Infinite Plane Devour

Chapter 52 The Super Chef

Chapter 52 The Super Chef
Yangquan Restaurant looked at Wu Xian and Xiaodangjia who were in a rather embarrassing situation, and Master Ji frowned.

"You mean, Master Mei's apprentice Shao'an, who came downstairs from Juxia, attacked you in the middle of the night, and wanted to put the young master to death."

"That's right." Wu Xian nodded. What happened this time was too strange. Even if he knew the plot, it would be of no use. What happened now was completely beyond the plot and developed in an uncontrollable direction.

Dudu has been placed in the room to rest, while the young master is sitting there, muttering non-stop, without any energy, the whole person is like a living dead.

"Young master, it's just this little blow, you can't take it anymore." Master Jidi yelled.

The little head raised his head, his eyes were dull, and after glancing at Master Jidi, he lowered his head again.

"I'm so disappointed in you. I asked you and Wu Xian to go out to practice. I didn't expect this to be the answer you gave me."

"Don't let me see you like this, hurry up and get out of here."

Unexpectedly, Master Jidi would be so angry, Wu Xian's heart was moved, and he hurriedly asked the little master to rest in the room first.

Seeing the distraught look of the young master, Master Jidi sighed.

"Master, you don't have to worry, just let the young master be quiet for a while. It's not that you don't know his character, maybe he will be alive and kicking again tomorrow."

Shaking his head, Ji Di had a panic expression on his face.

It was the first time for Wu Xian to see a stern Jidi like this.

"Tell me everything that happened again, remember to ask for everything."

After listening to Wu Xian's complete speech, Master Jidi clenched his fists and slammed it on the table: "I didn't expect that they still stretched out their hands here."

"who are they?"

"Dark cooking world."

Hearing such an answer, Wu Xian was also shocked. He thought that he would meet them when he was looking for the legendary kitchen utensils, but he didn't expect it to appear now, but Wu Xian still had a question.

"Master Jidi, what about Shao'an?"

"It is because of this incident that I can be sure that it is the hand of the dark cooking world."

Seeing that Wu Xian was still a little puzzled, Master Jidi told him everything.

As the name suggests, the Dark Cuisine World is a group of chefs living in the dark. They do not seek to bring happiness to people through cooking, but serve people who want to control the whole world with cooking.

And one of the things they did that shocked the government and the public the most was the appearance of a ghost manipulator, who used this ability to murder many special chefs who held important positions.

All of a sudden, people were in a state of panic, and officials were afraid that they would be killed by this unstoppable ghost. The government and the public fell into panic, and the dark culinary world flourished, controlling the management of many places.

But just when the dark cooking world took this opportunity to insert their hands into Chao Gang, a message suddenly appeared, saying that the person had been killed and would not appear again.

No one knows whether this news is true or not, but those who are interested have discovered that the dark culinary world is not acting recklessly, but retreating secretly, and the emperor suddenly issued an imperial edict to wipe out the dark culinary world.

The army attacked, killed countless people, and captured many rebels.

From that moment on, the dark cooking world fell into silence.

Although the news said that the person who could control ghosts died, no one had seen it with their own eyes, and they didn't know what he looked like.

"It's been so many years, since Shao'an's ghost will appear to kill Xiaodangjia, it can only show that it was done by the dark culinary world, but why did it kill Xiaodangjia?" Master Ji frowned.

"It means someone is controlling Shao'an's ghost to kill Xiaodangjia? This is too ridiculous." Wu Xian still doesn't believe it, needless to say that Shao'an still has a big role in the back, it is this ghost, this world How could there be.

But the fact happened in front of him again, Wu Xian thought hard: "Could it be that the dark cooking world is really so powerful?"

"So many things have happened, and you are tired, go back and rest first, I'm going to discuss it with Master Shiquan."

Seeing Master Ji Di walk out of the room, Wu Xian had no choice but to go back to the room first.

The next day, Wu Xian was still practicing the chapter on health preservation.

These days, he has formed a habit of practicing it every morning, and before going to bed at night, he cultivates his spirit and nourishes his mind.

What is different from usual is that when Wu Xian practiced according to the practice, he actually felt that the surrounding qi was extremely active. It was only absorbed into the body before, strengthening the meridians and the strength of flesh and blood.

But this time, a large amount of qi poured into his body, filling his limbs, bones, and thick meridians, flowing away continuously, washing the blood and skin.

That comfortable feeling made Wu Xian groan, as if he had a pair of big hands all over his body, they were constantly massaging.

The feeling of heavy body has gradually diminished, and the whole person feels light and light.

Finally, the qi escaped again, but the difference was that this time there was a small stream of qi, which flowed continuously in the dantian and meridians, nourishing the body.

Although his hair was thin and weak, Wu Xian still felt sincere joy. After such a long time, he finally developed his internal strength. Although it was small, it was also a kind of progress and an encouragement.

At this time, a burst of internal force suddenly burst out of the body and merged with this trace of training.

"Is this what I originally had in my body?"

After all, Uncle Jiu said back then that there was a trace of internal energy in his body, but he had never discovered it, and he never thought that the combination of the two would just temper his body.

After packing up his things, Wu Xian came to the lobby of Yangquan Restaurant.

From a distance, he saw Master Shiquan and Master Jidi standing there. After saluting and saying hello, he glanced left and right, and Wu Xian asked, "Young master, why didn't you see him?"


"He's here!" Dudu's voice came from behind.

Looking back, Xiaodangjia and Dudu came over together, seeing Wu Xian looking at him, Xiaodangjia waved his hand and smiled: "Brother Wu Xian, don't worry about me, I have already figured it out."

It is true that he has returned to the original carefree little boss, Wu Xian nodded reassuringly.

Afterwards, bid farewell to the two masters.

In front of the majestic city tower, Wu Xian looked at the surrounding environment a little strangely, there was no majesty waiting for thousands of people, and there was no grand competition ceremony.

"Brother Wu Xian, what's going on? How come there are so few people? What about those contestants?"

Shaking his head, Wu Xian didn't know either.

"Because the assessment of the special chefs this time is different from previous years, this competition can only be participated by people recommended by two special chefs, so the contestants are so sparse." The soldier-looking man standing at the door answered the little master question.

The door opened slowly, and a sergeant came out with a list in his hand.

"Okay, now the contestants can enter, but they need to verify their identity."

"you are?"

"Small order from Banlin Restaurant."

"The identity is correct, go in."

"Wu Xian from Yangquan Restaurant."

Comparing the above information, the sergeant took a few glances: "Okay, go in."

After entering the inside, I saw a place the size of half a football field, with a pot and stove in the middle, and various raw materials densely placed on both sides.

"The subject of this test is face, not face"

The sergeant who checked his identity before stood on the ladder and announced the theme of this time: "Because this competition is special, we add a theme and use a method to determine the winner."

The judge this time is the legendary female chef Lei Hua.

(End of this chapter)

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