The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 162 Explosive soldiers are also a science

Chapter 162 Explosive soldiers are also a science

There are more than 100 million people working hard under the name of Shihui, and five resources are paid into the account every day.Especially the second time I helped recruit people, still according to the previous standard, I earned a food unit that could recruit 50 people.

In fact, the larger the population, the more civilians join in various walks of life, the higher his resource collection speed will be.If it hadn't been for worrying about climate and other unstable factors, Shi Hui would have recruited another 50 people to Changsha County without hesitation.

In the end, he endured it, only recruited 20 people, and told Fang Xuanling that a large number of refugees were about to go south, and asked him to deal with it.

"My lord, why did another 20 people go south?" Fang Xuanling was really frightened, so he sent 50 people to Panyu, and 20 of them were sent directly to Lingling.If it weren't for Shi Xie to bear all the food during the period, I'm afraid a lot of people would starve to death on the way, and they would have to make arrangements for food and resettlement when they arrived at the place. Fortunately, he didn't need to have a headache.

But now these 20 refugees, he probably has no way to escape.

"I have already accepted 20 before, especially the county magistrates all over the country have asked for more population, so we should arrange it properly. If it doesn't work, find a way to set aside an area to build a new city. We still have a lot of food!" Shi Huidafang Said.

Several granaries are full of grain, especially soybeans, which are successively made into tofu and dried tofu. The former is sold locally, and the latter is shipped to other places for sale. It is very popular as a meat substitute.Even Shi Hui, in the name of the prefect of Changsha County, carried out military purchases as a supplement to the soldiers' military rations.

"Even if this is the case, the current situation in each county can only accommodate 10 people at most! The roads in various places have been built, and the ditches have been dredged and widened. We no longer have jobs that can be arranged for these refugees!" Fang Xuan Ling complained directly.

"In this case, I have a way to deal with it! When my father was the prefect of Jiaozhi before, there was a good way to deal with such a situation, and that was to build a new city!" Shi Hui laughed, "For example Say, how about building a city on the edge of Dongting Lake that can accommodate 10 people?"

Shi Hui clicked the dot on the map, which is the location of Yueyang City in later generations, but in this era, it is not even on the edge of Dongting Lake, and there is actually a Xiangshui in the middle.

"If it's reclaiming the lake, it's probably possible!" Fang Xuanling nodded thoughtfully after thinking about it for a while.

"No!" Shi Hui shook his head when he heard the words, "The only thing that can't be done is to reclaim land around the lake! Dongting Lake must be given more space to ensure its water storage capacity, otherwise, if there is a flood, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"It's just that, in terms of the surrounding land, it can only accommodate less than 5 people!" Fang Xuanling reminded.

"Since that's the case, how about setting up two more county towns here and here?" Shi Hui pointed to the two places, which are the locations of the later generations of Pingjiang County and Liuyang City.This place can also be used as a satellite city to defend Changsha County.

After all, Linxiang, the seat of Changsha County, is not far from Yuzhang County, and Ai County and Yichun County are very close to Linxiang.The prefect of Yuzhang County is now Hua Xin. He originally went to Xuzhou to seek refuge. On the way, he received an edict from the imperial court, so he changed his route to Yuzhang to take office.

If it weren't for Shi Hui's current policy to target the four counties in Jingnan, I'm afraid he has already learned from Sun Ce in history and sent someone to say surrender. If he succeeds, he can get Yuzhang County without bloodshed.Of course, in order to increase the effect of persuasion, Shi Hui would not mind bringing tens of thousands of elite soldiers to surround Nanchang City before slowly persuading.

"That's it..." Fang Xuanling naturally saw the importance of these two cities, and they were not bad as a relay city to Yuzhang.

In the end, Fang Xuanling agreed. After all, the government only needed to provide tools, and the Shi Hui directly took care of it.Is there any tool that can compare to the tools made by 3 blacksmiths in the LV200 blacksmith shop with [-] hours of hard work every day?Not to mention, tools that meet the needs of tens of thousands of people can be created overnight, which is really black technology!

The 20 people have been digested in this way, but according to Fang Xuanling's meaning, there cannot be such an increase next year, otherwise it will not be able to absorb it.Changsha County is not small, but there are many mountains, and there are not many plains that can be lived in. There are also some Yue people and barbarians hidden in the mountains. Especially Yuzhang, which is very close to the Wuyi Mountains. But Yangzhou is the most famous and the most numerous, and the Shanyue ethnic group that even the Han court has a headache.

"Okay, there won't be such a large area of ​​refugees next year, but if there are refugees from the north going south, don't we accept them?" Shi Hui asked directly.

"Refugees from all over the country are usually a few families, more than a dozen families go south, no more than dozens or hundreds at a time, and the localities can naturally accept them directly. The group of 20 refugees in one breath, I really don't know how they came here! "Fang Xuanling complained directly. He knew that Shi Hui had recruited them with food, but where they were recruited was completely a mystery.

There is a direct shortage of 20 people in a place, not to mention the county guard, the governor will probably be furious when he hears this, and he will not give up unless the county guard or even the county magistrate is dismissed, or even killed.

However, there have been millions of people going south to Jiaozhou, some of them have arrived in Changsha County and Lingling County, but there is no report in the Central Plains where there are few people. I really don't know where these people come from.In fact, Shi Hui has always had a sense of mystery in the eyes of the civil and military men under his command, which makes people eager to find out and a little in awe.

"Okay, the population has exploded to 20. In the short term, Changsha County's labor force should not be a problem. There is no need to continue to recruit in the short term..." Shi Hui weighed in and recruited another 20 people.However, it was not released and remained in the interface.

As long as it is not released, there is no need to provide 0.1 units of food per day.This is only for civilians, and the army is different. Soldiers at LV1 only need 0.1 unit of food per day; after LV2, they need 0.2 unit of food, and naturally LV3 will increase to 0.3 unit of food.

If there is enough meat, the amount of meals can be reduced appropriately, up to 0.1 units.However, if there is a lack of oil and water, then 3 catties must be guaranteed.Especially the two elite arms, Mo Dao soldiers and knights, since they have the combat effectiveness of a general and a team rate, they naturally need a lot of food to maintain their own force.

It is said that there is no upper limit for explosive soldiers, but there is an upper limit for food. If you recruit 3000 Mo Dao soldiers, the resources will definitely keep up. However, the result is that [-] units of food are consumed every day to maintain the combat effectiveness of this army.

These grains are enough to recruit 600 civilians, but the variety of grains in the Three Kingdoms era is relatively simple, and the output is not high. Instead, the grain output has become the biggest constraint for his unlimited explosive troops.

Since hundreds of thousands or even millions of soldiers could not be recruited in one go, Shi Hui eventually recruited [-] soldiers.Among them, there are one thousand Mo Dao soldiers, two thousand battleaxe soldiers, cavalry soldiers and ranger archers each.[-] strong bowmen, halberds, and crossbowmen each.

One thousand Mo Dao soldiers are his personal guards, and several other arms are used as seeds and distributed to their respective armies. At the same time, they will be completely changed. The existing soldiers can be upgraded. They only need to be changed and undergo two years of training at the same time. .

Otherwise, even if they have the appearance of LV3 soldiers, they will not have the combat effectiveness of these soldiers.As for the precisely recruited [-] soldiers, it is said that the food they need to consume is within the range that the badge can bear. It is really good to raise [-] soldiers in Changsha County.

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(End of this chapter)

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