Chapter 157

Li Jue finally let Zhang Ji go, and was willing to be punished after returning to Chang'an. However, Liu Xie did not dismiss him, but only symbolically fined him with one year's salary as punishment, and did not even deprive him of the command of the Flying Bear Army.

Li Jue was naturally filled with emotion, and sincerely swore allegiance to Liu Xie in the court hall.But they didn't know that all of this was the result of a discussion between Li Shimin and Wang Yun.Li Jue and Zhang Ji used to be colleagues, if the pursuit was successful this time, then Li Jue would not be able to stay.If it is not successful, a little favor can gain his allegiance instead.

A general with "virtue" is more reassuring for the court to use than a general who is capable but "without virtue".

Talk about two ends, let's say that after Zhang Ji bid farewell to Li Jue, he quickly returned to the army.Seeing Zhang Xiu's safe return, Zhang Xiu and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.Especially Zou, seeing Zhang Ji coming back, couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

"Follow me to the south!" Zhang Ji comforted Zou slightly, and then came to the front of the army, raising his gun and shouting.

"Here!" Under Zhang Ji's command, Zhang Xiu, Lei Xu, Zhang Xian and Hu Che'er all responded.Only among the crowd, a scribe stroked his beard and smiled, but did not speak.

Let's talk about today's Nanyang County, where the original Shihui left Zhao Kuangyin here. During the time when he went south to Changsha, Zhao Kuangyin took over the counties and stabilized the law and order.It was very easy for Wu Jing to take over. Seeing that the order was restored and Wancheng was slowly becoming prosperous again, even Cheng Pu and Han Dang, the veterans, were relieved.

It seems that Shi Hui didn't cheat them, he really gave up Nanyang County to them because of Sun Jian's affection.

"It's a pity that after several conquests in Nanyang, especially during the time when Yuan Shu was here, the population did not increase but decreased..." Wu Jing, together with Sun Jing and Zhu Zhi, looked at the reports and files of the counties in Nanyang County, feeling a little regretful .

At present, there are [-] soldiers left behind in Nanyang County, but there are only [-] soldiers left behind in Wancheng.This kind of force is not enough at all, and more soldiers need to be recruited.However, the population is not large, and continuing to recruit will only destroy the farming and commerce of Nanyang County, as long as anyone with a little vision can see it.

Even so, after arriving in Nanyang County, Wu Jing still came forward to recruit [-] soldiers.At the same time, I wrote a letter back, hoping that my hometown could support some soldiers.

The Wu family is not a big family in Wu County, but they have a lot of heritage.Next door to Wu County is Danyang County, and Danyang is recognized by the Han as the best source of soldiers.If the family can help and recruit two or three thousand Danyang soldiers, then Nanyang County will be safe.

Over the next month or so, Wu Jing, Zhu Zhi, and Sun Jing worked hard to govern, and people's livelihood improved slightly.There are also some people from Guanzhong, Henan Yin, and even people from Runan who came to live here.

"Bo Fu, don't always be straightforward, you need to change!" On the training ground, Huang Gai personally taught Sun Ce a move, and seeing Sun Ce's direct and reckless fight every time, he immediately came forward and angrily reprimanded him.

"Changing moves means leaving room for moves!" Sun Ce still did not change, "You can kill the enemy with one move, why do you have to make changes!?"

I really don't have any strength left to start, it's fast and accurate, and every move is a killer move!Open and close, the power is so powerful!

"You're still young!" Huang Gai beat Sun Ce to the ground as soon as he exerted his strength, "The strength has not yet reached its peak, and the concept of marksmanship is only in the training ground! On the real battlefield, personal force is almost useless. You If you don’t leave any strength, even if you can kill 99 pawns, you will be killed by one!”

"Damn it! Why can't I grow up quickly!" Sun Ce was also annoyed. He was only 16 years old this year, and even with his appearance, he still couldn't change this fact.His physical strength and strength have not yet reached the level of that 'little bully'.

