The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 187 Seeking a way out and planning Yizhou

Chapter 187 Seeking a way out and planning Yizhou

Wang Yun only felt that the information was wrong. During the period when Li Shimin started his family, he was not only married, but also married many local wealthy families. There were many beautiful wives and concubines in his family, and there were occasional rumors about his romantic affairs.

It is precisely because he thinks that Li Shimin is a hungry ghost that Wang Yun decides to use beauty tricks, especially Diao Chan's stunning beauty, it is impossible for any man to be willing to give up.Unexpectedly, Li Shimin gave up directly the next day and gave Diaochan to Lu Bu as a gift.

Fortunately, Li Shimin didn't expose his scheme, but told Lu Bu: "In order to get this girl, Li brought a lot of gift money, so to put it bluntly, he wanted this girl for Marquis Wen."

In this way, Diao Chan is still his adopted daughter, but the wedding date is brought forward.But in order to seal Li Shimin's mouth, he had to make concessions in some places. This is Li Shimin's smartest place.

The Li family and the Wang family started to quarrel, but it was actually not beneficial to anyone at all.The confrontation between big families is often a contest among these minutiae. This time, Li Shimin obviously won the confrontation.

On the second day of court, the hall was calm, but those who were well-informed knew that this was just the calm before the storm.The contest between Wang Clan and Li Clan has just begun.

"Your Majesty, there has been no rain in the Guanzhong area since the beginning of spring, and there may be drought this year. In order to avoid disasters, you should buy grain from Bashu or Jingxiang!" The doctor Wu Shuo came forward to advise, this is a party on the fence, and No force is involved.

"Liu Biao of Jingzhou and Liu Yan of Yizhou once sent people to express their loyalty to the imperial court. However, after one year, no money was paid for the food, let alone the matter of buying food. Turn it in!" Li Shimin took the opportunity to play.

Guanzhong was originally barren, and the land was not suitable for farming, but the land suitable for farming was on the territory of the Huns.Guan Zhongkong has 20 troops, but it is not easy to mobilize them easily. This is the biggest pain for Liu Xie's court. Otherwise, it would not have been necessary to send only 5000 people to test the reality earlier. There is really no way to support too many people.

"Leaving aside the issue of Jingxiang!" Yang Biao stepped forward, "I heard that General Zhennan, the prefect of Changsha, has joined the puppet dynasty in Jizhou, and has recently begun to use troops against Wuling and Guiyang. If the two counties are captured, Jingnan four The county and the entire territory of Jiaozhou are the territories of their scholars. The ambitions of the scholars are already very obvious! Since Jingzhou's important grain-producing areas have been taken away, Liu Jingzhou probably has no surplus grain to hand over. He is afraid that he still needs Prepare your troops and horses, and prepare to attack Shi Hui."

"What about Yizhou? Bashu has been a natural grain-producing land since the pre-Qin period, and there is even more fertile soil like Hanzhong. Liu Yizhou has been away from war and has been in business for several years. Could it be that there is no way to hand over money and grain?" Li Shimin asked rhetorically.

This is the most unreasonable thing. Since the establishment of the Guanzhong court, Liu Yan has only sent people to show his loyalty, but he has not handed over money and food. His attitude is also very ambiguous. He is not so much a courtier as an unreliable ally.

"At least Yizhou is still Yizhou of the imperial court!" Wang Yun shook his head, "The top priority should be to crusade against Bingzhou and attack Jizhou by way of attack. Only by eradicating the puppet dynasty in Jizhou can we consolidate the prestige of the imperial court and deter those restless officials in all states and counties. .”

"Bingzhou is poorer than Guanzhong. Not only will it not bring any benefits to the court, but it will only drag the court down! There is also the Black Mountain Army, which has been active in the Taihang Mountains for a long time, and goes out from time to time to plunder places. The minister does not agree to attack Bingzhou! If you want to fight, you should go all out to attack the Southern Huns, where the water and soil are rich and suitable for farming, but the Southern Huns only use it as pasture for grazing, which is really a waste!" Li Shimin retorted directly.

