Chapter 307 Happy Cooperation
After a moment of hesitation, Uncle Qi still chased after him and blocked Yan Ting at the door of the bedroom.

He stood in front of Yan Ting, with his head slightly lowered, and his posture was respectful, showing no disrespect at all, but he firmly blocked Yan Ting's way.

"Get out of the way." Yan Ting frowned, very displeased.

"Boss, it's time to take your medicine."

"I said get out of the way." Yan Ting narrowed his eyes, and his voice became even colder and biting.

However, Uncle Qi was unmoved.

The bodyguards guarding the door of the study and the bedroom couldn't help but lower their heads when they saw this scene, and they all fell silent.

At this time, Uncle Qi was the only one in the entire H organization who dared to face Yan Ting's anger and insisted on persuading him to drink medicine.

"Boss, you can't make fun of your body, Organization H still needs you." Uncle Qi handed the tray a little higher.

A nameless evil fire surged in Yan Ting's heart, but his eyes touched Uncle Qi's snow-white temples, and he finally let go of his clenched fist, then he picked up the medicine box on the tray, opened it, and poured the medicine into it with a clatter. He poured it into his mouth, then picked up the water and gulped it all down.

With a bang, he smashed the glass on the tray, then pushed Uncle Qi away and opened the bedroom door.

There was another bang, and the bedroom door was slammed shut.

Immediately afterwards, there were bangs, bangs, and other sounds from inside the door.

No need to think about it, Yan Ting is losing his temper again.

But Uncle Qi called the servants and told them to wait.

A group of people stood by the door and waited for a long time before the house stopped.

Then Yan Ting opened the door.

Uncle Qi immediately told the servant: "Go, clean up the house."

Yan Ting put his arms on the door frame to block the road, then looked at Uncle Qi, and warned, "I told you, this is the last time I take medicine, and I won't take it again. Do you understand, Lu Qi. "

Uncle Qi looked back, just in time to meet Yan Ting's deep and deep eyes.

Those eyes were so dark that it made one's heart tremble, as if they contained a strong bloodthirsty intention and a biting murderous aura.

And his "Lu Qi" sounded the alarm for Uncle Qi.

"Yes." Uncle Qi lowered his head.

The door was slammed shut again.

The servants stood there, somewhat at a loss.

Uncle Qi put the tray in his hand directly into the hands of one of them, then raised his eyes to look at these servants, as if looking at a dead person.

Everyone trembled immediately.

After a while, Uncle Qi slowly let go of his hand on his leg, regained his usual gentle appearance, and said to the servant: "Go down."

"Yes." The servants hurried away immediately.

Uncle Qi glanced at the bodyguard standing by the door, and ordered: "Protect Boss safe."


Then, he walked away and went to his room.

The room didn't turn on the lights, but he seemed to be familiar with the darkness. He walked slowly to the window, took out his cell phone, and made a call.


"It's me." Uncle Qi replied in a deep voice.

There seemed to be a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and then a voice came, "Is Hawk crazy? What the hell is he trying to do! How could he have a video of Kong Sheng saving lives back then, and he dug up the incident of Kong Sheng's death?" What did you do! And told Meng Yidi, is he trying to drag everyone into hell together?"

The person on the other end of the phone seemed extremely irritable, fully venting his dissatisfaction.

Uncle Qi was indifferent, he looked out the window calmly, and waited until the breath coming from the phone calmed down before replying: "Do as he said."

"What do you mean?"

"If you want him to help you deal with Meng Yidi, how can you not pay the price? You know what I mean. I want it, Kong Tianhua."


"Why is it impossible? Didn't similar incidents happen back then? And I've found the knife for you, you just need to hold it." Uncle Qi's tone was as calm as his own.

But for some reason, the person opposite heard the fatal temptation from it.

"Who?" He couldn't help asking.

"Chen Cheng." Uncle Qi replied, he waited patiently for the other party's reply.

After about half a minute, the person on the other end of the phone finally responded: "Okay, but—"

"Old K, I gave you the biggest handle, what more do you want?" Uncle Qi interrupted him in time, even with a smile in his voice, "And I believe that this will be a pleasant experience. cooperation. If you make good use of this trick, who else can question you and shake you?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and finally there was a deep laugh.

"Okay, nice to work with."

After three days of stalking, squatting and tracking, Meng Yidi and Lao Zhao finally found Pang Hongfei's residence.

Pang Hongfei and others rented a house next to an old-fashioned community on the side of Xingrun Road in Zhongshan District. This place is mixed with fish and dragons, and there are often pyramid schemes. It is hidden here, which is not eye-catching.

Meng Yidi and Lao Zhao discovered that Pang Hongfei and others would let vendors outside the community deliver food to the building.

Lao Zhao simply turned himself into the husband of the vendor's wife and acted as a delivery person. He visited the door twice, but found no useful information.

However, through the number of meals ordered, he found out the number of people on the other side.

At ten o'clock that night, Li Dong came to change shifts.

He and Meng Yidi sat in the car, staring at the gate of the community not far away.

There are vendors selling food on both sides of the road at the gate of the community. The weather in early spring is still a bit cold, and the pots on the vendors are steaming. The steaming food and the shining lamps have attracted many passers-by.

Li Dong's eyes fell on one of the street vendors. It was an uncle who was fishing for rice noodles, and his movements were skillful. He really looked like a master.

Meng Yidi quickly explained: "The proprietress has gone to the toilet, and Lao Zhao has no choice but to bite the bullet and go. At this point, Pang Hongfei and the others are probably going to go out soon, and they may buy a midnight snack, so they can't lose the chain."

Li Li nodded, and replied: "Don't say it, Lao Zhao is quite decent, and I don't want to be a drug police officer anymore, and it's not bad to do business on a small three-wheeler."

The uncle who scooped up rice noodles was Lao Zhao.

Meng Yidi didn't continue to answer this question, but took advantage of the gap to exchange information with Li Dong.

She asked: "By the way, Li Ke, what happened to Brother Liu and the others?"

"That Ge Hongli, we all thought she was bronze, but she turned out to be the king."

Meng Yidi frowned slightly, puzzled.

Li Dong leaned slightly, sighed and explained: "The informant overheard a conversation. Pang Hongfei and the others went to contact Ge Hongli to get it. To be precise, it should be to participate in her sales network, not Limited to being a supplier."

"Ge Hongli has a sales network?" Meng Yidi was surprised.

"We always thought that her girlfriend was an old jerk, but now it seems that she is the real old jerk. That old jerk is just a puppet, just an errand under her hands. Liu Quan and Lao Tan went to investigate According to her information, it was discovered that this woman has opened an overseas account, but it is kept confidential, so now it is impossible to figure out how much money she has and how much life debt she owes."

Li Dong deliberately accentuated the pronunciation of "Debt of Destiny". Obviously, he is eyeing Ge Hongli this time.

"I'm going down to buy a rice noodle, do you want it?" Li Dong suddenly asked Meng Yidi.

Meng Yidi knew that he was going to communicate with Lao Zhao.

"No need," she replied.

Li Dong then got out of the car and went straight to Lao Zhao's booth.

"Master, a bowl of rice noodles." He said, pretending to check whether the ingredients are fresh, and asked in a low voice while studying, "How is the situation?"

 The second watch is six o'clock tomorrow!What!

(End of this chapter)

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