Infinite Plane Devour

Chapter 108 "Men in Black"

Chapter 108 "Men in Black"

In the morning, dew still swayed on the grass blades.

In the room, Wu Xian sat cross-legged, concentrating and calming down, practicing Maoshan Taoism taught by Uncle Jiu to cultivate his mind and nature.

Qi and blood flowed slowly all over his body, and his mind was completely clear.

After visiting grandpa and parents that day, they cried bitterly for a while.

I also want to understand that the past has passed, and if you can’t force it, it’s better to grasp your present and future.

Now that it is gone, let it become the most beautiful love in my heart.

So far, three days have passed.

Wu Xian is no longer so lazy, in order to survive in the endless planes of the system, he began to exercise in a planned way.

The knives and knives that he learned from Fatty Mingyue Ding in the Qin Dynasty were not very proficient.

Even with the knife skills learned from a super chef, he is still not as good as Fatty Ding.

It has been passed down for generations, and even Zhuangzi praised the skills learned from the kitchen.

The Jie Niu Dao method is unique but contains great power. The special attack method is often hard to defend against. Tianming once used two or three moves to fight against the leader of the Yin Yang family for several rounds, until Tianming had no new moves available. Will be defeated by Da Si Ming.

Da Si Ming, who is proficient in Qi training methods, has suffered a lot from this weird attack method, which is enough to prove that the Jie Niu Dao method is not bad in actual combat.

When Qin Shiming was in Mingyue, Wu Xian had mastered three moves, and the other few moves were just knowing how to use them, they couldn't be used against the enemy at all.

In the world of kung fu, he still only used the first few moves. Because of the difference between the two worlds, the first-class masters, the charter woman and the charter man, could not teach him how to use swords. About to complete the task and leave there, Xingzai also went back to find the dumb girl, and finally missed it.

This knife technique, born out of cooking, can only be mastered after mastering the essence of the knife technique, and after thousands of times of training.

If you think about it but don't do it, you will naturally not be successful.

Taijiquan learned from the beginning has been practiced many times, and then in the world of Kung Fu, Bao Zugong, a master who specializes in Taijiquan and has reached a very high level, taught him to understand the specific operation of internal forces that he could not grasp before, and solved a large part of the confusion.

If only relying on Taijiquan, Wu Xian could be invincible against three coolies with one person.

Of course, his accomplishments have not yet reached the level where he can easily defeat the three of them. In a duel, to win the battle, he must use the method of solving the three.

The six-style guzheng method obtained by killing Tian Candiqie is still in the space, and the guzheng he bought is also a bit useless.

Wu Xian is interested in this kind of spiritual attack secret method, but one of the biggest problems is that it is too difficult to practice successfully.

When I first got it, there was a charter woman, a master of lion roar, next to me. Both of them are sonic methods, and they both involve spiritual levels, so they naturally have something in common.

It was under the guidance of the charter woman that Wu Xian was able to learn a little bit. It can be regarded as mastering the fur, but he is still a part of the distance from being able to kill the enemy.

An ordinary person with dull aptitude learns martial arts, as long as he perseveres, he will cultivate his inner strength one day.

Of course, some people practice for a lifetime and only cultivate their internal strength without much progress, while others may be late bloomers. There are quite a few examples of this.

And this kind of sonic kung fu, which involves the spiritual level, requires a high talent. If talent is insufficient, it cannot be practiced by hard work.

Wu Xian's spiritual power was aroused by the curse in his body when Uncle Jiu wanted to break the seal for him. Although the curse disappeared but the spiritual power did not disappear, it was a bit strange, but it was better than disappearing.

It's not that they are naturally talented and cultivated, but they are forced out by the day after tomorrow.

Maybe that's why he couldn't comprehend the truth from the six-style guzheng method like the charter woman.

Although he said so, Wu Xian did not give up and continued to practice.

Get up in the morning, practice Maoshan Taoism to cultivate the spirit and cultivate the nature, the Lingtai is clear, and you can get rid of distracting thoughts when you sit in meditation, so you can better understand the truth.

Whenever it ends, Wu Xian can always feel that although the spiritual power has not increased, there are different changes.

Afterwards, caressing the guzheng lightly, the music score of the six-style guzheng method is clear to the heart.

With a light movement of the finger, the sound of the guzheng can be heard throughout the yard.

Fortunately, it was far away from the town, and there was only his family around, otherwise he would have been reported and harassed.

In the past few days, Wu Xian discovered that Maoshan Taoism is of great benefit to the spiritual power and the practice of the six-style guzheng method.

Although it took three days, it had a good effect.

Wu Xian is more and more looking forward to entering the innate realm, the power of various Taoism recorded in Maoshan Taoism.

He has a feeling that as long as he is innate, whether it is the Jie Niu Dao technique or the Taoism taught by Uncle Jiu, there will be earth-shaking changes.

Talismans, arrays, origami are all quite interesting things.

With a plan, in the next few days, except for Cai Minglin inviting him to visit the town for half a day, Wu Xian basically stayed at home and did not go out.

Today passed again, when Wu Xian was eating.

The sound of the system suddenly rang.

"Remind the host that you can enter the next world, whether the host will enter immediately."

"Wait a moment."

Prepared, packed the room and made sure nothing was left behind.

Because he is the owner of the house, the original agreement was signed and the style of construction was to prevent people from coming to his house, and to give people a feeling that this is just a place to live. Even if someone comes over the wall and cannot see him, they will only He thought that he was not here and went to other places, but he didn't think that Wu Xian traveled to another world.

He looked around and waved his hands.

"Waiting for my next arrival."

"Enter the next world."

The white light flashed, and the brain still felt dizzy.

Mental power quickly explored the surroundings and determined that there was no danger.

Patting his head, Wu Xian couldn't help complaining: "System, can you improve it? Since they all have the ability to travel through the world, why can't they cancel the dizziness?"

"Remind the host that space and time changes will be caused when traveling through the world. The system has minimized the impact. It is the host's own ability to resist that will cause dizziness."

With such an answer, Wu Xian had nothing to say, it was already obvious that he was not strong enough.

"Currently entering the world of "Men in Black", the system releases the only mission, the host needs to get the Milky Way until the final return."

Man in black?Milky Way?
Ten days later, Wu Xian sat in a high-end coffee shop, and the coffee on the table did not move.

The only task released by the system turned out to be to seize the Milky Way, and it was also emphatically reminded that until the final return, according to the previous worlds experienced, the system will not suddenly say nonsensical words, it is always useful.

If he remembered correctly, the Milky Way was tied around a cat's neck.

The cat's name is Orion, and its owner is an alien who stayed on Earth.

Cats are easy to find, and aliens aren't too difficult to deal with.

Knowing the plot, this task is even simpler than the task of the Calamity of the Python.

However, things are really as he imagined?

(End of this chapter)

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