Chapter 151

Shi Hui was actually a little confused when he heard the words, there really wasn't anyone under him who was good at eloquence.If you really want to count Shi Xie, there is a Sun Qian under his command. He is also a very good diplomat in the Three Kingdoms.

But what Li Yan said was 'his subordinate', obviously this guy should be able to distinguish the difference between Shi Xie and him.

"Oh, who has this ability?" Shi Hui asked curiously.

"March chief Lu Fan!" Li Yan immediately recommended to Shi Hui.

"The one who was originally under Yuan Shu's command and then joined us?" Shi Hui had a little impression of this name. Before driving Yuan Shu away, he said by the way that he wanted to select qualified talents for recruitment and drive away the trash.

Trash like Zhang Xun, Lei Bo, Chen Ji and Yuan Yin should all be driven away.Yang Hong was loyal, so he let him go.In the end, only this Lu Fan was recruited. It is said that Li Yan immediately selected him during the selection process and recommended him as the chief bookkeeper of the march.

Shi Hui was not very familiar with this name, and he thought it was not an important talent in the Three Kingdoms, so he didn't take it to heart.Unexpectedly, Li Yan respects him so much now, and he can't help but wonder in his heart: Could it be that he is also a celebrity of the Three Kingdoms?

"Since Zhu Guo recommended it, let him try it!" Shi Hui nodded.

"Lv Fan is a talented person with good learning and Wang Zuo's talent. I hope my lord will pay attention to it." Li Yan nodded, worried that Shi Hui would not take it seriously, so he reminded him again.

If Li Yan is so respected by literati, then Lu Fan should be a very important talent.Shi Hui nodded to express his understanding, and his attitude became much more serious.

Not long after, Lu Fan received a summons and came to visit him. He couldn't understand why Shi Hui called him over.

"Lu Ziheng, the military advisor doesn't want to bury your talent, so he recommended you to me. In this case, I have an important task for you. If you can complete it, then I will appoint you as a meritorious official. How about it?" Shi Hui corrected his posture , said with a somewhat distrustful attitude, and of course did not forget to point out the importance of Li Yan in it.

"The subordinate is willing to do his best for the Lord!" Lu Fan was a little dazed, but he still agreed.

"Some time ago, Huang She, the eldest son of Huang Zu, the prefect of Jiangxia, led Jiangxia's navy to pretend to be water thieves and plundered places. We have already captured him. You should know this, right?" Shi Hui asked.

"This subordinate is the chief bookkeeper in the army, but he knows a thing or two!" Lu Fan replied, of course he knew about it.

"It's good to know!" Shi Hui nodded, "I discussed with the military adviser, and I plan to send Huang She to Liu Biao to let him go. Considering the relationship between Liu Biao and Huang Zu, it is estimated that he will deliberately take sides. And your task , just to make Liu Biao let go and appoint an officer as the prefect of Lingling!"

"This Yi'er, this subordinate will definitely do this for the lord!" Lu Fan agreed with a smile when he heard this.

"Well, perform well, I will not disappoint any talented person!" Shi Huiyu said earnestly.Strictly speaking, Lu Fan is older than him, but whoever makes him the Shangguan has a way of putting on airs.

When Lu Fan left, Shi Hui was still a little worried, but since Li Yan recommended him, he decided to give it a chance.

Lu Fan returned to the army, took out the military order of the badge, and took over Huang She.On the same day, he headed north, and after landing in Jiangling, he rushed all the way to Xiangyang. He arrived in Xiangyang three days later, and reported to the government office as an envoy of the emblem.

"Your Excellency is Lu Fan Lu Ziheng? If you are far away, you will welcome you!" Unlike Shi Hui, Liu Biao has heard of famous people all over the world. Knowing that it is Lu Ziheng from Runan, he immediately went out to meet him in person.

"Assassin Liu, don't do this, Zi Heng is here to be a villain." Lu Fan smiled slightly, and distanced himself from Liu Biao.

Liu Biao came to the post alone, and just came to Nanjun. He first married the Cai family, and married the Cai family as his continuation.Because of this, he got the support of the Cai family, and at the same time transferred the government office to Xiangyang, which directly made the Jiangling family powerless.Only by winning over Huang Zu and the Kuai brothers again, he immediately secured the position of governor of Jingzhou.But anyone with a discerning eye can see that there are too many families under his command, and there are hardly a few poor ones.

Therefore, Liu Biao actually meant to win over the poor and talented Lu Fan.Of course Lu Fan knew this. It was rare that he, as a capitulator, could still firmly stand on Shihui's side.

"Oh, let's hear it!" Liu Biao was immediately curious.

"It happened like this... so Huang She has been captured by the prefect, and now he is brought to Xiangyang, and I hope the governor will kill him to comfort the people who died!" Lu Fan said righteously.

Liu Biao immediately became embarrassed when he heard the words, killing Huang She would definitely not work, he was able to secure the governorship of Jingzhou because of the support of these aristocratic families.If Huang She were to be killed, Huang Zu would be at odds with him immediately.It is estimated that other aristocratic families will also worry about when Liu Biao will infringe on their interests.

At that time, they only need them to obey and obey, then he, Liu Jingzhou, will become a nameless one.Situations like this are rare in this era, and can only be summed up as 'a family that succeeds, a family that loses'.

"This..." Liu Biao couldn't help hesitating, thinking in his heart how to handle this matter properly.On the one hand, he had to keep Huang She, and on the other hand, he had to deal with Hao Shihui.Shi Hui is definitely an ambitious man, and he must not be given an excuse to get angry.

"Businessmen from Changsha and even from Jiaozhou have been killed many times, and the prefect is also very sad. It is rare to catch the murderer, and the governor can't let him go unpunished, otherwise, where will there be business contacts in the future?" Lu Fan further pressed, "At the same time Huang Zu, the prefect of Jiangxia, can't ignore his son's murder, he should be strictly warned. Otherwise, in the future, those aristocratic families will think that they can do whatever they want in Jingzhou!"

Of course Liu Biao knew about this problem. The problem was that he really couldn't attack Huang Zu now.

"Well, I know what happened! If Huang She stays, I will punish him severely!" Liu Biao decided to let Lu Fan keep Huang She, and then figure out a solution.

"In order not to make it difficult for the governor, the prefect has not made it public yet. But if the governor can't give an explanation, it will inevitably make the people below feel cold." Lu Fan said slowly, "Yes, my lord asked me There is one more thing here, the prefect of Lingling was vacant before, and the prefect recommended Cangwu to be the prefect of Lingling, I don't know what the governor thinks."

"Well, I got it!" Liu Biao immediately understood that Shi Hui wanted to make a deal with him with Huang She.Either the foundation is unstable, or Lingling County is lost, he can only choose one of the two.

"Huang She will be handed over later, I will leave!" Lu Fan nodded, said goodbye and left.He traveled all the way to the north by land, not only to avoid Huang Zu, but the key was to let the local aristocratic family know that Huang She was brought to Xiangyang by him.

Shi Hui also sent other people to various places in Jingzhou. As long as Liu Biao made any changes, bad rumors would spread immediately.

Sure enough, in the end Liu Biao gave up, and formally issued an appointment: Sergeant Cangwu as the prefect of Lingling!

 It seems that someone was curious about who the protagonist left under Yuan Shu's command...

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(End of this chapter)

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