Laozi of the Three Kingdoms is the Emperor

Chapter 181 Cao Cao's plan!

Chapter 181 Cao Cao's plan!
The disastrous defeat of Gao Gan and Wu Yue declared the complete failure of Yuan Tan's operation.

After Ma Chao subdued Gao Gan and Wu Yue.

Liu Xie personally led people to arrest Yuan Tan.

Because of the prior investigation by the shadow guards, they found Yuan Tan easily.

There are no surprises.

Yuan Tan fell into the hands of Liu Xie.

This mighty attack on Luoyang came to an end in such a funny way!
With Yuan Tan and Gao Gan.

Liu Xie's next goal is very simple.

He personally led the army, led Gao Gan and Yuan Tan, and in less than three months, he easily recovered Bingzhou Qingzhou.

By this time.

Most of the north has completely fallen into the hands of Liu Xie.

a time.

The world shakes.

Cao Cao's actions in Xiangyang also made a major breakthrough.

Half a month after they attacked Xiangyang, Liu Biao died of a sudden serious illness.

Liu Chong, who succeeded him, led Jingzhou to surrender to Cao Cao under the hard and soft tactics of Cai Mao and others.

With Cao Cao in Jingzhou, his strength also skyrocketed.

The situation in the world suddenly became complicated and confusing.

When the news of Liu Xie's unification of the north came, Cao Cao finally began to face up to this waste emperor in his eyes.

After careful consideration.

He discussed with the counselors and came up with a very good plan.

That is to unite Liu Bei, who has always been at odds with Liu Xie, to organize a major operation in Luoyang while Liu Xie is not in Luoyang.

Regardless of whether this thing is successful or not.

All will have a great impact on Liu Xie.

Because Liu Bei's destructive power is immeasurable!

After the plan is discussed.

Cao Cao immediately wrote a personal letter to Liu Bei in Luoyang...



In Liu Bei's residence.

Since Liu Xie went to attack Wancheng, Liu Bei was placed in Luoyang.

Although Liu Xie guarded him very closely.


With Liu Bei's rich experience, he still has extremely frequent activities in Luoyang.

Fighting fiercely with some scholar-bureaucrats who dissatisfied with Liu Xie.

this day.

Liu Bei was returning from Situ Wangyun's residence.

Haven't had time to sit down yet.

Then I saw Guan Yu coming from outside with a face full of excitement, holding a letter in his hand.

for so long.

It was the first time Liu Bei saw such an excited expression on Guan Yu's face.

I can tell.

Something great must have happened.

"Second brother, what is so happy about?"

As soon as Guan Yu entered the hall, Liu Bei stood up excitedly, looked at Guan Yu and asked.

He has a feeling.

Something satisfying will definitely happen today!
"Brother... this is a great thing!"

Guan Yu was also unambiguous, and directly handed the secret letter in his hand to Liu Bei two steps forward.

"what is this?"

Liu Bei took the secret letter in doubt, opened it and only glanced at it before showing ecstasy.

After waiting for so long, he finally got an opportunity that was very beneficial to him.

"This Cao Mengde came very timely!" Liu Bei said, looking at Guan Yu with a laugh.

in fact.

When Liu Xie attacked Wancheng and Cao Cao attacked Xiangyang.

Liu Bei thought about joining forces with Cao Cao.


Because of the existence of Shadow Secret Guards, it was really difficult for him to act, which dragged on until today.


As soon as Cao Cao took Jingzhou, the first thing he thought of was to unite with himself.

This had to make Liu Bei excited.

Being controlled by Liu Xie for so long, and tortured by him for so long.

Finally saw his own dawn!

This time.

He wants Liu Xie to die without a place to bury him!
What a shit emperor!
What royal relatives!
For Liu Bei, it's all worth mentioning!
As long as he thinks of what Liu Xie has done to him, Liu Bei's teeth will gnash.

How many times in sleep.

He will be awakened by what Liu Xie has done to him!

He worried every day and lived every moment in fear.

Because he didn't know when Liu Xie would repeat what he had done before.

He even has a feeling.

Liu Xie just wanted to torture him for fun.


The previous series of behaviors are completely unexplainable!

Since the other party has such an attitude towards him, why should he be loyal to him.

until now.

Liu Bei felt that what Zhang Fei said was so reasonable.

What shit emperor?
Wouldn't it be nice to be an emperor yourself?

"It seems that elder brother is not against this matter!" The excitement on Guan Yu's face became more intense.

He originally thought.

Liu Bei may be more or less opposed to this matter.

after all.

The other party always lives as the Han family clan.

Such things as rebelling against the emperor are really not so easy to say and do.

But now it seems.

All my worries are unnecessary.

Liu Bei looked even more excited than himself, as if he couldn't wait to do this!
Liu Bei smiled.


Why should I object?

Could it be that waiting for Liu Xie to come back is torturing himself?
Do you want to wait for that dead eunuch named Wang Lang to continue to step on your head?

See if I don't kill them this time!
As long as he thought of Wang Lang's convenience in front of his face, Liu Bei couldn't hold the knife in his hand.

"Second brother, don't say anything and follow me!"

Without further ado, Liu Bei took Guan Yu back to Wang Yun's residence.

Wang Yun who had just sent Liu Bei away.

Sitting in my room thinking about today's conversation.

Haven't thought about half of it yet.

There was a knock on the door.

A servant's respectful voice came from outside the door: "Master, General Liu and General Guan are here!"

Wang Yun who was thinking was startled.

Didn't this just leave?Why is it here again at this time?

Could it be that something happened?
After thinking for a while.

Wang Yun quickly pushed open the door, followed the servant and walked towards the door of the mansion.

Before he reached the gate of the mansion, he saw Liu Bei and Guan Yu waiting respectfully.

"Xuande... let's meet again!" Wang Yun laughed and invited Liu Bei in very politely.

Who knows.

Liu Bei's complexion was very serious, and he whispered in Wang Yun's ear, "Can Situ take a step to speak?"

Hearing Liu Bei speak like this.

Wang Yun immediately realized that something might be wrong.

If nothing major happened, it would be impossible for Liu Bei to go back and talk to him like this!
Slightly pondered.

Wang Yun quickly waved his hand and said: "You all go down, no one is allowed to approach the lobby without the old man's order, and those who violate the family law will be served!"

The servant who had been following him left quickly.

After ordering.

Wang Yun turned to Liu Bei very politely and said, "Xuande, please speak in the lobby!"

Liu Bei still looked very nervous.

He took a look around and made sure that there was no one around, then he led Guan Yu and Wang Yun into the lobby...


(End of this chapter)

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