his sword forward.

"Break camp!" Shi Yuan looked at Shi Hui's back, smiled, and shouted back.

The big army started to set off, the key is that if you get close to this army, you can feel the strong fighting spirit of this army.All the soldiers in this army seemed to be holding their breath, waiting to let it out.

"There are tricks!" Shi Wu followed in the army, seeing the high morale of the army behind him, he couldn't help nodding.

Starting from the camp, it took a full day to walk less than sixty miles.There are still nearly fifty miles away from the target village.But that's fine, Shiwu had already sent envoys to Nanzhongman's village at the same time as he announced to set up camp, and agreed with them on a time to fight.

When it was almost night, the envoys sent out returned and brought back more than 30 people from the Nanzhong Man tribe.

"My lord, according to the order of the patriarch, we have sent you a batch of game and fruit wine to reward you! Eat and drink enough, rest for a day, and start the battle the day after tomorrow!" The leader of the barbarian men stepped forward and said to Shiwu He made a sound, then turned around to greet, and asked the tribe behind to bring up all the supplies.

"The two armies are fighting, and the attacked side comes forward to reward the attacking side. This is indeed the war mode of the Spring and Autumn Period." Hearing this, Shi Hui couldn't help complaining.

"You don't understand. In fact, this is softness. If they are defeated by us, for the sake of this reward, I hope we will blackmail them lightly. On the contrary, if we lose, it would be too shameful, and I am afraid that we will give more money." return gift!" Shi Wu explained.

Shi Hui finally understood that for this group of barbarians, fur fruit wine and even game were cheap things.But the pottery, ironware and even silk of the Han people are very valuable, and the key is something they need very much.This reward can be regarded as their raise, no matter what the result is, they have made a lot of money!

Sure enough, the barbarians have little contact with civilized society and their lifestyle is very primitive, but that doesn't mean they are stupid!
The good meat is all just hunted today.The fruit wine was sweet and almost tasteless, and the soldiers were allowed to drink a glass.The alcohol content of this thing is very low, there is almost no alcohol, and it can be drunk as a drink.

"Rest in place for a day, sharpen your weapons, and check your armor! No matter what kind of war it is, as long as you go to the battlefield, you will definitely die!" Satisfied with food and drink, the soldiers walked along the camp, While calling.

Sharpening the knife before the war is said to be a skill in the art. It should not be too sharp, otherwise it will easily break the curling blade; it should not be too blunt, which would waste energy.Many new recruits have to learn this skill when they first enter the barracks. After all, they really want to go to the battlefield, but no one helps them sharpen their knives.

Not only the ring sword, but also the long spear, sharpening the spear before the battle, it is not fast but light, doesn't everyone say that? !

"My lord, the thousand sets of weapons and armor you asked for have been sent outside the camp!" At around midnight, the sword and shield soldiers were released by the soldier's badge. As for the batch of weapons and armor, they found another place to take them out. .

"Come on, follow me to get back the weapons and armor!" Shiwu heard this, and immediately sent people out, and after a while, he brought a thousand sets of bronze ring knives, copper shields, bronze helmets and bronze half-armors one after another. back.

"Shi Yuan, immediately arrange for the soldiers under your command to change their outfits!" Seeing that the things were brought back, Shi Wu immediately recruited Shi Yuan and ordered.

"Yes!" Shi Yuan knew the power of the bronze weapon after this day, and he didn't dare to neglect it, so he immediately arranged it.Of course, the soldiers below had no objections, and soon replaced the iron weapons and armor with bronze ones.

"The remaining [-] catties of iron ore will take two days to arrive, is that okay?" Shi Wu asked the sword and shield soldier.

"No problem! We believe in the character of adults!" The sword and shield soldier replied, patting his chest.As far as the cost is concerned, it has already been regarded as a return of capital. In fact, there is no need to care too much about whether the business is profitable or not.

"If you have the opportunity, thank your patriarch for me!" Shi Wu was very satisfied with this, thinking that this village could make friends.Especially at the end of this day, Shi Yuan has already found out for him that the residents of this village are all Han Chinese who live in seclusion.

