Chapter 111
With Wu Xian messing around, the plot didn't proceed as usual.

Originally, the two aliens would be killed by the Zerg while eating, and the box containing the diamonds on the table would be snatched away.

The corpses were transported to the morgue, and when they were about to be dissected, J inadvertently learned their true colors, and vaguely explained some news about Orion and the Milky Way in intermittent words.

If the Akirons to which they belonged hadn't immediately warned the Earthlings to hand over the galaxy after their deaths, otherwise their warships would completely destroy the Earth, and K would not have known the Zerg's purpose.

Although the earth has a long history of birth, the time for humans to appear is very short, and various civilizations and technologies have not developed.

In the time period where the men in black are, they can communicate with aliens, master powerful weapons, MIB has patent rights for various weapons, and can even repatriate aliens back to their original planet.

Compared with before, it has indeed made great progress, and it can also be said that it has reached another new height.

However, compared with aliens, especially those technological civilizations that have developed for an unknown amount of time, the current strength of the earth is like a child's toy, allowing them to ravage.

As members of the MIB organization, K and the others naturally knew the specific situation, so they paid so much attention to the warnings made by the Akiron stars after the death of Akiron's prince.

Respond at the first time, and must find the Milky Way within the specified time.

Now, because of Wu Xian, Prince Akiron did not die, so there is no such thing as entering the morgue, and the Milky Way is still hanging on the neck of the cat named Orion.

This can be regarded as an interference in the plot, Wu Xian didn't know what would happen.

Think for a while.

The two aliens had recovered from the attack just now, and the diners in the restaurant rushed out screaming, and the store manager called a few shop assistants to chase after them.

For a while, the restaurant was even more chaotic than before.

The tall, skinny alien grabbed another old man and was about to escape.

The old man hurriedly took the bag, hugged the kitten, and took Wu Xian's hand.

He hurried out and called a taxi.

10 minute later.

Losing Paul jewelry store.

"Thank you for your help. If it weren't for you, our two old guys might have died at the hands of that Zerg." Handing over a cup of coffee, the old man smiled and looked kindly.

If he hadn't known his identity a long time ago, Wu Xian might have been fooled.

It may be that I have lived on the earth for too long, and I have a good understanding of human living habits and speech and behavior, and I can speak with ease.

Wearing a human skin and manipulating the brain, he is a human being.

After receiving the coffee, Wu Xian said thank you.

The tall and thin alien did not speak, with an unnatural expression on his face, looking at the old man with some worry.

The Zerg attack just now almost killed them.

His hands were interlaced, and his thumbs were trembling unconsciously. He was a soldier sent to protect Prince Akiron's life from threats from outsiders.

However, they didn't react at all to the attack of the Zerg, and didn't even counterattack.

Although the old man never blamed him, he was still uneasy.

At the same time, he was very wary of the young man with a calm expression in front of him.

Zerg's attack ability can be ranked in the universe, of course, their reproductive ability is more powerful.

Even such a powerful attack was blocked by this young man, and looking at that appearance, his face was not red and he was not panting. He really regarded the Zerg as weak bugs, as if they could be completely trampled to death with a light foot.

There should not be such a powerful person among the people on earth, that is to say, he may be an alien just like them.

The biggest problem is that he can't see the true face of the young people, so naturally he can't be sure whether it will be harmful to them.

The tall and thin alien thought so, and the old man also thought about it in his heart.

But he didn't do anything else, but served coffee as he usually greets his friends.

Even the Zerg couldn't deal with this young man, so it was impossible for the two of them with zero fighting power to escape.

The coffee is still steaming, and the rich aroma lingers.

It's a pity that Wu Xian wasn't interested in this, so after thanking him, he put it on the table.

The two aliens did not speak, and he did not initiate the conversation.

There are all kinds of jewelry in the jewelry store, with a wide variety and exquisite styles.

Even for the rarer gemstones, there are a few here.

No wonder you're holding a box of diamonds and wanting to gift tall, skinny aliens.

Obviously, the old man is living well here.

In addition to jewelry, there are many photo frames hanging on the wall and on the table, and there are pictures of the old man and the cat in it.

As the goal of this time, the purpose of the mission, Orion is in the arms of the old man, with the Milky Way hanging around his neck.

To be honest, even though he knew the plot, Wu Xian didn't know the function of the Milky Way.

What is the use of this thing that made the Akironites go to war and want to retrieve it, and why it was placed on the earth, these plots did not give a complete answer.

The task is to obtain the Milky Way and return until the end. It is very easy to obtain the Milky Way, so what happens after obtaining it?
The Akilon Stars went to war completely and reduced the earth to ashes.

Wu Xian is not confident enough to fight against a huge civilization.

As a result, the goal is in front of you, but you have concerns in your heart.

"May I ask, which planet are you from?" The old man still smiled.

"I'm from Earth, what's the matter?" Seeing the dubious expressions of the two, Wu Xian waved his hands: "I am indeed from the Earth, but I come from the east and don't belong here. I also learned these martial arts there. Know about the existence of aliens."

"East, so it came from the mysterious East?" The two suddenly asked.

The history of aliens invading the earth has a long history, but until now, no aliens have successfully invaded the east.

It is said that the spacecraft that landed there and the aliens inside will be sliced ​​and studied, and even the corpses will not be left.

They recognized Wu Xian's identity a little bit from the bottom of their hearts, but they didn't dare to act rashly.

The mysterious east and superb martial arts are all shocking them.

Hearing Dongfang, there was obvious panic in his eyes, Wu Xian noticed, and wondered in his heart, could it be that Dongfang is also the embodiment of terror in this world.

Don't think about this anymore, and quietly mobilize your mental power.

Surrounding the brains of the two, looking for the point of intrusion.

The previous example of Jike let Wu Xian know that some aliens only wear this name, but in fact some essences are still the same as human beings.

Well, mind control, changing memories should work.

Have it.

At the earlobe, there is a small gap, following it, Wu Xian's spiritual power successfully entered it.

(End of this chapter)

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