Chapter 171 Sweeping in Three Ways
Besides, Wuling County is mountainous. There are more than a dozen large and small peaks between Yuannan and Yuanling, and there are hundreds of mountains to the north of Yuanling. The terrain is rolling and rolling, and it is very difficult to walk the mountain road.Therefore, from Linyuan to the south, most of them are by water.

All the way south along the Yuanshui River, through Yuannan to Yuanling, north to Youyang and even Qianling can be directly reached.Continue to go southwest and you can go directly to Chenyang.However, if you want to continue going south to reach Tancheng County, you must walk on the mountain road.

However, Tancheng County was originally populated by barbarians and Han people, and there were very few Han people. Over time, everyone forgot the existence of this county.Even the county magistrate appointed by the imperial court seems to have forgotten the county seat.

When Zhang Xian first came to Wuling County, he initially established a friendly relationship with the Pan family, and managed to gain a firm foothold in Linyuan. Most of the other counties were obedient and obedient, which made it impossible for him to manage the place well.Even now that the Pan family and the Zheng family have made it clear that they are on his side, if they want to manage Wuling County well, they still need to subdue several other counties.

"In the other counties, the defenders are only a few hundred, and they cannot pose a threat. If the army passes by, they will open the city and surrender immediately. Only this county, it doesn't matter if the general doesn't care about it, after all, it has been there for too long. I don’t know the specific situation.” Zhang Xian reminded that what he hopes most now is to use the [-] soldiers under Shi Hui’s command to help him deter the magistrates of those county towns and make them obedient. It would be best to leave a batch for him to dispatch.

"The easier it is to be ignored, the easier it is to become the opponent's lair! This Tancheng County must go, otherwise killing the thieves will not get rid of the roots, but will only cause endless troubles!" Shi Hui shook his head, only listening to Zhang Xian's words, I know there must be a problem in Tancheng County.

"General, can you send some soldiers to garrison Linyuan? If you leave, I'm afraid that the soldiers under my command will not be able to deter those tyrants..." Of course Zhang Xian didn't dare to stop him, he just made a request.

It is better to say that he cannot restrain these tyrants than that he hopes to hand over military power. Shi Hui sent people to guard Wuling County, which can be regarded as a show of loyalty to him, and Shi Hui naturally heard it.

"Let's do this!" Shi Hui thought for a while, "I'll talk about sending people over to guard the matter later, but don't you see that the He family had [-] private soldiers who were tenants who were wiped out? I will send [-] soldiers to garrison the fields later. Come here, under your command, at the same time send one or two generals to be responsible for commanding them, to farm the fields at ordinary times, and to take up weapons when needed!"

"That's fine!" Zhang Xian didn't expect the soldiers in the field to have much fighting power at all, but seeing Shi Hui speak, that's all he could do.

Shi Hui just smiled and didn't speak. If he really needs to use it in the future, the fighting power of these three thousand field soldiers will still surprise Zhang Xian.Let’s just say that in Jingnan, or even Jiangdong, if it’s just about fighting in groups, even the soldiers in the field have high combat effectiveness.

"There's another battle!" Shi Hui announced after he had dealt with Zhang Xian's affairs before returning to the army.

"It's all up to the lord!" The generals responded one after another, no matter how powerful Wuximan is, for the generals, being able to fight is the most important thing, and following Shihui to Wuling County, it turned out to be almost useless.

In the only battle, the servants of the He family were really useless, and they were finished in less than two or three blows.During this period, Shi Hui completely used the means of cutting and handing over to tidy up the Pan family and the Zheng family, and even the few gentry around him dared not say a word.

This can indeed avoid unnecessary losses, but for warriors, it is very bad.

"Our next enemy is the Wuxi barbarians in Wuling County! I only have two demands, either surrender and accept Sinicization, or... die!" Shi Hui solemnly announced.

"Here!" The soldiers, mainly the generals, responded one after another. This order from Shi Hui was very appetizing to them.

"Let's go!" Shi Hui raised his arms and shouted, then got on his horse.The soldiers behind them also got on their horses one after another, and the large army set off immediately, heading towards the mountain to kill.

In order to obtain the greatest efficiency, Shi Hui split the soldiers and horses into three groups, and the soldiers were divided into three groups to fight towards Tancheng County.Cen Xi and Yang Xiong will only know the other two routes. He personally directs the route and heads directly towards Hutou Mountain in the southwest direction of Yuannan.

From this day on, the barbarians in the mountains have suffered.With more than 500 strong archers as scouts, even if the large army walked through the mountains and forests, the trees could not block their sight.Everything in the forest is constantly reported by these scouts.

"I found a barbarian village, three miles to the southwest, with a population of about [-]!" Not long after, some scouts came back and told the location of the tribe they found.

"Get ready for battle!" Shi Hui ordered immediately, and Nan Jiyun, who was beside him, had already ordered Mo Daobing to prepare for battle.If you look carefully, you will find that what he is holding in his hand is also a Mo Dao!

He was originally a hunter, and his best skill should be bow and arrow, and then a short knife.Later, I also used the Huan Shou Dao, and even used the Pu Dao, but it has been difficult to use.It wasn't until he got a Mo Dao that he realized that this was his natal weapon!
As the commander of Mo Dao Bing, Nan Jiyun, a famous general in the middle Tang Dynasty, was naturally transferred to Mo Dao General.

For these pawns, the distance of three miles is simply easy. If you look carefully, you can find that they have used some parkour skills to maneuver through the terrain cleverly. Movement speed between mountains.

Perhaps parkour has already appeared among the Yue people in China, but they have not systematically summed it up?Thinking about it carefully, isn't Qin Liangyu of the Ming Dynasty, the white-armed soldiers under his command, known for walking swiftly in the mountains?

Leaving aside, let's just say that the Wudang Flying Army formed by Liu Bei later with the Southern Zhongman is a good fighter in mountain warfare, and it moves extremely fast in mountainous terrain!
Within sight, a barbarian village has already been seen. Perhaps because it was approaching the afternoon, the villagers who had gone hunting or gathering had returned one after another. The adults were showing off their harvest today, and the women and children were welcoming the return of the men.

"It's almost here! Charge!" Although the scene looked beautiful, Shi Hui had to shout.

The army rushed out suddenly, heading towards the village.When the group of barbarians came to their senses, the army had already reached the outskirts of their village. Among them, Nan Jiyun's Mo Dao soldiers were the first to bear the brunt. The Mo Dao in his hand slashed down, and the wooden fence at the main entrance fell to the ground with a sound, and the incision was extremely smooth.

"What a sharp blade! What a weird long knife!" The patriarch among the barbarians exclaimed immediately when he saw this, "Block them, bow and arrow, and shoot arrows immediately!"

However, the Tomahawk soldiers had already charged over, using their shields as cover, and charged into the enemy army.Cheng Chubi, who was temporarily incorporated under Shi Hui's command, obeyed Yang Xiong's instructions and set up the Tomahawk training ground, which had always dared to charge into battle, to attack the hard-headed troops.

At this moment, of course, he personally led the army into the enemy's formation, and the Xuanhua ax in his hand even killed the patriarch.

"When did the Han people become so powerful?" The patriarch and Cheng Chubi fought three moves, only to feel that the more they hit, the more difficult it became. Just now he was amazed, and Cheng Chubi caught the opening, and chopped down with an axe. It splits in half.

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