Knowing that the other party is a Han Chinese, Shi Wu's favor for this village has increased a bit.

Not long after, the soldiers were armed, and the five hundred personal guards were armed, all with bronze weapons.As for the remaining [-] sets of weapons and armor, they are used as replacements.

On the second day, the soldiers had a full rest, sharpened their weapons, and conditionally oiled and maintained their armor.They hardly do strenuous exercise on this day, at most they move their bodies, lest they cannot perform well.

In the early morning of the third day, the army marched out again. After advancing twenty miles, they met the enemy in an open field.A thousand barbarian warriors were ready for battle.

Most of these barbarians wear leather armor, which is the easiest armor material for them to obtain.Even so, they still have a large area of ​​skin exposed. In the hot south, no matter if it is leather armor or iron armor, it will be too hot to die after wearing it for a long time.

Leather armor is sultry at most, and iron armor is exposed to the hot sun, and a bad one will really burn the skin.Therefore, inside the armor, a layer of linen or leather is often padded to avoid direct contact with hot metal parts.It's just that in this way, maybe you won't get burned, but wearing it like this will naturally make you hotter!

"TNND, this kind of ghostly place is estimated to only be able to fight during the period from autumn to early winter, from the Spring Festival to the Qingming Festival, and the rest of the time is just looking for sins!" , can be regarded as downright disgusting.

"Hahaha, Mr. Hui... In fact, if you think leather armor and iron armor are bothersome, you can consider rattan armor! Have a look at the leader over there? He is wearing rattan armor, that is Nanzhongman The armor that only exists in a few areas is afraid of fire, but it is light and breathable, and it is rare to be invulnerable, and it is extremely hard, no worse than iron armor." Yang Xiong pointed to the front and said.

Shi Hui looked over, and sure enough, among the barbarians, there was a man wearing rattan armor and a rattan helmet.Under his seat, he was riding a rhinoceros.

"It turns out that during the Qin and Han Dynasties, the rumors about rhinoceros in southern China were true!" Shi Hui exclaimed as he looked at the rhinoceros.

"Wooooow..." At this moment, the barbarians in the distance heard a strange cry.It seemed to be shouting, and it seemed to be performing some kind of evil ritual.

"General, you have come from thousands of miles away, general, you wear iron armor, general, you are so hot, general, you are not afraid of the heat!" The next moment, bursts of singing came from them, similar to folk songs, but sung It's a bit off-key, and the content is also irritating.

Not to mention, it was fine if they didn't sing like that, but Shi Hui felt a little hotter for no reason.

"Fuck, why do you suddenly feel so much hotter...Could it be that these barbarians know magic?" Cen Xi rubbed the sweat on his chin.

"You are already hot in the clothes, but after they say that, you feel more stuffy in your heart, so you will naturally feel hotter?" Yang Xiong was only wearing a piece of iron-inlaid leather armor, so he didn't feel too hot.He also saw the tricks of those barbarians.

"General, let me ask you if you're hot! General, go back! General, I'll ask you if you're hot..." The barbarians continued to sing, repeating only two sentences, but there seemed to be a magical power in the air. Spread within the army.

"Are you really a bunch of trash?" Shi Hui was also hot, but he couldn't swallow his breath. He pointed to the three hundred sword shield soldiers, "Look at them, and then look at you!"

There is no harm if there is no comparison. The other soldiers looked at it, and even the 200 people under Shi Yuan's command also looked at the [-] sword and shield soldiers of the system, and found that the opponent did not respond at all, and was even ready to fight at any time.

Immediately, I felt my cheeks were burning hot, and my attention came back to the heat, and then I quickly adjusted my mentality and got ready.

"Boys, follow me to kill them, let them close their beaks!" Shi Hui pointed to the barbarians in front, and shouted towards the phalanx behind him, he didn't want to drag it on, it would only make it hotter That's all.

Even if the mind still maintains the fighting spirit, losing too much water physically may lead to heat stroke.

"Somewhat capable!" Seeing this, the vine-armored barbarian smiled, raised his big knife and pointed forward, "Guys, follow me to kill them, and teach these Han court minions a lesson!"

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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