The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1 My Father Is Shi Xie

Chapter 1 My Father Is Shi Xie

Ye Gong loves dragons, which generally refers to someone who likes something, but actually doesn't really like it.

Shi Hui felt that his yearning for the Three Kingdoms might in essence be Ye Gong's love of dragons.Playing Three Kingdoms games, watching TV series or movies about Three Kingdoms, imagining that you can also come to this gathering of famous generals and strategists, fighting wits and courage, and creating a career...

"Choose for me now, I choose to go back!" Shi Hui looked at the blue sky and took a deep breath.The fresh air fully nourished his lungs, but he missed the smog of his hometown in his heart.

Yes, he crossed over!Thinking about it carefully, I didn't do anything to kill me, just at 3:10 in the morning, I went to bed after playing 'Age of Empires [-]'... Then I clicked on 'Three Kingdoms [-]' and played again... Probably, yes Is this the reason?

When he woke up, there was suddenly a memory of another person in his mind, a sad and unlucky person.He just won the championship a few days ago, so he entered the army to practice according to his father's instructions. While practicing riding skills, he fell off the horse and hit his head.

The doctors said that it might be hopeless, and that a funeral was about to be held, and then he was buried like this.Who knew that there was a sudden "biu", and it bounced up, which really frightened the two elder brothers and the two younger brothers, and the doctor fainted from fright...

It's just that they don't know that the badge in front of them has actually changed.

"Third Young Master, are you up? The morning meal has been prepared, do you want to eat now?" The maid just brought a hot meal. According to the habits of this era, the morning meal is basically eaten around nine o'clock in the afternoon, and then around four o'clock in the afternoon. A meal for feeding.Rest for an hour or two, and when the sun goes down at six o'clock, it's time to go to bed.

The so-called work at sunrise and rest at sunset is reflected in the habit of eating.

"Has father been here?" Shi Hui asked casually, the specific situation was already known yesterday.His own name is Shi Hui, and he is the third son of Shi Xie, the prefect of Jiaozhi. Above him, there are 32-year-old eldest brother Shi Qian and 27-year-old second brother Shi Xie.Below him are 18-year-old Shi Gan and 15-year-old Shi Song.

The current time is 188 AD, the year of Wuchen in the lunar calendar, and the fifth year of Zhongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty.He is familiar with the history of the Three Kingdoms, and he knows very well that next year Emperor Ling will die, and then Dong Zhuo will enter Beijing, and from 5 to 189, the princes will seek Dong.

In other words, should this be based on Romance or "Three Kingdoms"?It should be the latter, right?If this is the case, then there is no need to join in the fun. Warming wine and killing Huaxiong, Sanying fighting Lu Bu, etc., have never happened in history!

Damn official history, ruin my Three Kingdoms dream!
As for Shi Xie, needless to say, since 187, he has served as the prefect of Jiaozhi last year.However, according to the original historical process, he will inevitably become the local emperor who has ruled the seven counties of Jiaozhou for 40 years!Except that there is no real self-reliance, it is no different from the emperor!
"Zhu Fu is still in office, in other words, my father has not yet changed from an 'official' to a 'warlord'." Shi Hui recalled Shi Xie's life experience, and already roughly knows the current situation.

It is precisely because of his status as a "civilian official" that Shi Xie can be said to be conscientious in his tenure, busy with the construction of Jiaozhi County.Most of the time, I seldom go home. Before the family, the eldest brother Shi Xie helped take care of him; now, the second brother Shi Xie who is with his father is in charge; the predecessor liked to wield knives and guns since he was a child, so Shi Xie let him go to the army Grinding, who knew such a thing would happen!
"The master didn't go back to the mansion last night!" The maid replied tremblingly after hearing the words.

"So I'm not taken seriously?" Shi Hui seemed to understand why his predecessor rebelled against Soochow during Shi Xie's time and planned to stand on his own.Leaving aside the temptation of power, the key is to prove one's ability and declare one's existence, right?

This is not surprising, there are two elder brothers in front, one has already become an official, and is the magistrate of Wanghai County; the other is studying with Shi Xie, and there are two younger brothers below, who have not yet reached the crown, so they inevitably need to be looked after. Own.

