Chapter 118

Back in the camp, Wang Kuang immediately summoned his troops.After all, he only took office for three months, and with the support of local aristocratic families, Wang Kuang was able to gather [-] soldiers, and [-] soldiers went south to join the alliance.There are few people and the assembly is fast. In addition to deducting [-] infantry, there are actually [-] cavalry.

After ordering the soldiers and horses, Wang Kuang led his army to fight out, and came to Hulao Pass to call for a battle.

"Oh, there are still people who are not afraid of death? Yuan Qing, do you know who is coming?!" Lu Bu knew that there were people shouting outside the camp, so he didn't turn his head, but just yelled casually.

"Hou Wen, look at the banner, it should be Wang Kuang, the prefect of Hanoi! Speaking of which, he was originally the prefect of Hanoi appointed by Xiangguo, and he has only been in office for only three months. I didn't expect that he had evil intentions from the very beginning!" Wu Yuanqing looked ahead, and immediately replied.

"Hmph, such an unfaithful and unrighteous person should be killed!" Lu Bu got on his horse and immediately led the army to march.Maybe it was because I had rebelled, and I would subconsciously reject such existences as disloyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness.

The opponent only had [-] soldiers, and Lu Bu only brought [-] soldiers. The difference was that all of his troops were cavalry.

Seeing Lu Bu's formation, Wang Kuang knew that he could not fight recklessly, but only outsmart him.Perhaps the method of fighting generals can be used to capture the thief and the king, so he immediately shouted: "Who dares to fight?"

Wang Kuang has three generals under his command, namely Fang Yue, Han Xuan and Han Hao.Han Xuan stayed behind and brought out two free Fang Yue and Han Hao.Since he spoke, there must be one of the two who wants to fight.

Han Hao just wanted to go out, but he didn't want Fang Yue to take the lead.Unlike Han Hao, Fang Yue had already been stationed in Hanoi County before Wang Kuang took office.Han Hao was recruited by Wang Kuang, and the two also competed. Fang Yue defeated Han Hao within [-] strokes, so it was very clear that he was the one to play this time.

Wang Kuang suddenly felt that there was a general coming out from behind him, and when he took a closer look, it turned out to be Fang Yue, and he immediately showed a relieved expression.Thinking about the end of the discussion with Dong, I will reuse him when I go back.

But he didn't want Fang Yue to come forward to fight, but Lu Bu readily agreed.The two horses met, but after only five rounds, Fang Yue was assassinated by Lu Bu with a halberd. He felt even more disdainful towards Wang Kuang, so he raised his troops and killed Wang Kuang.

"Fight, fight!" Wang Kuang was shocked. Fang Yue was the number one fierce general in Hanoi with superb martial arts. Such a strong man could only last five rounds under Lu Bu's halberd. How strong would Lu Bu be?

It is only said that Lu Bu's subordinates were originally cavalry, and a charge had already arrived in front of Wang Kuang.Wang Kuang hastily faced the battle, and immediately fell into a disadvantage. In addition, most of the soldiers under his command were the original defenders of Hanoi, and their morale was not high. Panicked, and then scattered away.

Lu Bu's rampage had already dispersed Wang Kuang's troops in just a moment.He himself came to kill Wang Kuang. Seeing this, Han Hao immediately led his own soldiers to stand in front of Lu Bu.His military strength is not as good as Fang Yue's, but he has five hundred loyal soldiers under his command, who are guarding deadly to cover Wang Kuang's retreat.

According to the plot of "The Romance", it is said that Yuan Yi and Qiao Mao should rush out to rescue.Shi Hui looked at the two of them, but he had no intention of going to war, so he couldn't help but be surprised. Could this be the rhythm of the script?
"General, why don't you let me go out and meet Lu Bu?" Yang Xiong asked for a fight suddenly, seeing Lu Bu's extraordinary prowess, he immediately wanted to fight with Lu Bu.

"Okay, I order you to lead an army of one thousand, with Nan Jiyun as deputy, go out to rescue Wang Taishou!" Shi Hui thought for three seconds after hearing this.Then nod it should be.

