The fierce and loyal dog protects the fierce wife

Chapter 247 How Hard is This Technology (1 more)

Chapter 247 How tough is this technology (one more)
Seeing the faltering of the person in charge of the slaughterhouse, Li Zhan immediately became serious and asked, "What's going on?"

The person in charge of the slaughterhouse had no choice but to tell the truth.

"The butcher's name is Li Xiaoping. According to the rules, he has to pay me half of the management fee in advance, and pay the other half after the pigs are killed. Who knows that his batch of live pigs was suddenly found out after being sent to the city, and the contract was suspended. It clearly stated that if there is any problem with him, the half of the management fee will not be refunded or compensated. In the end, he came to ask me to refund the money. Tell me, the contract is written in black and white, how can there be such a reason! "

The person in charge became more and more enthusiastic as he talked, "Besides, you should know that I vacated all the pig pens for his business, and I delayed the business for that day, just waiting for his pigs to enter the pen! Now who To make up for my loss again?"

Li Zhan quickly interrupted him, "Who detained his pig?"

"It was detained by the people from the prevention and control and quarantine department. It was their staff who called me, and the landline was still used."

"Staff?" Li Zhan raised his eyebrows.

"Well, the contract was signed by our slaughterhouse, so once the live pigs are found to be quarantined or culled, the prevention and control and quarantine department will notify us. But later, because Li Xiaoping made too much trouble, I didn't care about it. , let him break up with the people from the prevention and control and quarantine department."

"You don't care about the contract you signed?"

"What do you care? We definitely didn't sign the contract with our eyes closed, and we have another contract with the butcher. Since they have paid all the money here, and it can't be blamed on me, why should I care about such a bad thing? You I don’t know how disturbing that Li Xiaoping is, he said he would sue me for such a small management fee, and it’s the first time I’ve worked with him, so it’s bad luck to encounter such a thing!”

When the person in charge said this, Meng Yidi was quickly checking the information in her hand, then she raised her head and said to Li Zhan: "Captain Li, the prevention and quarantine department has no record of detaining this batch of pigs."

It stands to reason that the prevention and control and quarantine departments will have corresponding records for detaining or culling pigs, and they must also be registered and compiled, because the country has a special subsidy policy for the pigs that were forced to be culled in swine fever this time.

However, now the staff only verbally notified the slaughterhouse, but did not register. That is to say, this batch of pigs is very likely not detained or culled by the prevention and control and quarantine department, all of which are lies.

Then this "staff" is most likely Fang Guangquan himself!

Li Zhan pondered for a moment, then said, "Call and check."

"it is good."

Meng Yidi immediately contacted the Feiyun Road Police Station.

When she was verifying the situation, the person in charge of the slaughterhouse also showed Li Xiaoping's information at Li Zhan's request.

It's just that when Li Zhan asked someone to check, he found that there was no such person.

It doesn’t matter if the phone is turned off and can’t get through, even the identity information of this person is fake. The Li Xiaoping corresponding to the ID number and the Li Xiaoping contacted by the person in charge of the slaughterhouse are not alone at all!

The person in charge was sweating coldly watching from the side, and couldn't help panicking.

Who would forge identity information?
It must be a crime!
"Comrade policeman, I just put up his name and sign the contract on his behalf. My slaughterhouse is open for business, and I only charge some management fees. I have absolutely nothing to do with this Li Xiaoping, comrade policeman!" Clear the relationship.

A leader died suddenly at the entrance of his good slaughterhouse. It's fine to close the door to cooperate with the investigation. If other things are brought up now, will he still be able to operate normally in the future?
What's worse, the contract was originally signed by the slaughterhouse. What if something goes wrong and the slaughterhouse is held accountable?
For a moment, the head of the slaughterhouse was in a panic.

"Captain Li," Meng Yidi looked at him after hanging up the phone, and replied, "I have verified that the prevention and quarantine department has not detained these pigs, and no one has called the slaughterhouse. But the call records show that Someone did call the slaughterhouse that day. According to the description of the staff, the person who used the landline during this period was most likely Fang Guangquan himself."

This was expected, so Li Zhan was not surprised.

Meng Yidi continued: "In addition, their people have the impression that on the 13th at around [-] o'clock in the afternoon, three trucks pulling live pigs passed the intersection of the Shixi Expressway together. At that time, they checked and found that the licenses and quarantine certificates were complete. , After registration, it will be released. Now that the license plate information is available, do you want to adjust the monitoring immediately?"

This batch of live pigs entered the boundary of City F, but they were not detained in the end, nor did they come to the slaughterhouse, so their whereabouts became a mystery.

Meng Yidi had a hunch that this batch of pork would definitely have something to do with the reading material.

"You send me the license plate, and I'll send someone to find a surveillance camera." Li Zhan said to her.

Meng Yidi was a little surprised. Su Nan, a technician from the intelligence department, was not there. She thought they were going to the traffic police brigade. She didn't expect Li Zhan to ask someone to find them.

Since he had a way, Meng Yidi sent the information immediately without delay.

The investigation at the slaughterhouse had come to an end, and there was no new and effective information for the time being. After Li Zhan asked the person in charge to wait for the summons at any time, the four simply returned to the car.

"Everyone rest for a while, and we will set off when the news comes, so as not to go wrong." Li Zhan ordered.

From what he meant, tonight must be a busy night.

It was already 10:30 in the evening, the slaughterhouse was on the mountain, the wind was whistling, and there was still the smell of pig feces and blood in the wind. The two policemen didn't even smoke. They gathered their coats and leaned against their seats to seize the time rest.

Meng Yidi looked out the window, and from this place he could still see the direction of the fireworks factory. At the moment, there were bright lights and excavators working there.

At this time, everyone who could be saved had already been rescued.

Those who could not be saved were all buried inside.

Meng Yidi didn't know whether the truth would be successfully excavated like those bones.

Closing her eyes, she forced herself not to think about these useless things, otherwise she might not be able to survive the rest of the night.

It's just that she has been an undercover agent for a long time, and she can't help being vigilant in this strange environment, so she didn't fall asleep, but just took a nap for a while.

After more than ten minutes, Li Zhan called the three of them up.

"Drive, go to the logistics distribution center in the north of the city."

After the car started, Li Zhan immediately connected to the bluetooth with his mobile phone and started the navigation.

"Surveillance shows that the three pig trucks finally came to the North City Logistics Distribution Center. Since there is no monitoring after passing the main road, we can only speculate that the trucks stayed near the distribution center for about three hours. Then The car drove off."

"Did they unload the pigs there?" asked one of the policemen.

Li Zhan nodded, "I asked someone to compare the videos near the distribution logistics center. Through the comparison of the height of the truck tires in the two periods before and after, it was determined that the three hundred pigs were unloaded during this period. In addition, the drivers of the three vehicles They are all from Tong County, and I have already contacted the Tong County police to start looking for them."

Meng Yidi couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard this, he was shocked.

How good is the person who helped Team Li check the information?It's enough to quickly track the whereabouts of the car in such a short period of time, but to be able to do such accurate calculations, how hard is the technology!

 The second is later, I will work hard for the third, it may not be there.My mother-in-law is going to be hospitalized, and she has been running outside for the past two days.Love you, compare your heart!
(End of this chapter)

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