The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 145 The truth about recruiting civilians

Chapter 145 The truth about recruiting civilians

From the first time he recruited civilians, Shi Hui felt some discord.

Where did the civilians come from?Are they just lifeless NPCs?Are they able to reproduce?Are they real people? !
Generally, those recruited through the system often make people subconsciously think that this group is just NPCs generated by the system.

Basically, no one cares about the lives of NPCs.In particular, this system does not set the concept of a population limit. He can recruit civilians indefinitely, which also means that he can recruit soldiers indefinitely.

He later discovered that these commoners could actually marry, and that, from an observation point of view, the first babies had already begun to be born.At the same time, countless families were born in Dongxing County, Wanghai County, and other counties.

It has its own emotions, has the ability to reproduce, and its life characteristics are no different from real humans.So this is the strangest part, since he is a truly independent individual, why are you so loyal to him?It is the biggest paradox that a person with independent thinking ability is absolutely loyal to someone!

There is another point that he must face squarely, that is, the 5000 civilians who stayed in Henan Yin had all disappeared less than two months after he returned to Changsha. At least the system interface clearly stated that 5000 people had disappeared.

Are they dead, or have they all rebelled?If Zheng Xuan hadn't asked this question before, he might have thought that they were all dead, but now who can guarantee anything?
"Teacher!" Shi Hui sighed, "As long as they speak Chinese, abide by our etiquette and rules, pay taxes for the big man, and undertake corvee. Put the interests of the big man first, and prevent others from harming the interests of the big man, then we What qualifications do you have to say that they are not Chinese citizens?"

"Haha..." Zheng Xuan laughed out loud when he heard the words, "You have the same thoughts as your father in this respect! After we found out about this situation, he thought so too! In fact, he is not surprised that such a situation will happen. , not to mention Yeluzhu, but Mu Huali under your command, whose ancestors are all alien races, but now even the old man dare not say that they are alien races."

Indeed, there is no need to worry so much. Huaxia is a tolerant place. It is nothing more than active tolerance and passive tolerance. Its unique civilization can allow all ethnic groups to integrate into it, and then mark it with the logo of Huaxia.

Compared with those ethnic minorities who are constantly fighting for the future of China, those guys who wear the skin of Han people and harm China's interests everywhere may not be qualified to use the title "Chinese" at all.What a nation should value most is the national spirit, and then the bloodline. People who have lost even the national spirit are not qualified to talk about the nobility and purity of bloodline.

At least Zheng Xuan's side has been settled, but when Shi Hui returned to the study, it was inevitable that he was still very concerned about this aspect.As the saying goes, 'to untie the bell, one must tie it', Shi Hui felt that perhaps only civilians could answer this question.

5 units of food per civilian, the price is very low, 50 catties of grain, but the value that a commoner can produce is much higher than 50 catties of grain.A commoner silently appeared beside him like this, which was recruited and released by him.

No one is allowed to approach within fifty steps around the study room. This is a rule he established from the beginning. On the one hand, he hopes to study hard, and on the other hand, he also takes this situation into consideration.

"My lord!" The commoner appeared obediently as before, and waited for Shi Hui's order.Shi Hui was not in a hurry to give an order, but looked at the civilian carefully.He has the appearance of a Han Chinese, so he should not belong to a foreign race.

It seems that they were not recruited, they were all Sinicized aliens, and some were very pure Han.It's just that Shi Hui was very curious about where they appeared from and why they were recruited.

"I'm curious, where are you from?" Shi Hui motioned the commoner to sit down, and then asked slowly.

"Cao Min comes from Handan, Zhao State..." the commoner replied slowly, which seemed to be his original hometown.

"I'm not asking about your original native place, but where you are from and why you are here! Who are you? Do you have any memories of this part?" Shi Hui asked slowly, these commoners seem to have their own Birthplace, but both Shi Xie and he have sent people to investigate, and the local government has no records of them. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that because of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the household registration was destroyed, so it is impossible to investigate clearly.

"This grassroots has no memory... at least no memories of the past at all, and some are just some very bad memories!" Speaking of this, the expression of the commoner became a little distorted.

"Tell me about your memories that still 'exist'!" Shi Hui asked.

"Caomin only remembers to enter the team according to the call, and then went to a place called 'Changping' to fight. In the end, he was in a big pit, looking at the soldiers above, and filling the pit with soil. Perhaps at that time, Caomin has died, and then came back to his senses, Caomin is already in front of the adults. Caomin knows, maybe the adults gave me a new life, so the grassmen can't repay me, as long as the adults give orders, Caomin will go through fire and water, and will not hesitate! If the adults It is necessary for the grassroots to join the army, and the grassroots can also take up arms and fight for the adults until the last breath!" The other party got up, knelt down towards the badge, and said solemnly.The grace of regeneration should be repaid with life, everything is that simple.

"The Battle of Changping..." Shi Hui's scalp felt numb when he heard it, he knew exactly what the commoner meant.He was obviously a soldier of Zhao State in the Battle of Changping, and later surrendered and was murdered by Bai Qi, and this is where his memory ends.As for other memories, he has no memory at all. Obviously, he only knows who he is and how he died, but he has no memory of the situation at that time.

Shi Hui finally understood, maybe this system is to summon the souls of civilians or soldiers who died in battle or various people who died unexpectedly, and then reshape their bodies to become 'civilians'.

It may also be to prevent them from becoming "variables in this era of disaster", so the recruitment standard is only "civilians", and those talented people are not recruited.In this way, the reason why their qualifications are mediocre can be explained clearly.

wait!Shi Hui suddenly realized something, or with his current intellectual talent, let him follow this topic to think further:
Obviously, if this system only recruits people who died unexpectedly in the pre-Han Dynasty, then there should be no people with obvious alien blood.You must know that the Huns and Xianbei only rose in the last few hundred years.

"Damn it, could it be that he actually recruited all the common people who died in accidents in China for 5000 years?" Shi Hui couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle, and only in this way can he explain why there are civilians with alien appearances.

What I am most concerned about now is whether this system only recruits those people who fought for China and died in the end, or even recruits the invaders.But from the current point of view, it should be the former!
Their loyalty comes from the repayment of the grace of reinvention, so this generation is loyal to him.If it is an aggressor, they don't need to be loyal to themselves regardless of whether they have the grace of regeneration!After thinking about this, Shi Hui was actually relieved!
"This system, the water is very deep!" Shi Hui let out a long sigh of relief, filled with emotion.

 This is the truth about civilians, the common people who died in battle or died in various eras in China!There is no guarantee that everyone is a pure Han Chinese, perhaps some have ancestors of other races within three to four generations, at least some of this part of the lineage.In fact, when we mentioned the ethnic policy earlier, we emphasized this point several times, which itself can be regarded as a foreshadowing...

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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