Infinite Plane Devour

Chapter 98 Salvation

Chapter 98 Salvation
The sudden sword stabbed straight into the crocodile's head, and the thick scale-like skin didn't stop it at all.

Johnson, who had already given up in his heart, saw the crocodile being hit by one blow, completely killed, and floating in front of him.

The will to survive emerged again, struggling to swim towards the Bloody Mary.

The people on board were also stunned, staring blankly at Johnson, who had turned the corner, and the gloomy sword light.

For a moment, he forgot to get into the water and pulled Johnson over.

"Pa" the sound of the bamboo pole falling into the water sounded, and the splash of water woke them up.

Gail yelled and pulled Mitch's clothes: "Hurry up and get him, hurry up!"

There was trembling in the voice, and there was a cry.

Being pulled by Gail, Mitch also came to his senses.

He jumped down in a hurry, and Jack followed suit.

Two people enter the water.

The thick smell of blood in the water irritated their noses.

Suppressing the shock, the two dragged Johnson to the side of the boat, and then dragged him aboard.

Once on the boat, Johnson leaned back, spitting out river water from his stomach.

Those who take clothes and those who prepare hot water.

Gail squatted in front of Johnson, holding a towel and wiping the water on his body as finely as possible.

It's just that the arm trembled non-stop, and the bright red blood flowed down the palm to the ground.

When she fell into the water, her arm was cut, which also slowed her swimming speed.

It's just that Gail's mind is not on the arm in his hand at all, but staring at Johnson sitting there.

Strong muscles are looming, and the angular face exudes a strong and charming atmosphere.

Gail's heart was beating fast, and a flash of red flashed across his face.

"My God, Gail, your arm is hurt and needs to be treated quickly."

Jace's cry interrupted Gail's chaotic thoughts.

A little flustered, Gail explained: "It's okay, compared to Johnson, mine is not serious."

The shyness quickly dissipated, and Gail returned to the state of the company's strong woman.

Accidentally bumping into it, Gail couldn't help but snorted softly.

After watching Johnson, the team medical team handed him a cup of hot water, but it was not for him to drink, but to warm his hands temporarily to restore his body temperature.

After looking at the layers of blankets covering his body, Ben said unhurriedly: "Johnson is fine, but he just spent a lot of energy, and he is a little overdrawn now. After a while, he will be fine." .”

After a pause, Ben shook his head, a little in disbelief: "I really don't understand, is it possible that Johnson was made of iron, and after a fierce fight with the crocodile, he just exhausted his physical strength, even if it was a traumatic injury? .”

The others didn't care whether Johnson was made of iron or not. After hearing Ben say that he was fine, their tense hearts finally returned to normal beating.

Johnson was fine, Jess pulled Ben to let him see Gail's injury.

"How do you know that you are looking for me now? You ignored me no matter how I tried to please you before."

Banna's roguish expression made Jess even more disgusted.

Stopping, Jess stared into Ben's eyes: "Now is not the time to joke, Gail's arm is injured, you'd better put away those fancy intestines, or we don't mind throwing you into the water to fend for yourself .”

Ben stood there in a daze, and then laughed at himself. He was actually frightened by a woman, and she was the one he wanted to date.

However, he didn't say any more unnecessary words, and took the necessary medical equipment.

After all, he is a doctor working in Doctors Without Borders, so field treatment still has some means.

The wound was cleaned and sutured, and it should be healed in a few days.

Johnson is fine, and Gail's arm is fine. It can be said that this accident has a good ending.

It was at this time that someone was shouting not far away.

"Hey, there is someone here, can you give me a ride?"

He is not very old, with a travel backpack on his shoulders, and a little monkey is walking back and forth on his shoulders.

"Is that Xiao Gang?"

"Should be an explorer, but how did he get here now that Borneo is in the rainy season?"

"Let's give him a ride, otherwise, if he falls here, he may encounter many dangers."

It was Gail who said this. She was also frightened by the crocodile just now, and she didn't want others to have such an experience.

Even Gail didn't expect that living in the city, she, the top person in charge of the company, was busy competing all day long, thinking about how to improve the company's profits, and she would plead for others.

Maybe this is the original will in her heart.

Jess agreed, and the others looked at each other.

"cough cough"

Johnson woke up slowly, and he could hear everything they said clearly.

"A Chuan, take him over, the most important Xiao Gang is still with him."

With the captain's permission, Bloody Mary docked soon after, and the young man boarded the ship.

"Boy, how did you get here? I don't know that it's the rainy season, and this place may be submerged at any time. You're going to die."

"Hey, you're quite bold. When I was your age, I was still holding textbooks at school, but I didn't dare to come here alone."

"Ker, you don't dare now, do you?"

"Hey, Jack, can you stop being so hurtful."

Several people laughed.

And the young man scratched his head in embarrassment: "I just wanted to take a risk, but I didn't expect to get lost. I didn't find the direction after turning around for a long time. Fortunately, I met you, otherwise I wouldn't know how to go."

This explanation is actually a bit far-fetched. The few people on board are not teenagers, and they can still distinguish some things.

The young man's clothes were obviously wet, then dried, and wrinkled. Walking in the humid rainforest, it was inevitable that he would be stained with water vapor, and there were some weeds and rotten leaves.

Because of the long journey, his face was a bit ugly, revealing an unhealthy paleness.

It can be seen that he still has some experience in living in the wild, otherwise this young man would have been sucked dry by leeches, or died in the mouth of wild beasts.

Although he had some doubts about the young man's identity, seeing how young he was, Jack temporarily suppressed his suspicions.

The people in this team were not the kind of dull research scientists, and soon several people got together.

The young man also knew the names of several people, and they also called themselves Wu Xian.

That's right, this young man is Wu Xian.

When he was sent here by the system, he encountered a mutated boa constrictor, a specialty of Borneo.

The length of 30 meters, the hard snake skin, the agile speed, and the weak wisdom all brought Wu Xian a great crisis.

Just relying on his internal strength to directly force regret, the result ended in failure.

Even if Wu Yi and Wu Er were called out, there was no other way.

The bodies of the two of them have been conceived for many years, and the fine steel can't pierce it. I didn't expect that when they came to the boa constrictor, they seemed to have met an opponent, and they stood there in a stalemate, which was a bit embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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