Chapter 250 Hu Yanping Reappears!
"Okay, okay, go and find your Rongrong, and leave the other things to mother to meet with Sect Master Ning."

Tang Yuehua urged Tang Lang again, Tang Lang nodded and went directly to Ning Rongrong's room.

He came this time with absolute certainty, that is, the chance to become a god!
Sea God Nine Examinations, although Tang San passed with great effort, Tang Lang went this time to use Tang Chen's ancestor's face and his own ancient dragon god's power to forcefully help Ning Rong win the test. Get the position of the god of the sea god!

After arriving at Ning Rongrong's room, Tang Lang gently knocked on the door.

Of course Ning Rongrong would not open the door for him, but Tang Lang snickered.

Because, although Ning Rongrong did not open the door for him, the door was not locked, which meant that Ning Rongrong was not really angry.

Tang Lang broke into Ning Rongrong's room directly, and Ning Rongrong was pouting and sulking.

Tang Lang quickly walked to Ning Rongrong's side, and said softly:

"What's wrong, my little princess."


"Hahaha, am I back?"


"If you keep humming, I'll be leaving."

"you dare!"

Hearing that Tang Lang wanted to leave, Ning Rongrong immediately yelled at Tang Lang with arms crossed.

"Hahaha, I thought you could hum a word."

"Hate it, you hate it to death!"

While talking, Ning Rongrong threw herself into Tang Lang's arms, and finally burst into tears.

Tang Lang's heart melted when he heard Ning Rongrong cry, and he didn't know how this girl got here in the past two years.

"Okay, okay, I brought you a present."

Ning Rongrong cried for a long time before Tang Lang gently pushed her away. Looking at her red eyes, Tang Lang said with some shame:


"Next time, I must go with you, no matter, the ends of the earth!"

Ning Rongrong suddenly said seriously.


Tang Lang also made a decision. Before, it was because he was not strong enough, but now, Tang Lang already possessed the strength to fight against Title Douluo, and initially possessed the strength to protect Ning Rongrong.

Therefore, this oath can also be regarded as Tang Lang gave Ning Rongrong.

Immediately, Ning Rongrong suddenly stretched out a small white hand to Tang Lang.


Tang Lang was suddenly a little puzzled.


Ning Rongrong said angrily.

"Oh, oh, hahaha, the gift I gave you can't be taken out right now."

"Not now? When is that?"

"Wait, after a while, I will take you out to sea."

"Go to sea?"

"That's right, what level is your soul power now?"

"Level 49."

"I'm going to be the soul king soon, that's pretty cool."

In two years, Ning Rongrong has been promoted to thirteen levels in a row. This speed of cultivation is indeed terrifying.

"I don't know why, but it seems to be because of the two spirit bones you gave me. My spirit power cultivation speed is very fast, about twice that of others."

"Well, but it seems that you haven't had a good time in the past two years, have you spent all your time on cultivation?"

"Of course, otherwise, how can I be worthy of you."

"This is what I said, I will always be yours, and there is no question of whether I am worthy or not."


"Guess how old I am?"

"Soul Saint!"

"how do you know?"

"Are you really a soul saint?"

Both of them had surprised expressions, and finally they looked at each other and laughed.

But with a smile, Ning Rongrong was a little unconvinced.

"No matter how hard I try, it's a pity that I will never be your opponent."

"Hahaha, this is called different division of labor. I am a man, and I am responsible for protecting you. You are a woman, and I am in charge of being beautiful."

"Hmph, glib, there really aren't any good people in the Slaughter City."

"You are right in saying this. In the capital of killing, good people simply cannot survive."

Tang Lang's expression suddenly darkened.

Ning Rongrong heard Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo talk about the dangers in the Slaughter City, and seeing Tang Lang's appearance, he couldn't help feeling sorry for Tang Lang.

"It's okay, it's all over, and besides, the killing capital no longer exists."

"What? You ruined there?"

"Almost, destroy it indirectly."

"You are so strong."

Ning Rongrong paused for a long time before saying these four words.

"Hahaha, little girl, let's go, let's go eat something, and take you for a walk in Tiandou City by the way?"


Since Tang Lang left, Ning Rongrong had left the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School very few times in the past two years.

Even his temperament became icy, like a snowy plum blossom in winter.

Cold and lonely.

Until Tang Lang came back, Ning Rongrong, the plum blossom, finally showed a long-lost smile.

Tang Lang took Ning Rongrong around the Sky Dou City, and Ning Rongrong couldn't be happier.

Seeing Ning Rongrong happy, Tang Lang was also very happy, but this rare happy time was a little short.

Because Tang Lang suddenly met his enemy, Elephant Armor Sect, Hu Yanping on the streets of Tiandou City!
"How did he come here?"

Tang Lang frowned.

"Hu Yanping?"

Ning Rongrong naturally also knew Hu Yanping, after all, Hu Yanping and his son were under house arrest for a long time in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

And the battle between Tang Lang and Hu Yanping was also remembered by everyone.

"That's right, it's him, he actually appears here, go, follow and have a look."

Tang Lang followed Ning Rongrong directly. Although the Elephant Armored Sect was within the Heaven Dou Empire, it was far away from the Heaven Dou City.

Hu Yanping will appear here now, maybe there is some conspiracy.

And no need to guess, this conspiracy is definitely aimed at Haotianzong.

So it was impossible for Tang Lang to turn a blind eye and follow Hu Yanping quietly, and followed him into an alley.

"No, if you go any further, it's a bit dangerous. I'll send you back first, and then I'll come over."

Tang Lang thought about it, but he didn't dare to put Ning Rongrong in danger, so he prepared to send Ning Rongrong away.

"I do not!"

"You girl, be obedient."

At a time like this, Tang Lang couldn't let Ning Rongrong's temper run wild.

In this yard, there may be many people in ambush.

Since Hu Yanping dared to show up here, he must have been prepared to some extent.

Tang Lang sent Ning Rongrong to a safe place, and then he returned to the courtyard where Hu Yanping entered.

But it was daytime now, and it was too risky to sneak in, so Tang Lang planned to explore here again at night.

Returning to Ning Rongrong's side, he brought her directly back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Tang Yuehua and Ning Fengzhi almost connected the plans of the entire Soul Master Academy.

Although Tang Lang proposed a plan, it would take a lot of effort to actually implement it.

(End of this chapter)

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