Chapter 76

The master kept thinking about how to survive, whether the ax gang was more important or his own life was more important.

Sitting there, Wu Xian casually picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip of water, and just watched the master struggling there.

There is enough time for him to wait.

Lin Dafu also sat there, wiping his sweat all the time.

"Okay, let me say." The master slapped the table heavily, and from the way he looked, he must have figured it out.

"You want to know about the Axe Gang, right? I'm afraid you will regret it after you find out." The master's panicked face gradually calmed down, staring into Wu Xian's eyes, trying to see through his intentions.

He was just disappointed, Wu Xian wasn't afraid at all, picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said in a very flat tone: "Let's talk, I don't feel regretful knowing about such a small matter of the ax gang."

Unexpectedly, Wu Xian would answer like this, the master was obviously taken aback, and then began to tell the history of the Ax Gang in detail.

In the beginning, the Ax Gang was just a small gang, relying on collecting protection fees in the occupied territory to support everyone in the gang.

At that time, the boss of the gang was not Brother Chen, but an uncle of Brother Chen.

Having been in business for decades, the Ax Gang has a territory in a street. Although they usually collect protection fees, it is indeed for protection. The gangsters around them dare not act wildly in this street.

At that time, he was just a little guy next to him, he had no status at all, and he was the weakest one, so he was not liked by the boss.

When he saw the boss drinking spicy food, he fantasized about when he could become such a person.

This idea was buried in his heart for more than ten years, until another gang wanted to occupy their territory.

On this street, a fight broke out, and the result was that the Ax Gang failed. When the Ax Gang was about to occupy the place where the Ax Gang was located, Brother Chen led a group of people with various guns in their hands to completely destroy the gang.

For a while, brother Chen's prestige reached its peak, and he successfully took over the position of boss. At that time, it was also the beginning of the master's fortune.

In the next few years, Brother Chen annexed dozens of gangs, big and small, by relying on sophisticated weapons, and the power of the Ax Gang gradually expanded.

Later, after the master took the ax gang to occupy the Rose Nightclub, he realized that there was a Japanese behind Brother Chen.

It was the Japanese who provided so many weapons. Of course, this kind of provision was not unilateral. Brother Chen also agreed to help them sell opium in Shanghai Beach, inquire about various news, and at the same time pay attention to the movements of Western forces in Shanghai Beach. .

It was also at that time that brother Chen completely believed in the master, and the opium business was also entrusted to him.

At the beginning, the master spoke cautiously, but gradually realized that he might not be able to hide this time, so he spit out everything.

Lin Taifu became more and more frightened as he listened to it. In the end, the Japanese even pulled it out.

Buying and selling drugs and trading weapons in Shanghai are not allowed, and the Japanese support Brother Chen to become the boss of the Ax Gang, in order to seize Shanghai's wealth, shake up the economy, and even rely on the gang to deal with the local two parties, This strategy of killing two birds with one stone is truly terrifying.

After wiping off his sweat again, Lin Dafu found that the towel was already soaked.

After taking a sip of tea, Wu Xian felt a little uneasy.

There are so many nasty things hidden in the shadows of Shanghai Beach, and behind the largest gang, the Ax Gang, stands Japan.

Calculating the time, it is now the 40s, and Shanghai Bund happens to be the largest concession. There are various internal and external forces, and there are two major political parties behind the scenes. In addition to local gang forces, good and evil are mixed. There are all kinds of people. .

Taking advantage of the opportunity, the Japanese supported the ax gang to form a large force. When they invaded Shanghai Beach, there were strong enemies outside and moths inside. It was a breeze to capture it.

At this time, the traitor Wang Jingwei formally established the National Government of the Republic of China in Nanjing, which symbolized that he completely surrendered to Japan, betrayed the country for glory, and even helped the Japanese kill a large number of patriots.

Wang Jingwei is in Nanjing, so it is naturally impossible to ignore Shanghai Bund. This place is of great strategic significance. If it can be completely captured, it will be equivalent to cutting off a lifeline of China.

Wu Xian recalled that Detective Chen once mentioned that someone above arranged for him to help the Ax Gang destroy the Crocodile Gang, and Lin Dafu also said that someone would come down to rectify the police station and asked him to obey the order.

If these two lines are pulled together quickly, a huge network of relationships will be formed.

The Wang puppet government worked for the Japanese, planned Shanghai, and issued instructions, which changed the nature of the police station in Shanghai to obey their orders, while the Japanese supported the Ax Gang in Shanghai, dumped opium, and plundered endless wealth. At the same time, let these lackeys from the police station help the Ax Gang destroy other gangs that get in the way.

It really is a good plan, the money is plundered, shaking the lives of the citizens, opium smoking also makes those people lose the capital to fight against the enemy, supporting the locals to deal with the locals, causing internal fighting, and consuming what little power they have left.

It has to be said that the Japanese have really brought their intelligence to the extreme, but unfortunately, no matter how they use it, they still can't compare with the unity and persistence of the Chinese nation.

Wu Xian combined the information he heard with the history he knew to analyze, and found that this Kung Fu world is really not what it is shown in the movie, and there are really many stories behind it.

At that time, I watched this film made by Zhou Xingchi, but I was just watching the excitement, and didn't really understand the meaning in it. Now that I have come to this world, I understand how talented Zhou Xingchi is.

Gathering all the plots into a film of more than one hour, every little detail actually has a deep meaning.

Wu Xian somewhat understood why Bao Zugong said that most of the people in the pig cage walled city were people who knew martial arts.

He knocked the second leader of the ax gang into the waste bin without a trace, and the coolie's strong martial arts alone was not enough.

They had fought against each other, and Coolie Qiang was the weakest among the three, without that kind of superb speed, so Wu Xian didn't know who would have rescued the two of them.

He also used his mental strength to investigate, but it was very strange that he was completely unaware that the people in the village had martial arts in their bodies.

Only the coolie three and the charter woman and charter man can find out.

This feeling is like a setting that stipulates that you have martial arts, so Wu Xian can use his mental power to know that if you are stipulated that you should not come out, then just stay there honestly and be an ordinary person.

When I think about it carefully, I am really terrified that something like this can be drawn from what the master said.

Wu Xian finished drinking the water in the teacup, leaned over, and looked straight into the master's eyes.

"Anything else, I just said a lot of nonsense about the origin of the Ax Gang, but you haven't mentioned these recent things."

Opened his mouth, the master suddenly panicked.

"He's thirsty, pass him a glass of water."

A police officer came over and put the water glass in front of the master.

(End of this chapter)

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