"The southern Xiongnu is attached to the big man, and this leader, Hu Chuquan, still obeys the orders of the court. How can such an ally give up as soon as he says he wants to give up?" Wang Yun disagreed. The Southern Xiongnu was one of his trump cards. If not, they can be transferred to contain Li Shimin.The other party also knew this, and now he was afraid that he would attack him.

"It's just the current situation in Guanzhong. If we continue to supply 20 soldiers with food, how can we maintain the combat effectiveness of the soldiers? If Guanzhong comes to attack, how can we resist?" Li Shimin shouted suddenly.

"Send people to Yizhou to buy grain. Didn't the doctor already mention it before?" Wang Yun retorted directly.

"Wang Situ, Yizhou was originally the Yizhou of the great Han, and it was his duty to provide food for the imperial court!" Huangfusong came forward at this time and said something. not go down.

In fact, just now, Dong Cheng had secretly hinted to him that he had no choice but to come forward.Maybe others don't know, but he is very clear that Dong Cheng actually represents His Majesty, and Wu Shuo, who was the first to come forward, is actually in this faction.

In addition, Zhongyi, Wangzifu and Jinxuan are also in this faction.He was neutral on the surface, but secretly led by Dong Cheng, he continued to provoke the fight between Wang Yun and Li Shimin in private, and then took the opportunity to seek benefits and expand his influence.

"Your Majesty..." Wang Yun saluted Liu Xie, "There is a rebellion in Hanzhong County by the Five Dou Rice Sect, headed by Zhang Lu, occupying Hanzhong. In name, it is under Liu Yan's command, but he obeys the instructions and secretly accumulates troops, horses, food and grass. With him If you obstruct it, you are afraid that Liu Yizhou will not be able to provide money and food for the court?"

"Haha!" Li Shimin burst out laughing when he heard the words, "Since Yizhou is the Yizhou of the great man, then the problems in Yizhou are naturally the problems of the great man! Since there is a rebellion by the Five Dou Rice Sect, then the imperial court should send troops to Hanzhong to calm the place!"

Another idea is to defeat Hanzhong, then the food problem in Guanzhong will be alleviated in the future, especially in the future, it will be convenient to go to Shangyong to attack Jingxiang, and even go south to attack Bashu.

"Hanzhong is under the rule of Yizhou. If we send troops to Yizhou, maybe Liu Yizhou will misunderstand it?" Wang Yun immediately guessed Li Shimin's plan.

"Send someone to let Liu Yizhou send troops. If there is no time limit, we will help him solve it. Situ, if there is insufficient food and grass this year, there will be no way to support another 20 troops. Disarmament is an inevitable result, and among them The Eighth Colonel of Xiyuan has the worst combat power, and there is no need to survive, so he should be disbanded." Li Shimin bared his fangs.

"Xiyuan Eighth School Lieutenant is an important force defending the imperial court. How can it be disbanded just by disbanding?" Wang Yun was shocked, and even Liu Xie showed a thoughtful expression.

"Li Shimin!" Wang Yun roared angrily, "As I said before, you can buy grain and grass in Bashu!"

"Who will pay for the money? Besides, since the situation in Yizhou is unstable, how can we ensure that they have surplus grain to sell to us? Wang Situ, the current situation will not exceed May at most, and a decision must be made! Is it going south to attack Hanzhong? , or go north to attack the Southern Huns, or disband the eight captains of Xiyuan!" Li Shimin gave the conditions.

The lesser of two evils, the Southern Xiongnu and the eight captains of Xiyuan can't move, the only thing is to attack Hanzhong.Faced with Li Shimin's pressing step by step, Wang Yun had a clue in his hands, so he could only succumb, and agreed to send someone to inform Liu Yan that he would deal with Hanzhong County within a limited time, otherwise the imperial court would send troops to Hanzhong.This time is set before May!
However, the envoy was sent out for less than a month, and brought back bad news, that is, Liu Yan died of a recurrence of back sores a month ago. Under the recommendation of the ministers, Liu Zhang succeeded him as the governor of Yizhou.

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(End of this chapter)

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