Tiger Roaring Douluo

Chapter 200 "Aggression"

Chapter 200 "Aggression"

"Kill! Kill directly to the first level of the abyss, and the master of the plane of the abyss must not get involved in the Douluo Continent." Facing Bimon's gaze, Hu Tian naturally knew Bimon's identity. Back then, he saw Bimon with his own eyes. awake.

In today's Douluo Continent, many powerful races among soul beasts have been exterminated by the God Realm, just like the direct descendants of the Ice God in the extreme north are also extinct. .

And among these powerful races, once there are clansmen who survive, each one is the best of the clan, and each one has a genocide with the God Realm. Once they have the power to fight against the God Realm, let alone the Tiger God or the Dragon God There is no ability to prevent them from taking revenge on the God Realm.

And when the Silver Dragon King agreed to join the Monster Clan, these survivors unsealed the seal, and faced the battle that determined the survival of the race, and this was their first battlefield.

For example, a blue-clothed woman next to Beamon was not as old as Hutian himself when the seal was removed, but she had the most powerful cultivation here besides Hutian and Jin Tian.

Hutian didn't say that these cultivation bases were all due to absorbing a trace of chaotic power in the starry sky, and Jin Tian was the same, she had swallowed a lot of luck power here, otherwise she would be incomparable with Bimon at most at this time up and down.

And the cultivation level of this blue-clothed woman surpassed that of Beamon, which meant that her talent was even more terrifying than that of the dragon royal family and the emperor auspicious beast.

Hutian also knew this woman, her main body was a white tiger just like Hutian, and her talent and even the shadow evil tiger were beyond her reach.

Before the space channel of the God Realm was broken, Hu Tian competed with her in the Star Dou Forest, and she could fight Hu Tian evenly. Even if the sun is really hot and the magical powers of the witch clan have been used, they can't get the slightest advantage. On the contrary, Hu Tian is very suspicious that she was lenient in order to take care of his demon emperor's face.

If Hutian’s cultivation is not as good as what Ditian and the others say, it’s okay. Ditian and the others have cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years, but this woman was the size of a palm when Hutian saw her for the first time. She was sealed when she was just born. Yes, she hasn't cultivated even a little bit of soul power, and she only started to practice in Hutian for many years, and Hutian personally guided her to practice. Because of her special status, there must be countless onlookers when she competes with Hutian. If he defeated Hutian with his posture, Hutian, the demon emperor, would be a bit embarrassed indeed.

Although her body is the same white tiger as Hutian, it is different from ordinary white tigers. The fox pattern between the hairs is dark blue. The most peculiar thing is that she does not have the king character that normal tigers should have on her forehead. Instead, the dark blue hair formed a butterfly-like pattern, and the blue butterfly was the name of her family and the name of the woman in blue.

The Silver Dragon King explained to Hutian that the Blue Butterfly clan was the number one general around the Dragon God back then, and even the Nine Great Dragon Kings were not as powerful as the leader of the Blue Butterfly clan, and could easily kill the first-level gods. The seed of life of the goddess of life who once blocked the goddess of life, and hurt the goddess of life, although she was injured more seriously.

The goddess of life is not good at fighting, except for the sword of judgment of the five realms and the power of creation, the seed of life is already her strongest means of attack.

Even if the Goddess of Life's attack method is not as good as the other great god kings, she is still a god king attack. For ordinary first-level gods, even if she doesn't have the slightest skill to attack with pure divine power, she can only dodge.

And the blue butterfly patriarch actually injured the goddess of life under the god king's magical skills. This kind of record can be said to be unprecedented in the world of gods, that is, the injury caused by the blue butterfly patriarch to the goddess of life can be recovered in an instant.

The Silver Dragon King also told Hutian that if the Dragon God War came later, the Dragon and Blue Butterfly patriarch might become the God King, and he would give up according to the strength of the gods in the God Realm. At that time, the Blue Butterfly patriarch was at the first level of the Seven God Ring Between the gods and the kings of the Nine Gods Ring, the strength of the Eight Gods Ring is about the same.

The powerful ability also ruined their race. After the split of the Dragon God, the Blue Butterfly family was targeted by the God of Destruction. The God of Destruction is no better than the Goddess of Life. .

And Blue Butterfly's patriarch at that time was Blue Butterfly's father. Blue Butterfly had several older brothers and sisters, but they all died, some fell in the God Realm, and some died in the hands of the lower realm gods.