"You will always grow up. During this time, you should polish your strength! Wu Jing has appointed you as the military commander. What you need is to get familiar with the life of the army and study government affairs at the same time. There is always someone in Nanyang County It will be in your hands one day!" Huang Gai stepped forward and said slowly.From the beginning, he regarded Sun Ce as his nephew.While taking care of him, I was also worried about his aggressiveness.

Sun Ce immediately lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead. He liked to beat and kill him. It would be better to kill him than let him handle government affairs.

"You have to learn this from Zhongmou!" Huang Gai knew that Sun Ce didn't like government affairs. "As the lord of Nanyang, how can you know nothing about government affairs? Zhongmou is younger than you, but he follows Junli (Zhu Zhibiao)" Learning. In terms of martial arts, I am not far behind you!"

Sun Ce's talent in martial arts is even higher than them, this is something that the generals of the Sun family know very well.The problem is that Sun Ce's personality is active and not quiet, and he can't calm down to study politics. Otherwise, his talent should not be much worse than Sun Quan's.

After finishing martial arts training, Sun Ce followed Huang Gai into the government office, but found that the atmosphere was a bit weird, many people were wandering around, and Wu Jing was issuing orders one after another.

"Bo Fu, the situation is not good!" Wu Jing saw Sun Ce coming in, and immediately stepped forward, "Chang'an suddenly changed, Dong Zhuo was killed, and His Majesty officially took control of Guanzhong! However, Zhang Ji, Dong Zhuo's former army, led [-] soldiers, and was heading towards Wancheng. , Liguo County has been destroyed, and Cheng Pu just withdrew his troops and returned to Wancheng!"

"Cheng Pu led two thousand soldiers to guard Liguo County, how could it fall so quickly?" Sun Ce obviously didn't believe it.

"Li Guo County has not yet been repaired, and there is still a gap! The key is that the opponent has [-] strong men, and the leader named Hu Che'er is even more powerful. When other people restrained Cheng Pu, he led the army to break through Cheng Pu went into battle himself, but was defeated by Zhang Ji's nephew Zhang Xiu!" Wu Jing replied.

"That embroidery is so powerful?" Sun Ce was startled when he heard that. Under Sun Jian's command, after deducting Huang Gai, Han Dang and Cheng Pu were probably the most powerful, and Cheng Pu was defeated. How powerful is this embroidery? !
"Report!" At this time, a soldier hurriedly reported, "Zhang Xiu's army has approached Wancheng and is stationed outside the city!"

"Report!" The bad news is obviously not over yet, "Liu Biao sent troops to the north, and Liu Pan has already killed in the direction of Xinye!"

"Report!" The third bad news came immediately, "Yuan Shu led [-] soldiers in Runan, intercepted and received [-] soldiers from Wu County, and the number increased to [-] soldiers, and they are heading towards Wuyin County. kill!"

Nanyang was originally the site of the Four Wars, and it is possible not only to face surprise attacks from Guanzhong, but also to face attacks from Jingzhou and Yuzhou.However, the entire Nanyang is almost defenseless, and the battle on flat ground is really "the brave wins when we meet on a narrow road".

At this point, Sun Ce estimated that the number of troops he could mobilize was less than [-], and the situation was critical!
"Bofu, Nanyang County is already a place of right and wrong, we can't stay here! We must retreat, otherwise we will all die here!" Wu Jing knew very well at this moment that staying in Wancheng would only lead to a dead end.

"But where can I go now?" Sun Ce gritted his teeth, and finally understood the iron law of troubled times: Weakness is the original sin!

"The passage to the south has been sealed. Yuan Shu has a grievance with us. We can only find a way to enter Guanzhong and take refuge in the imperial court! Zhu Jun is still in the imperial court. For the sake of his brother's old love, he should take us in!" Sun Jing reminded road.

