The fierce and loyal dog protects the fierce wife

Chapter 251 The Evidence Points, Zhao Yingyuan Woke Up (1 more)

Chapter 251 The Evidence Points to Zhao Yingyuan Woke Up (Part [-])
The on-site investigation of the bunker is still going on in an orderly manner, and as time goes by, more and more evidence has been collected.

While looking for clues, Li Zhan also asked people to investigate the surveillance on the main road.

After all, if this batch of reading materials were really traded here, they must be pulled out from here after the transaction.

But there is little hope of finding out.

After all, it is close to the logistics distribution center, and there are countless vehicles coming and going every day.

In the afternoon, there was another news from Tong County.

It turned out that the police in Tong County investigated the Xinyuan farm and found traces of reading materials in the farm. On the side of the sandpit, the forensic doctor also found residues of reading materials in the bodies of several pigs.

In the evening, the forensic identification center gave priority to the identification results of the evidence collected in the bunker to the anti-drug corps.

The forensic doctor also found the presence of chloride in the pig's body. At the same time, the veterinarian and the professionals of the prevention and control and quarantine department tested and confirmed that there was no swine fever in this batch of pigs.

The two conclusions fully show that these pigs are not plague pigs, but someone deliberately injected chloride to death, which also proves that these pigs only exist as containers for transporting reading materials.

The wound on the abdomen was sutured for the purpose of hiding the poison, which is also consistent with the results of the residual readings found inside the abdomen.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Li Zhan and Meng Yidi rushed back, and Li Zhan personally participated in the interrogation of the excavator driver.

"I really don't know that those are all dead pigs. When I drove the excavator, the pigs were all covered with lime. If you look around, they are all white. Who can tell." The driver quickly explained road.

"Even if you can't see the problem with pigs, what about people? How can you be sure that those people are staff of the prevention and quarantine department?" asked the policeman next to Li Zhan.

"Comrade police, you have asked me before, and I have told you that I have a certificate."

"Except for that Fang Guangquan, do everyone else have ID?" Li Zhan asked.

"That's right, they all wear work permits, but I didn't take a closer look."

"How many people are there?"

"Four men and one woman."

"Do you remember what it looked like?"

The driver shook his head, "They were all wearing medical masks at the time, and they sent me one as soon as I drove past. I was afraid of being infected by swine fever, so I quickly put them on without thinking much about it."

Li Zhan continued to ask questions.

Meng Yidi watched the interrogation video with a heavy heart, and if it was as expected, it would probably be fruitless.

At this moment, her cell phone rang, and it was actually Liu Quan calling.

"Brother Liu, what's wrong?"

"Do you still remember the chewing gum wrapper you picked up when you rescued Chen Cheng in the resettlement house?"

"Is there any gain?" Meng Yidi raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah!" Liu Quan's voice was full of joy, and he hurriedly said, "Yesterday I caught an old guy in a nightclub, and this morning I finally pried his mouth open, and found out that the upstream seller was a man named Asi. A woman, and this woman is Kong Tianhua's old friend in Tianhua Entertainment City - the wine hostess Asi."

"Axi?" Meng Yidi frowned.

"Well, when we went to arrest her, this Axi had already fled first, and no one was found in the entertainment city or her apartment, but we took her fingerprints in her apartment, and found that, unexpectedly Exactly like the one on your gum wrapper!"

"What!" Meng Yidi was surprised, "That is to say, it was Asi who drove Chen Cheng away on the motorcycle that day? Was it a woman?"

"Yes, we were also taken aback, so we just watched the surveillance footage of the locomotive carrying people fleeing on Yingbin Avenue. That person was wearing a helmet that day, wrapped all over his body, and was wearing black loose clothing. Neither is gender."

Meng Yidi was a little stunned. Although they said they couldn't tell the gender, none of them really thought that the person who started the car was a woman.

Liu Quan continued: "The most important thing now is that Asi is Kong Tianhua's lover, her residence is under Kong Tianhua's name, and she is also the person who picks up Chen Cheng. Now that she is distributing reading materials, people's first reaction is that she is ordered by Kong Tianhua. , and Chen Cheng insisted that everything he did was ordered by Kong Tianhua, that is to say, all the clues now point to Kong Tianhua. Moreover, the fingerprints extracted from the reading bag in Kong Tianhua's office have also been compared. , it belongs to Kong Tianhua."

"Okay, I know."

After hanging up the phone, Meng Yidi couldn't recover for a long time.

Now all the evidence points to Kong Tianhua, but is Kong Tianhua really the person behind the scenes?
Then, she went to find Li Zhan.

Sure enough, there was no progress on Li Zhan's side.

"The excavator master said that in order to avoid the swine fever causing panic among the citizens, Fang Guangquan specifically told him not to disclose the matter of the landfill. He said a few words quickly, but after being told, he never dared to speak out again. The other party dared to spare the life of the excavator master, and it was obvious that they were sure that we would not get anything from him."

When he said these words, Li Zhan looked calm, without any frustration.

All of this had been expected long ago, and he came to personally intervene, but he was unwilling to let go of any possibility.

Meng Yidi sighed, and then told Li Zhan about Liu Quan's progress.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Zhan's cell phone rang immediately, and then he frowned and replied, "We'll be right over."

After hanging up the phone, he immediately said to Meng Yidi: "Zhao Yingyuan is awake."

After the car accident, Zhao Yingyuan underwent simple first aid in the town hospital and was then transferred to the city's No. 1 civilian hospital for surgery. When Meng Yidi and the others rushed there, Zhao Yingyuan was just out of danger and transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward.

"The patient has just woken up, so try not to irritate her," the doctor advised.

Li Zhan nodded, and then led Meng Yidi into the ward.

Zhao Yingyuan's head was wrapped with a few bandages, and she was extremely emaciated. She was usually vigorous and vigorous, but now her eyes were full of tears, and the tears fell down in a blink of an eye, as if they would not stop.

Seeing Li Zhan and the others coming in, she turned her head.

Meng Yidi took out a tissue and handed it over, saying, "Manager Zhao, please forgive me."

Zhao Yingyuan didn't take her tissue, but stretched out her hand to wipe away her tears indiscriminately, then turned her head and said in a cold tone, "What do you want to ask? I have a headache, please hurry up."

Li Zhan narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said, "Ask about your brother."

Zhao Yingyuan raised his eyes slightly and looked at Li Zhan.

Meng Yidi was also a little surprised, she thought that Li Zhan would immediately ask Zhao Yingyuan about her husband Fang Guangquan.

"In December, there was a safety production accident in your brother's factory. Did you help settle it?"

Zhao Yingyuan's eyes flickered, and he replied: "Yes."

"Is it you or your husband? In what way? How did you settle it?"

Li Zhan quickly asked three times, and Zhao Yingyuan's expression froze for a moment.

The man's gaze was too sharp, which made it impossible for her to avoid it. She had a premonition that he already knew the cause and effect, and she just wanted to make sure if she was lying.

(End of this chapter)

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