In retrospect, Yuan Shao should have directly sent Wang Kuang, Qiao Mao, Bao Xin, Yuan Yi, Kong Rong, Zhang Yang, Tao Qian, and Gongsun Zan to meet the enemy at Hulao Pass after Sishui Pass was captured.That's why Wang Kuang goes out to fight and Qiao Mao and Yuan Yi come to the rescue.Later, Zhang Yang sent Mu Shun, and Kong Rong sent Wu Anguo, and then Gongsun Zan came out, which led to the scene of the three heroes fighting Lu Bu.

Perhaps stimulated by the battle of Sishuiguan, the whole army came here, so history has changed here.In the midst of a large army, the other sixteen princes had not yet dispatched, and of course Yuan Yi and Qiao Mao did not need to go out to fight.

It only said that Yang Xiong got permission, and immediately took Nan Jiyun and led a thousand soldiers to kill towards the front line.Rhinos are almost invisible north of the Qinling Mountains, so Yang Xiong has already attracted everyone's attention as soon as he appeared.

"Who is this person?" Yuan Shao also saw Yang Xiong for the first time, but the rhinoceros and Yang Xiong's physique were too special, which made him curious.

"This person is Yang Xiong, the school lieutenant under Shi Hui's command, and his family is just a wine merchant in Jiaozhi, and he and Shi Hui are considered good friends!" Shi Zhi stepped forward to introduce, but he only knew so much.

Yang Xiong's impression is that he is a reckless man who eats meat, drinks alcohol, and is obsessed with martial arts.Occasionally he smiles "hehe", he looks a bit naive, but he is a real person.Such a general would be willing to communicate with him, and literati would sneer at him.

"Oh!" Yuan Shao nodded when he heard the words. Yang Xiong was good-looking, but he didn't like his background and personality, so he didn't ask further questions.

However, Cao Cao looked at Yang Xiong, admiring him to some extent, this is a strong general; not to mention Liu Bei, looking straight at Yang Xiong, wishing to recruit him into his command.However, even he is now just Gongsun Zan's subordinate.

It's just that Yang Xiong came out suddenly, and Lu Bu noticed it immediately, or it could be said that his physique and the rhinoceros under him could not be noticed.At the same time, the lieutenant behind him also had the aura of a strong man.

"Little Lu Bu, do you dare to fight with me?" Yang Xiong ignored Wang Kuang and directly killed Lu Bu.

"It's really like this..." Shi Hui covered his face when he heard this, for this Yang Xiong really went for Lu Bu.Rescuing Wang Kuang is just an excuse to fight.

In a short while, Yang Xiong and Lu Bu had fought for three rounds.Three rounds of hedging, the collision between strength and strength, Yang Xiong played very enjoyable, the only regret is that he can clearly feel the gap between himself and Lu Bu.

On Nan Jiyun's side, he had already led his army to restrain the cavalry under Lu Bu's command, allowing Wang Kuang to take the opportunity to retreat.When the latter returned to the camp in a hurry, there were only less than [-] soldiers left among the [-] soldiers. Naturally, he had to thank Shi Hui when he passed by Shi Hui.

Besides, in the arena, the competition between Lu Bu and Yang Xiong has lasted for ten rounds, and the two sides still go back and forth at the beginning.However, after five rounds, Lu Bu had seen through Yang Xiong's falsehood. This man had great strength, but was not flexible enough. Coupled with the advantage of the red doll, Yang Xiong began to gradually lean on the defensive from the sixth round.

In round No. 11, Lu Bu caught Yang Xiong by surprise, stabbed with the halberd, and almost stabbed Yang Xiong off the horse.But he didn't expect that at this moment, an arrow flew over and nailed to his painting halberd, which made Yang Xiong avoid it.

Seeing this, Yang Xiong didn't dare to continue the fight, so he hurriedly rode the rhino back and passed by Nan Jiyun, cupping his hands in thanks.

"Who is this person?" Yuan Shao, who was in the target field, couldn't help asking curiously.

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(End of this chapter)

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