The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 138 Benefits of Version Upgrade

Chapter 138 Benefits of Version Upgrade

When occupying Nanyang, Shi Hui directly clicked on the system, hoping to upgrade.However, what's so damned is that the upgrade conditions are still 'unfulfilled'. In other words, this damn upgrade interface does not recognize the territory occupied by hooligans.

Legitimacy, if you want to become a sheriff, you must meet the requirements of legitimacy, that is, you must be appointed by the court.Of course, if there is no more chaos in the imperial court, then it is estimated that there is no need for a county guard, and you can almost become king by occupying a county.

Shi Hui guessed that way, who knows that this doesn't even have an assistant, and he doesn't know whether it is a system or a game interface, and how it is set up.

After failing to upgrade, he calmed down. After all, his original goal was Changsha.If Sun Jian died, then there would be no prefect in Changsha. This is the best time to become the prefect of Changsha.The key to the four southern counties is that he must be defeated. Only in this way can he open up the connection with Jiaozhou and make Jiaozhou his rear.

Including Jiaozhou, including Hainan Island, including Indochina Peninsula, these places are his rear, as long as this is still in his hands, then he will have a steady stream of resources to explode!
Since it is only April, the grain in the first quarter has not yet been harvested, and there are not many grains in stock.However, wood, stone ore, iron ore and gold are all improving.The real problem is that the upgrade speed of iron ore and gold is very slow.

The upgrade speed of iron ore has always been this way, so there is nothing surprising about it.It can only be said that the civilians he has recruited currently cover only so many iron mines, so the mining speed will naturally not be so fast.

Gold is the most painful thing. Several 10 people have appeared in Jiaozhou, but the rate of increase in gold is very slow.You know, a unit of gold is only a piece of money, if there is jade or gold and silver, it will also be counted, and the value will be higher.

Even so, the speed of improvement is still very slow. That is to say, most of the civilians recruited before are still under the condition of food and clothing. It is a problem to eat and survive, so it is naturally impossible to produce gold.

Unless, like the Shanyue village that was laid down before, there is a small gold mine, he can send people to evacuate it!If you think about it carefully, the gold you got that time was really a bumper harvest!

What made him even more distressed was that of the 3000 people who were put on Henan Yin's side, there were less than 5000 left. Were they killed or starved to death?Those who say that big things don't care about small things, 2000 people are just a set of data in the interface, but he has been in contact with these civilians, and he knows that this means more than [-] lives, just like this Dissipated.

For countless nights, Shi Hui gritted his teeth and told himself: "One will succeed and all will die!"

Unknowingly, the upgrade was finally completed, and the entire interface entered version 3.0.All buildings are unlocked and can be upgraded to LV3.Of course, Shi Hui will not be polite, as long as conditions permit, he will upgrade all the buildings.

Why do you say that, mainly because the shipyard cannot be upgraded, after all, it is an actual building.To upgrade, you must go to the dock and upgrade manually.To put it bluntly, it is to expand the dock to ensure that the dock can accommodate more craftsmen and make more advanced ships.

"Could it be possible to manufacture warships?" Shi Hui couldn't help but suspect that as long as there are warships, he can directly take down the entire coastal area!
The Luban Courtyard, Inn, Blacksmith Shop, Barracks, Stables, Shooting Range and Market have all been upgraded.But what bothers him is that all building upgrades are no longer 24 hours, but 240 hours, which is 10 days.It takes 10 days to upgrade a building, and there is only one building sequence. Shi Hui even thought, if this fucking is really a page game, how much money would it take to open the second building sequence for him? !
The materials needed for building upgrades are also different. At LV2, wood is the most needed, followed by quarry, and occasionally some iron ore.This time is different. For example, Lubanyuan needs the least wood, but it also needs 500 units. It needs the most stone, which needs 2000 units. It also needs a lot of iron ore, which needs 1000 units.

"Don't tell me, this is the rhythm of building reinforced concrete buildings!" Shi Hui couldn't help but tease.

After a rough calculation, it takes more than two months to upgrade the 7 buildings.However, after the upgrade of the Luban Institute, he can upgrade new technologies, and the number of researchers should also increase.In the case of inns, the probability of recruiting high-level talents will also increase, but this thing has not been allowed, but Shi Hui vaguely feels that there should be some rules.

It's just that there are too few known data, and he still needs to host several more banquets before he can confirm it.Finally exited the system interface, ten days was too long, at least too long for him to wait for the upgrade.

Taking out the "Analects of Confucius" and looking at it, I have to say that the Confucianism of the Han Dynasty is indeed very unique, at least it is very suitable for this era, especially the distinction between Hua and Barbarians in it.Before the time travel, I had some grudges against Confucianism, or the Confucianism of this era, so I didn’t have a deep understanding of it. Now I picked it up again, but for the next stage of consideration.

The scholarship that is suitable for this era may not be suitable for the next era.To be honest, he doesn't think that there will always be suitable academic ideas in this world.

Carry forward the good parts and modify the inappropriate parts. He thinks this is what a Confucian student should do.Otherwise, this thought will only become narrower and narrower like the previous life.Especially after merging with Buddhist thought and transforming into Confucianism, that is a cheating thing.

It took more than an hour to read it, but after reading it for a long time, he felt that his mind was full of muddleheadedness. Not to mention how to improve it, but only the original intention of the book, he didn't fully understand it.

"It seems that I don't have much talent for reading..." Shi Hui suddenly smiled wryly. They all said that the traversers were either born with supernatural powers, or had a photographic memory and exquisite seven orifices. In his place, they just had good martial arts talents.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt blessed, and started to read it again. He only felt that after reading it for the second time, some blocked places began to become transparent.Then read through and come down, but half an hour.The third time I read through, the progress was slower, but it was faster than the first time.

"What's the situation?" Shi Hui felt very strange, so he took out another "Spring and Autumn Classics" and started to read it.However, he found that in the first volume, some places that he didn't understand before were actually chewed down by him. The key is to suddenly realize that there are probably a few places that he might have misunderstood when he read through them before.

"Damn it, could it be that my learning talent has suddenly become stronger?" Shi Hui was as excited as if he had discovered a new continent.But he quickly calmed down again, and he suddenly realized that there must be something weird about him becoming so smart.

Logical thinking also seems to have improved. He began to analyze the situation, and finally came up with the biggest possibility: Could it be that my talent will also improve with the system upgrade? !
 I overslept today, only posting one chapter, please forgive me for three chapters tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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