Infinite Plane Devour

Chapter 28 Spiritual Power

Chapter 28 Spiritual Power

In the darkness, Wu Xian walked blankly, couldn't see his surroundings clearly, and couldn't even know where he was. He just followed the throbbing in his heart and walked forward.

He didn't know what kind of thing it was, he just walked step by step according to the hint in his heart.

A wonderful sound suddenly drifted from far away, from far to near, Wu Xian couldn't see the front clearly, so he could only listen to the sound and follow.

At this time, Wu Xian entered into an inexplicable feeling, with no other distractions and clear mind, only the voice was left in his brain, and he was only looking for the source of the voice.

Slowly, Wu Xian didn't know how far he had traveled and how far he had traveled, but his voice became louder and louder, and a light suddenly appeared in front of him.

The moment he saw it, Wu Xian immediately realized that all the sounds come from the bright place, and only by entering can one understand all the mysteries.

As Wu Xian approached gradually, when the light came into his field of vision, he realized that there was an ordinary door standing there. The door was not closed tightly, and there was a gap. Follow Wu Xian here.

A voice sounded from the bottom of my heart, urging Wu Xian to open the door.

Step by step, Wu Xian stepped forward, pushed lightly, and the door opened.

In an instant, he entered a blood-colored world, with glistening white bones standing tall, meridians entwined, blood gushing from organs, and transporting blood to all parts of the body through thick and large channels.

Everything showed Wu Xian that he was in his own body, not only knew how the various organs functioned, but also knew how powerful the curse he was under was.

It was like a huge mass of red rotting flesh, wriggling non-stop, with tiny tentacles protruding from all over its body, rooted in Wu Xian's flesh and blood, constantly rotting.

The surrounding flesh and blood are no longer bright red, but showing a sickly white color. As far as Wu Xian saw it, the tentacles continued to extend and take root in another place of flesh and blood. Looking at the moving path, Wu Xian was sure. , he went towards his heart.

It turned out that this was the reason why my life was only three years old. I didn't expect the so-called curse to be such a disgusting thing.

Before thinking about how to solve it, Wu Xian suddenly saw Uncle Jiu standing beside him, with a worried face on his face, and saw the forest outside the thick fog.

What's going on, he didn't open his eyes, he saw everything in front of him.

Just when Wu Xian wanted to continue looking into the distance, his brain felt a sharp pain, his vision darkened, and he returned to his body.

"It's been so long, why hasn't he woke up, nothing will happen, wait a little longer, it won't work, I will wake him up directly, but this rare opportunity will be lost."

Uncle Jiu stood next to Wu Xian, waiting in a hurry. This kind of situation is rare for a person like him, but a person like Wu Xian who has no concept of cultivation will suffer a lot. Well, it will directly destroy his foundation.

Just when Uncle Jiu was still struggling in his heart, he suddenly had a feeling of peeping. Could it be that Uncle Jiu hurriedly looked at the kid in front of him.

Wu Xian slowly opened his eyes, just in time to see Uncle Jiu looking at him expectantly, he couldn't help being a little curious, what happened just now, he couldn't figure it out at all.

"Quickly, tell me what you've experienced?" Uncle Jiu pulled Wu Xian over and asked.

Although he was a little uncomfortable with Uncle Jiu's excessive enthusiasm, he also wanted to know what happened to him just now, so he told Uncle Jiu everything in detail.

After listening to Wu Xian's statement, Uncle Jiu looked at Wu Xian with a strange expression, looking left and right.

"No, seeing that your aptitude is so poor, how can you activate inner vision and mental power at once? Strange, strange."

"Uncle Jiu, what kind of internal vision and spiritual power are you talking about?"

Suppressing the initial surprise, Uncle Jiu quickly recovered his previous indifference, and explained these two issues to Wu Xian in detail.

Whether it is a martial artist practicing martial arts, cultivating internal strength, or cultivating mana, after a certain level of cultivation, they will turn on inner vision to check whether they have small mistakes, and those who have turned on inner vision have reached a level that is difficult for ordinary people to reach the height of.

Maoshan Taoism is to cultivate the law with concentration and temper the spell. After successful practice, it can enhance the power of the mind, and the mind is related to the operation of mana, and the two promote each other.

Mental power can be described as a new ability that can only be obtained by external force cultivation to a very high level. Of course, in this world, there are also people with extraordinary talents who can be compared to others who have cultivated for decades at a young age or even at birth.

Such people are too rare, and Wu Xian's aptitude is not very high, and it can even be said to be very poor. This was also evaluated by the system at the beginning. It is the first time that Uncle Jiu has seen such a situation after traveling all over the world for so many years.

"It's the first time I've seen your situation, and I can't explain it. This kind of thing is too rare, your aptitude is not good, and it's your first time practicing. What's going on?" Uncle Jiu was thinking hard.

On the contrary, Wu Xian was shocked by Uncle Jiu's explanation just now. What surprised him was not how powerful he was. He was able to successfully activate his spiritual power when he started practicing for the first time.

When the red mass of carrion stretched out its tentacles to absorb the energy of the surrounding flesh, something shining with various colors flowed in the middle.

The first time he saw it, he was stimulated by a kind of energy, and then saw the outside world, that is, spiritual power, Wu Xian suddenly thought of a terrible guess.

Maybe, that lump of flesh is absorbing the strength of his own body and gathering it into the colorful thing in the middle, and that thing has some unknown functions.

Wu Xian shuddered all over, how did the curse on his body come from, what exactly was he plotting on himself, and can the system really lift it.

Sensing that something was wrong with Wu Xian's mood, Uncle Jiu turned his head, although he still had some doubts, he didn't express it: "Let's leave this question aside for now, since you have activated your spiritual power, then I will teach you other ways technique."

This incident was too frightening, so Wu Xian had no choice but to suppress the panic in his heart, and instead continued to study with Uncle Jiu.

First learn the most basic array formation and talisman paper making techniques with Uncle Jiu. It took Wu Xian a lot of energy to remember some of these alone. As for other Taoism, Wu Xian couldn't learn them at all.

"This should be arranged like this. If you arrange it that way, it will easily cause spiritual disorder."

"What is aura?"

"Aura is the essence of the world, you don't need to know more about it."

. . . . . . . .

Wu Xian has been following Uncle Jiu to learn about Sunset and Xishan. Wu Xian listened to all the formations, talisman papers and various strange spells for a continuous day.

He only heard his head swell. Even though he has spiritual power, his brain is still full of huge knowledge, and he can no longer accept it.

When Uncle Jiu saw Wu Xian like this, he had no choice but to give up: "Okay, let's study here today, and when you go back, you will review everything that was said today. The key point is to practice your calligraphy well. Drawing symbols requires your hands to be steady and firm, go back and practice more."

Hearing Uncle Jiu's words, Wu Xian collapsed in an instant, drooping his arms, very tired: "Yes, Uncle Jiu, I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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