"Yes, you only need to go north, you can pass the Qinling Mountains and enter Henan Yin, and then go to Guanzhong!" Huang Gai also immediately thought that going north is the only way out.

"What about Kuang and Lang?" Sun Ce was still very worried. His mother, younger sister and two younger brothers were still in Changsha County.

"We are too busy to take care of ourselves. The key is that there are too many unknowns when we go to Guanzhong this time. If something happens, at least the fourth and fifth sons can still be left behind for the Sun family!" Zhu Zhi reminded.

"Well, pack it up right away, abandon the city and head north!" Although Sun Ce was still young, a series of changes made him mature quickly.Staying in Wancheng is just a dead end, even if he is not afraid of death, he can't drag a group of civil and military men to die together!

Especially Sun Quan and Sun Yi are also here. As the eldest brother, he can't watch his two younger brothers accompany him to die.

The army assembled quickly, and there was hardly any supply troops. Everyone just brought about five days of dry food and some important supplies, and then immediately started heading north.

"It all started from this..." Sun Ce returned home and took out a brocade box from a hidden compartment.He wanted to smash it, but in the end he didn't.

This is what his father bought back with his life. In a sense, it is the thought his father left him.

After packing the brocade box, Sun Ce took Sun Quan and Sun Yi, and led a group of civil and military personnel, and quickly broke out towards the north.As for Zhang Ji, when he saw Sun Ce leaving, he didn't stop him. He just entered Wancheng silently and took over here.

"Mr. Jia, why didn't you let me pursue it?" That night, when Wancheng had stabilized, Zhang Ji found the scribe.

"As expected, the Chuanguo Yuxi should be in the hands of Sun Ce!" Jia Xu, who was temporarily serving as a guest, stood up and looked at Zhang Ji, "If he leaves, everyone will only pay attention to him! If we kill him, then all the people in the world will All eyes will gather towards us! The most important thing is, if my predictions are correct, I am afraid that we will have new opponents soon!"

Sure enough, not long after, Zhang Xiu was already in the government office and found the news that Yuan Shu and Liu Biao sent troops separately.

"It's impossible to occupy all of Nanyang County!" Jia Xu looked at the battle report, "But Yuan Shu's side is nothing to worry about, just repel him! Only Liu Biao is not easy to move, if he surrenders to the table, Give him the south of Xinye!"

"Will he accept my service?" Zhang Ji didn't quite believe it, after all, it was the imperial court's intention for Li Jue to pursue him.

"As long as Yuan Shu is still in Runan County, then he will agree!" Jia Xu replied slowly.

Sure enough, three days later, Liu Biao, who received Zhang Ji's letter of surrender, recognized Zhang Jin as the prefect of Nanyang.And ordered him to lead the army to attack Yuan Shu.What he didn't know was that Zhang Ji followed Jia Xu's plan and concentrated all his troops in Wuyin County early on. When he received the news, he had set up an ambush to defeat Yuan Shu.

Speaking of both ends, when Shi Hui was resettling 20 new civilians, Sun Ce finally came to Guanzhong.It's just that he didn't take out the Chuanguo Yuxi, but only found Zhu Jun's way.

Zhu Jun really remembered his old relationship and helped introduce them to the court.Liu Xie asked Wang Yun, Shi Sun Rui and others, and finally decided to recruit Sun Ce, appointed him as the army commander, and listened to him under Lu Bu's command.

All other courtiers either served as county magistrates or served in the army.It has to be said that after Dong Zhuo's purge before, the imperial court also lacked a lot of talents in Guanzhong, especially in Liangzhou.

"What? Sun Ce actually went to Guanzhong?" At the same time, Shi Hui also received the news. He was a little caught off guard by the drastic changes in the big man during this period.The key is that if this is the case, Sun Wu will disappear from now on!
 Look, Sun Wu is gone, it's that simple.Ask for favorites, ask for recommendations.


(End of this chapter)

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