Children are like this, the less attention they get, the more they want their parents to discover their existence.Shi Hui's abandonment of literature and martial arts also has this meaning, but from the perspective of modern people, Shi Hui's behavior has actually broken the heart of Shi Xie who likes Confucianism and literature. After all, he is a 20-year-old young man. The way of thinking is still a bit naive.

By the way, he was already 35 years old before time travel!However, no girlfriend yet... otherwise no need to stay up all night!

But since he has practiced martial arts for many years, it is not good to suddenly go back to engage in literature. It is not bad to copy a few books and pretend to be X!Haha, since we are back in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, why not fight for hegemony, maybe we can also achieve the emperor's hegemony!
No, it's a bit difficult...Jiaozhou needs talents but no talents, needs a population but no population, it's not easy to develop!If Sun Wu sent troops over, Shi Xie surrendered without even thinking about it!It's not that I don't want to fight, but I know that I can't fight, so why go to death?
"Damn it, why don't you just go to the Central Plains and ask Boss Cao to vote?" Shi Hui couldn't help but plan for his future. Seeing that the troubled times are coming, even if he can't create a career, ending this troubled times as soon as possible may be a great merit.

In a trance, she saw the maid was still standing there, her expression becoming more and more flustered.

"Get out!" Shi Hui waved his hand, and the fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl hurriedly said goodbye and left.

"Breakfast is good, at least there are fish and meat! At least in life, Shi Xie has never treated any son badly. Shi Hui was simply ignored by Shi Xie, and he was dissatisfied. But he never thought about it. Where did the clothes come from? Just say that set of bright silver fish scale armor, it’s not cheap at first glance!” Shi Hui couldn’t help sighing.

Vaguely, there seemed to be an idea slowly disappearing in his brain.In other words, that was Shi Hui's last resentment.Unexpectedly, after some wild thinking, this resentment finally dissipated.Otherwise, if this resentment erupts at a critical moment in the future, something bad will happen!
"Why, are you able to get out of bed already?" A calm and deep, but tired voice came.Then a middle-aged man walked in slowly.

" child has seen my father!" Shi Hui was taken aback when he saw the person coming, and then the image of Shi Xie emerged in his memory, and then he realized that it was Shi Xie who came to see him.

"Why are you so careless? You can fall off the horse when you practice riding a horse. What will you do if you go to the battlefield in the future?" Shi Xie looked at the bandage on Shi Hui's head, and immediately reprimanded him.

"I know I was wrong! I will practice horsemanship and martial arts diligently in the future. If I want to go to the battlefield one day, I will never lose my father's face!" Shi Hui hurriedly got up to admit his mistake, and then promised Shi Xie.

Shi Xie couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words. In his impression, the third son had been talking back to him, almost saying that whatever he said, he would do the opposite. I don't know how many times I have said the word "Nizi", which inevitably means that I hate iron for being weak.

What's going on now?After a fall, he became mature instead? !
"Take care of your health first, and send someone to tell me what you need. After you've recovered, it won't be too late to return to the army!" As a father, Shi Xie was of course happy to see Shi Hui grow up, Lao Huai said happily.

"My son respects my father's instruction!" Shi Hui hurriedly cupped his hands and bowed.

"I've really grown up!" Seeing Shi Hui's polite look, Shi Xie stroked his beard and nodded in praise.

 Newcomers and new books, please recommend, please collect!
  Cough cough... I must declare that first of all I am married... But for a while, I did go to four or five o'clock for code writing, went to bed at six o'clock, and then got up at 08:30 to go to work.During that time, I was still wondering why I didn't hang up... Well, in fact, I mainly responded to some readers' chapters.

  In fact, if you have a girlfriend, how can you stay with your girlfriend the next day if you stay up so late?If you have a girlfriend, why don't you stay up with your girlfriend at night?If it’s about work, it’s fine, but I’m ashamed to say why I don’t have a girlfriend when I play games... What else can I say, right? !

(End of this chapter)

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