Infinite Plane Devour

Chapter 93 Construction completed

Chapter 93 Construction completed

Wu Xian's current strength, needless to say, is against ordinary people, but Wu Xian is still confident in defeating martial artists who are inferior to those who possess martial arts.Of course, the world is huge and full of wonders, so it's hard to guarantee that there will be some genius-type characters who, despite being inborn, have mastered weird and unpredictable martial arts. Maybe Wu Xian might lose his life if he's not careful.

Or some Qi practitioners, demon cultivators, ghost cultivators, and monsters in human form in the plane of cultivating immortals. These characters that originally existed in myths and stories are real for Wu Xian now.

Uncle Jiu's Maoshan Taoism is another way of training different from martial arts, and even surpasses martial arts to a certain extent. Although it is not ruled out that martial arts can break the sky is real, but in Wu Xian's heart there is still a A dream of flying with a sword.

Think about how cool it is to be able to fly in the sky.

Even if he is a star boy who has broken into the innate, his one-handed Tathagata palm makes him superb, but even so, he does not have the ability to fly. However, thinking about Western magicians, the body may be very weak, but the magic power used cannot be underestimated. , magic brooms, and flying carpets are all items that can assist them in flying.

He had never met a magician before, and it was difficult for Wu Xian to estimate their strength. It was still necessary for Wu Xian to enter the plane where magicians existed to know which one was stronger and weaker.

After all, the plot worlds that Wu Xian has entered these days are not based on normal calculations. The world of zombies, the world of Xiaodangjia, the world of Qin Shimingyue, and the more traditional world of kung fu have nothing to do with each other. Know exactly how the system is intended.

This is still the world entered before the system was upgraded. After the upgrade, although it is still relatively simple to enter the world of "Kung Fu", who knows what kind of plot world it will enter afterward. In a high-latitude world, like the prehistoric world, or the type of battle of the gods, then if you enter it, you will die immediately.

Or his favorite "Journey to the West", this TV series can be said to be a classic that is difficult to reproduce, of course it is the 83 version of Journey to the West, those remakes, Wu Xian can only express haha, now I don't know why there are A particularly weird phenomenon is that all classics must be remade, but the remakes are careless, which leads to worse and worse.

Every time he sees this kind of bad movie, Wu Xian really can't help but want to scold, how high-end the publicity is before the screening after investing so much money, but after the official screening, it is only after entering the cinema that he knows how much it is. rotten.

However, such films tend to have high sales. It's not because those so-called directors use the banner of popular stars to attract fans to watch, earn enough box office, and those fans are still clamoring how good it is.

I hit my head, where did I think, from entering the plot world at the beginning to making complaints about bad movies, is it because there are too many bad movies that I want to complain too much?

Now Wu Xian can only pray silently, and never travel to that kind of plot world in the future.

But having said that, it seems that it is almost time to enter the plot world, and Wu Xian's heart is beating drums. If he goes to the high-latitude world and is accidentally killed by the residual energy produced by those immortal battles, it will be fun. When Wu Xian was detained in the underworld, Yan Jun asked, how did you die, did he want to say that you were accidentally killed by an immortal?
A few days after the incident, Wu Xian went to the town, formally greeted the mayor and the others, and got the land contract for the previously negotiated piece of land. After that, he invested in the town as he did at the beginning. As for them What to do with the money is their own decision, and Wu Xian won't or doesn't want to.

The land for the first step has been obtained. Next, Wu Xian called and told the manufacturers he had contacted to build the house according to the drawings they had discussed with Wu Xian.

Money can turn ghosts around, because this is a home that I can live in in the future. Although it is not luxuriously decorated, all the materials used are relatively good, at least to prevent them from doing bean curd projects, Wu Xian Still supervised very carefully for a few days, and signed a series of treaties at the same time to prevent non-acceptance afterwards.

At that time, the person in charge of the company told Wu Xian with a smile on his face, so that he could rest assured that their company is very famous for the construction quality in this place.

Although he didn't reach out to hit the smiling faces, Wu Xian wasn't as hypocritical and cheerful as they were, and directly stated his opinion.

Start the ground work, lay the foundation, and officially start building the house.

Some people in the town also wanted to watch the excitement. Seeing what the legendary boss looked like, they were all very surprised when they saw Wu Xian. Such a young man is so rich. method comparison.

More than ten days have passed, and an ordinary two-story small building has been built in this way. Its appearance is no different from that in the town, and it is even not as luxurious as some other houses.

The surroundings are surrounded by high walls, and the top of the wall has a special structure to prevent others from climbing over. The gate is closed, and the scene inside cannot even be seen from the outside.

Originally, I was curious to see the situation in the boss's house, but I was told that I could not enter without permission. Now some rascals in the town exploded, pointing out that Wu Xian was doing some kind of illegal activities inside. Known research is likely to completely destroy this place.

It was just a few scoundrels at first, but it gradually deteriorated to the point that many people in the town suspected that Wu Xian's motives were impure.

When he heard the news, Wu Xian was really speechless, he could only shrug his shoulders and let them say what they said.

This kind of malicious slanderous remarks, incited by some people, can easily be believed by the uninformed masses. If Wu Xian can't stand it and come out to clarify, it may cause another kind of attack. Besides, Wu Xian is too lazy to care about them. According to the contract, this piece of land is the land that is protected by law.

The wall looks hideous from the outside, but it is full of vitality inside.

There are vines planted under the wall. Although it has just been planted, it is not as spectacular as climbing the wall. I believe it will be enough in a year or so.

Most of the creek is surrounded by it. The upstream is rugged and densely forested. Even people living in the mountains have a hard time walking. It is precisely because of this that the water flow of this creek is maintained like this. clear.

The stream will still flow downstream, and Wu Xian didn't block it, otherwise it would be crowded here, and the living water would become stagnant, that would be in response to the words of those boring people.

Wu Xian also made plans for the courtyard at the beginning. After it was completed, he built a garden, a small pool, and a small pavilion.

I want to come to the time when the lotus in the pond is in full bloom, the koi swims under the lotus leaves, the colorful butterflies are fluttering in the garden, and I sit in the pavilion drinking tea and talking about ancient times by myself. I really feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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