Chapter 102

Sure enough, only...cough... Sure enough, the most difficult thing to bear is the beauty's kindness. The two beauties took turns to "give kindness". When Shi Hui left the house the next day, his legs were trembling a little, and he couldn't help but have lingering fears.

In the barracks, the soldiers are ready.In fact, there are still some people who are uneasy. Shi Hui has made it clear that he will only bring 3000 people to the north, in other words, 3000 people will stay temporarily.Army Sima and above are not worried, but those below Junhou are unavoidably anxious.

"I believe you all know it too! Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, arbitrarily abolished the establishment, acted against the law, and even condoned his subordinates to plunder the place. The crime is extremely heinous. Therefore, the new Chenliu County prefect Cao Cao issued a petition against Dong to the heroes of the world, calling on the heroes of the world to jointly challenge Dong.

Although we live in seclusion in Jiaozhou, we are Han soldiers after all.It is our duty to help the community and defend the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty.Therefore, Shimou responded to Cao Taishou's appeal and sent his army northward today!However, due to food and grass problems, only 3000 people can be brought in, and the remaining 3000 people will stay in Jiaozhou temporarily and be incorporated into Sima Shiwu of Jiaozhou. Shi Hui looked at the crowd, and sure enough the officers were somewhat nervous. But in his opinion, it was actually Yang Xiong and others who were more nervous.

Relatively speaking, those white board generals were originally very loyal, so they didn't show too panicked expressions.It is certain that they will be nervous, after all, they are real people, not a bunch of data in the system.

"This time the situation is special, so the lieutenants, army commanders, and military marquises followed me to the north! The army selected a thousand sword and shield soldiers, a thousand archers, and a thousand pike soldiers to follow me to the north! As for the officers who were ordered, keep Existing position!" Shi Hui said slowly.

"Great!" Yang Xiong shouted excitedly, if such a grand event cannot go north, he will regret it for life.

It took Shi Hui half a day to select three thousand elites.At the same time, supplies were prepared, and at three o'clock that afternoon, the whole army set off from Panyu City to the edge of Yushui.The boats were ready, and Shi Xie mobilized many river boats for this purpose.

A hundred ships sail upstream in one day, and soldiers are the best oarsmen. Without them, it is not easy for a ship to sail upstream.It took two hours for the fleet to arrive at the largest branch of Yushui. The old sailor controlled the boat and headed north into Qinshui.

According to the boss of the old boat, at noon tomorrow, you can reach the next branch. To the west is the Weishui. From here, enter the deep water to the west, and you can reach Lingling County; if you go north, you will enter the Xiangshui, and finally Enter Dongting Lake, enter Dahe through the river, and finally disembark at Jiangling County, Nanjun County, and head north.

But Shihui is going to Changsha County, so he can disembark directly in Linxiang County.

It can be said that the reason why business travelers in the Central Plains can go to and from Jiaozhou to purchase food and commodities is mainly because of these rivers.Yushui is the economic lifeline of Jiaozhou people. Yulin County, Hepu County, Jiaozhi County, Jiuzhen County and Rinan County rely on Yushui to send supplies to the north for sale.

Otherwise, if you go by land, not to mention that the transportation cost will double, and it will take a lot of time.Going to Jiaozhou once is like going to the Western Regions, and the risk is even higher.No one would enter Jiaozhou by land unless they were tired of work.

"Boss of the boat, when we change lanes tomorrow, we will go directly to Weishui and then enter Shenshui. I plan to go to Quanling and then go north to enter Xiangshui!" Shi Hui suddenly shouted.

"General, go straight north, and you can reach Xiangshui in at most two days. If you do this, you can't get around in four or five days..." The boat boss was very surprised, why would some customers look far away.

"Don't worry, I'll just stay in Quanling for one day. I have something to do. I'll give you extra funds!" Shi Hui laughed.

Speaking of Lingling, he thought of a person.Huang Zilian, the prefect of Nanyang, had a descendant who separated in the family, and then this person's grandfather moved to live in Quanling.Calculating the age, he is probably close to 40 years old, but this guy is a representative of the old and strong in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and he is Huang Gai!
After calculation, Huang Gai should still be in Quanling now, and after calculation, it should be during the Chuping period, that is, 190 years before he took refuge in Sun Jian.There are still a few days before 190, and I think I should still be a county official in Quanling.

Excellent talents are always not enough, of course Shi Hui doesn't mind recruiting this general into his command along the way.In fact, it would be the best if he could recruit Huang Zhong if he went north to Nanyang!
Wait a minute, Huang Zhong is from Nanyang, and Huang Gai is a descendant of Huang Zilian. Are Huang Gai and Huang Zhong related?Shi Hui suddenly realized this possibility. After all, both of them are representatives of growing old and strong. If they are of the same family, it seems that there is nothing strange about having this genetic gene.

The boss of the boat doesn't care so much as a person, but he can't help complaining a few words.After a brief rest that night, I continued to go north the next day, but arrived in Zhenyang County at ten o'clock in the morning.

"General, your soldiers are so strong! If they hadn't already joined the army, I would have recruited them as boatmen!" The boat boss laughed loudly. These soldiers were strong enough, stronger than the group of boatmen under his command, unexpectedly an hour earlier Arrive in Zhenyang.

Sailing on this waterway for a long time, basically relying on sailing to make a living, so naturally I have a good idea of ​​the route and sailing time.It was because they knew that they were surprised. This had already surpassed their highest level for half an hour.

"Go north to ask for Dong! Naturally, we brought the elite of the army!" Shi Hui didn't mind chatting with this old boatman.

"Hahaha, if we had more elites like this in Jiaozhou, then those Yue people and barbarians would have nothing to fear!" The boat boss laughed loudly. Of course, he was referring to the Nanman and Shanyue tribes who were not Sinicized.

According to the "Han Law" and "Households", all foreigners who have been naturalized are considered "Han people".However, in the eyes of many officials, even among the naturalized foreigners, there are many who are not worthy of the title "Han people" at all.Therefore, each official has a different attitude towards the attached aliens.

For example, there are moderates like Liu Yu and hardliners like Zhu Fu.In fact, no matter which faction it is, it is all about expressing the importance of "Han people".

"Whether it is Jiaozhou or Jingnan four counties, they are all the territory of the great Han! Those who are willing to submit are naturally 'Han people'. If they intend to continue to be independent from the jurisdiction of the imperial court, one day they will pay the price!" Shi Hui affirmed Said.

"Well said! Just for your sake, the extra fee to go to Quanling is waived! I am happy, and I just want to go back and see my nephew!" The boat boss laughed, "My nephew has been He has great strength, making him a boatman. But he prefers to practice martial arts, and he said that he will enlist in the army in the future... Oh, I am so worried!"

"How old are you? If you really have the ability, why don't you come under my command? By the way, Chuan Boss, don't you know your name?" Shi Hui was curious when he heard the Chuan Boss praised his nephew.But obviously, his nephew could not be Huang Gai.

"Exempt your surname from punishment, my son will be severely punished, and my younger brother took a name for him called Daorong, who just turned seventeen this year!" The boss of the boat said proudly, being able to take the name means that his brother is a scholar, At least cultured.

"Xing Daorong?!" Shi Hui was taken aback when he heard the words, but then he was a little delighted. As expected of the world of Romance, this rumored man has undeserved courage, and it seems that he is going to miss him!

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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