Chapter 15

Shi Xie couldn't help but shake his head at Shi Hui's performance at this time, but considering that this was his first negotiation with himself, it was actually pretty good to be able to do this.

Shi Xie walked out of the study and immediately announced that the Shi family had fully mobilized grain.The grain bank only keeps the amount that does not affect daily sales, and at the same time reserves 30% of the grain to prevent risks, and mobilizes the rest.

The Shi family almost monopolized the grain stores in the entire Jiaozhou. It is conceivable how huge the grain can be mobilized.Even Shi Wu and Shi Xie asked Shi Xie privately if there was any change in Shi's family.

"Hahaha, whether the Shi family can rise depends on the present!" Shi Xie did not answer directly, but said to the two with a smile.The two knew that Shi Xie had always considered the interests of the Shi family, so naturally they stopped interfering.

After some mobilization, when Shi Hui completed the third drill, a large amount of grain was mobilized, a total of 1860 shi of grain, totaling 1 tons.It seems a lot, but in times of war, in the absence of oil and water, each soldier would consume [-] catty of grain per day.

If there is a one-year war, then the food is only enough to cover the annual expenses of [-] soldiers.Counting the consumption of the supply troops and the consumption of other factors, it can last for more than half a year.Calculated in this way, in fact, there is really not much food!
"I mobilized 3 shi of grain for my father. According to the agreement, you have to recruit [-] people! When can you recruit?" Shi Xie brought Shi Hui to the place where the grain was stored, and then pointed to the grain mountain and asked Shi Hui. .

"I'll contact you tonight. Tomorrow there must be 3 people in the vicinity of Longbian and Wanghai counties. As for the follow-up arrangements, my father will arrange them. After all, this is equivalent to Jiaozhi County, which directly doubles the number of Han people, especially The Han people who have no connection with the barbarians here also need father to mediate." Shi Hui looked at Shi Xie.

"My father has already invited all the patriarchs out, I hope they can give the old man a face. If not, hmph, do they really think that our family is easy to bully?" Shi Xie said slowly, but in the end, he In the tone of his voice, there is more or less such power and influence, which is the power and influence of the high-ranking people.

"If the child is needed to fight, the father will order it." Shi Hui said with a smile. He has been in the army for so long, and he also needs to accumulate actual combat experience.These days, he has competed with Yang Xiong and Cen Xi every day, and he has already mastered Shi Hui's original martial arts.It's meaningless to continue practicing. Only by constantly fighting and accumulating experience can one improve.

"When the time comes, you won't be able to escape!" Shi Xie looked at Shi Hui and smiled, then turned and left.

In the middle of the night, Shi Hui first came to the middle of the grain, collected a part of the grain with the help of concealment, and then directly recruited five civilians and asked them to look around.After making sure that there were no watchers, they collected all the food recklessly.

Immediately, 6 shi and 36 units of food appeared on the system resource interface. 5 units of food can recruit 1 civilian. Considering that recruiting soldiers also needs food, Shi Hui just recruited 6 civilians according to the agreement and spent 30 units of food.

"Sure enough, the rich second generation has the benefits of the rich second generation!" Shi Hui couldn't help but sigh, if he was physically transmigrated into this world, or even reincarnated into a poor family, when would he be able to get enough food for so many units?

At dawn, [-] civilians were released by him directly, and the other [-] remained in the system.As long as you stay here, you don't need to consume any food.As for the freed civilians, they appeared one after another in the vicinity of Longbian and Wanghai counties, and then came to the county town in groups.

Shi Xie seemed to be prepared, and together with Shiyan, he immediately arranged for all the people to disperse to several other counties in Jiaozhi.Even so, the county town, which was originally not that big, was quickly filled with people.

At the same time, Shi Xie allocated a lot of food to meet the needs of the [-] people for a month, and then arranged for them to open up wasteland, cultivate, log, and quarry. Obviously, during the period of grain allocation, he was also constantly Prepare these things, otherwise it will not be so methodical.

"Shi Xie's political ability is very strong. It can be said that he can become the real ruler of Jiaozhou because of his real ability." During this time, Shi Hui often asked about the current situation of these 3 people. After knowing the specific situation, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion. .

"If there is another [-] yuan, can Jiaozhi County eat it?" Shi Hui tried to communicate with his father.

"If you don't think about the 3 lives and deaths, let alone 30, even if it is 1, Jiaozhi can settle down. This time, in order to recruit civilians, the family has already been a bit over-consumed. It is okay to settle another [-] people. It is estimated that it will take more Let other aristocratic families help." Shi Xie shook his head, but he also gave a method.

However, this badge will not be accepted. If other aristocratic families want to intervene, they will naturally take these commoners as servants.Otherwise, why spend money and efforts to resettle the refugees? Naturally, some benefits are needed.Since they are already refugees, isn't their only value just themselves? !
The 2 people are systematically recruited civilians with great strength and hard work.The key is that according to the latest distribution ratio, [-]% of their gains will go to Shi Hui.So these days, all the values ​​​​have soared, only gold has not changed much.

Open the interface, the resource interface at this moment shows: 10713 units of food; 1214 units of wood; 802 units of stone; 675 units of iron ore; 6 units of gold.The source of gold, or the precious metal, remains a puzzle.

The next day, Shi Hui had just returned from training in the army. At this moment, he was fighting immediately, and he was already able to achieve numbers.Even trying to engage in combat with multiple enemies, but this is training after all, and actual combat is full of variables.

The point is, in actual combat, the enemy will not show mercy and is even more cunning!
Shi Hui has always wanted a chance to actually fight, but now the entire Jiaozhou is calm.Even in the overall environment, after experiencing the Yellow Turban Rebellion, all parts of the Han Dynasty are taking the time to recuperate.

"Those barbarians are simply unreasonable!" As soon as he got home, he heard Shi Xie roaring there unexpectedly.He has always been gentle and refined, this is the first time he roared like this, which made Shi Hui stunned for a moment.

Immediately, he realized that Shi Xie seemed to be negotiating with the chiefs of the major villages in Jiaozhi today.Originally, there were only 3 Han people in Jiaozhi County. The problem was that they had intermarried with Nanman all the year round.

The problem is that there are suddenly 3 more people in Jiaozhi County. The Nanman are very xenophobic, especially when facing the Han people in the Central Plains, they will be somewhat hostile.Among them, the patriarchs of two villages directly preached the threat theory of the Han people, saying that the big Han would further invade their homes.In fact, until now, many villages still believe that the entire Jiangnan is their territory and their homeland.

In other words, the meeting was very unpleasant, and two of the hawkish patriarchs ordered Shi Xie to drive the 3 people away, otherwise they would not hesitate to start a war for it.Although the other tribes did not help, they also remained neutral on this issue, mainly due to their past relationship with Shi Xie, and they might also plan to sit back and watch the tigers fight and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

"Since they are not convinced, then beat them until they are convinced!" Shi Hui sat down directly and suggested to Shi Xie.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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