Blue Butterfly was sealed not long after she was born. These things were also told by the Silver Dragon King when she transformed. Blue Butterfly’s talent is nothing to say. She was like a two or three-year-old girl when she transformed. In fact, she It's really only a little over two years old.

Hu Tian remembered the situation at that time, Blue Butterfly neither cried nor made a fuss, and sat by the Lake of Life for a whole month, holding his knees in a daze.

One month later, Blue Butterfly changed her previous calm and began to practice desperately. That state made Hu Tian, ​​who was instructing her practice, feel distressed.

At that time, Hutian also began to understand why Ditian and his party hid Emperor Ruishou's words from Emperor Ruishou. Not telling them would at least allow them to have a happy childhood.

Blue Butterfly is not as lucky as Emperor Auspicious Beast Jin Tian, ​​her awakening is for this battle with the God Realm, neither she nor the Yaozu have time for her to grow up slowly.

"Demon King, if we attack with all our strength, we can reach the No. 60 abyss in ten days. According to our previous budget, sister Jin Tian will be able to become a fairy at that time. As long as sister Jin Tian can achieve With the help of sister Jin Tian's luck, I can break through in a month. Now that the Demon Emperor's cultivation has far surpassed that of my sister Jin Tian and me, the Demon Emperor will definitely be able to break through by then. Sister Jin Tian, ​​the Demon King and I should be able to face the Lord of the Abyss plane together and remain undefeated. As long as we entangle the Lord of the plane of the Abyss, it is no problem to protect ourselves with the abilities of the saintess, but this It's not a solution either." It was Blue Butterfly who spoke, the hatred didn't make her lose her mind, on the contrary it made her very calm.

Fighting against the master of the plane of the abyss means that you cannot continue to kill other masters of the abyss, otherwise their power will be swallowed by the master of the plane of the abyss. If you kill a few more masters of the abyss, it will be Hu Tian, ​​Jin Tian, ​​and Blue Butterfly They have all become immortals, and they are not opponents of the Lord of the Abyss Plane.

"I know what you are worried about, but whether it is Jin Tian or your breakthrough is based on the fact that we continue to fight to the 61st floor of the abyss, we have no choice." Apart from the monster luck, Hu Tian There are also some witch clan luck, as long as the "Witch Code" and "Demon Code" can be combined into one, even if you don't get back the monster clan luck, you can break through.

"Then kill it, the passage connecting the 52nd layer of abyss is at the center of this layer of abyss, guarded by the controller of this layer of abyss, although his ability is not very good, but we have to deal with countless abyssal creatures along the way." Lan Butterfly held an extra white tiger sword in his hand. Under the eyebrows and long eyelashes, the tiger's pupils were sharp and piercing, and the sharpness revealed on his body was even more than that of Bimon.

"Kill it!" Only half of the Dragon God Sword appeared in Hutian's hand, and he stroked the surface of the knife lightly. Hutian didn't know whether his current behavior was considered aggression.

Facing the climate of the Sword of Judgment in the Four Realms before, Hu Tian felt the restlessness of the Dragon God Sword, which was the restlessness of going forward without fear.

However, being suppressed by Hutian, the Sword of Judgment of the Four Realms restrained the Dragon God, and naturally it also restrained the Dragon God's Magic Sword, and the broken Dragon God's Magic Sword would not have the slightest effect.

This time, the Dragon God's Sword has no restlessness anymore. The Dragon God's Sword represents the justice and strictness in the Dragon God's heart. Otherwise, she would not lead the Yaozu to kill the creatures of the abyss.

"I'm sorry, I have no choice for the future of the Yaozu." Hu Tian sighed softly and put away the Dragon God Sword. So far, no abyssal creatures have invaded the Douluo Continent, and the Yaozu has slaughtered fifty floors Abyssal creature.

Going into the abyss for the strength of the monster race is no different from human soul masters hunting and killing soul beasts to become stronger, even if they themselves are formed by the luck of soul beasts.

Now the abyssal creatures probably hate the monster race much more than the soul beasts hate the human race, Hu Tian thought in his heart, for this reason, Hu Tian is unwilling to let this "aggression" war tarnish the Dragon God Sword.

 Tell me about your future strengths

  Once you break through to become an immortal, that is, an earth immortal, it is equivalent to a second-level god
  True Immortal is equivalent to first-level deity

  Jinxian is equivalent to the king of gods

  Daluo Jinxian is equivalent to the realm of the super god king, that is, the dragon god
(End of this chapter)

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