The Strongest God Cultivation System

Chapter 57 Yang Miao is also the God of Wealth

Chapter 57 Yang Miao is also the God of Wealth
As expected, the other party habitually wanted to bargain, Yang Miao didn't say a word, just stood up and walked away.

The landlord hurriedly yelled at him to stay
"Okay, okay, I'll do what you said." Yang Miao didn't pay too much, and the landlord was very clear. It's the peak season, and he only rented out less than 40 rooms, that is, rented out all 40 rooms. When I go out, my monthly income is only 8000 yuan.

And Yang Miao took all the remaining 41 houses, and he steadily increased his monthly income by 7000.Empty is also empty, how much money will be given to him.

He knew that with a big client like Yang Miao, he would probably be able to negotiate with anyone he went out to.

"There is one more thing, we have agreed in advance!" Yang Miao made a mysterious appearance on purpose.

The landlord looked at him in bewilderment

"What's the matter? You said."

Yang Miao lowered her voice and said

"The company asked us to collect the house. In fact, we didn't like you at all at first. We spent a long time in Zhangzhuang and Wangzhuang.

The location is so good, and the company lost less money in the early stage.

But the landlord over there is not mean enough.You said that we ran before and after, but they didn't respond at all.

We came down to do things for the company as well as for them.They just can't figure it out. "He said ambiguously.

The landlord froze for a moment, and instantly understood what Yang Miao meant.

"Uh..." This was something he hadn't thought of. Yang Miao obviously wanted to get a kickback, and he could give it a little, but he pondered for a long time, still not sure.

Lin Zi was completely fooled by Yang Miao, and he got his own kickback?What on earth does this kid want to play.

"The 500 yuan a month is mine." Yang Miao said in a lower voice.

The landlord heard that it was just that, and readily agreed.

Seeing that he agreed, Yang Miao directly took out all the contracts with official seals. He chose an information consulting company from the dozens of company business licenses given to Xuan Tiansheng.

The landlord just glanced at the terms of the format, and his eyes quickly fell on the last item.

"I can understand the seven-day free period, it's not a problem, but is there a deposit?
It's not enough to pay the rent every month.

How can anyone pay rent like that? "He raised his head and asked Yang Miao in astonishment.

Yang Miao said without a doubt

"Not only in Erhe, but also in City Z, we pay rent like this. This is our rule.

If you don't believe me, go ask about it. "Of course he knew that the landlord would not go to inquire, and who would he ask.

"Another point is indispensable to you. Please carefully look at the terms and see if it is written clearly. We will call you seven days in advance every month.

The house can't run away.If something is damaged, we immediately compensate according to the price, and it's not like one or two tenants just run away immediately.We have so many houses.What are you afraid of.

We can make an appendix in a while, you write down the price of everything, we both sign, and the damage will be compensated according to this price. "

The landlord hesitated for a moment, then asked suspiciously
"But what if you take the tenant's money and run away?"

Yang Miao said in a strong tone, "We are the company, and I am the senior manager of the company.

I'll show you my ID card in a while, and it doesn't matter if we go to the police station to file for the record.

Besides, what are you afraid of with this contract? It can prove that you only rented the house to us, and we did not rent it to you. It is only natural for you to take back the house.

So we will pay you rent seven days in advance.It's just a way for companies to cash out.

Don't waste your time, if you really don't think so, we'll find another one.

If you give me benefits, will I make you suffer?what do you think. "He pretended to be impatient and scolded the landlord. He asked the landlord for benefits instead of directly countering the price, but cleverly used the third identity. Generally, the two people who cooperate are competitors. Party A and Party B are competitors. Let more.

But Yang Miao asked for benefits as an employee, which made her identity special.Although he is a member of the company, his relationship with the landlord seems to be very close.

Sure enough, the last sentence made the landlord think about it for the same reason. He has benefited Yang Miao, and for his own benefit, he can't let himself suffer.Since I am the landlord, I can't run away from the house. Thinking about it this way, I signed the contract without hesitation.

After the matter of the 600 houses was settled, Yang Miao turned to the evening in the village, talked about more than a dozen houses one after another, and bought more than [-] houses in total.

Lin Zi could only shake his head. In his eyes, Yang Miao had become the God of Wealth. This crazy guy didn't come to make money, he came to help the poor.

"Come here first today?" He was already a little hungry, but Yang Miao was still in high spirits to continue his cause of poverty alleviation. He couldn't bear it anymore and asked Yang Miao.

Yang Miao glanced at her phone, it was already eight o'clock.

"Okay, let's go after visiting this last house." After speaking, Yang Miao walked into another courtyard.

"Hey, it's really rare to see someone who works so hard to lose money like you." Lin Zi followed him mockingly.

Hearing what he said, Yang Miao just grinned at him, not annoyed.

"You're not the first one to come to me, are you?" The landlord of this house didn't seem like a good person. When Yang Miao proposed to rent her remaining 50 rooms, he asked Yang Miao with squinted eyes.

The landlord is also very young, with a cut-length haircut, unscrupulous eyes and ruffian tone, it can be seen that he is by no means an honest person on weekdays.

Yang Miao didn't understand what he meant, so she just nodded without saying a word.

Lin Zi also took a generous look at this bastard, knowing that something would happen to Yang Miao here, even if not now, something would inevitably happen to this person in the future.

I'm afraid I still have to come here to help him make peace, in the future.He wanted to give this young man a bad start, but he was afraid of affecting Yang Miao's affairs, so after thinking about it, he decided to forget it and wait until the matter came out.

"Then don't talk about it, I don't know what you want to do, so don't look for me when you come here.

I will guarantee that you will not be able to do anything in the end, and come to me to discuss it when you have difficulties.

Let's go, let's go, get out now. "The man immediately waved Yang Miao and Lin Zi out impatiently.

"Then you can call me if you have any difficulties. My name is Lin Zi." Lin Zi said to him coldly.

"What Linzi, from the village, hurry up, I'm going to eat, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you." The man straightened up, only to find that Linzi's kind expression had disappeared, the corners of his mouth curled up strangely and there was a mysterious smile on his face, It seemed to be contemptuous and mocking, but also ferocious and terrifying. The sharpness in his eyes revealed a fierce force, which made him tremble violently.

He froze there, Lin Zi snorted coldly, and led Yang Miao out with great strides.

"Hmph, you guys will look good in the future." When Lin Zi was gone, the man came to his senses. Although he was a little scared of Lin Zi, he still decided to make Yang Miao suffer so much in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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