Get black technology from Meiman

Chapter 75 New World, Doraemon! (Please collect recommended tickets)

Chapter 75 New World, Doraemon! (Please collect recommended tickets)
A burst of light flickered.

Lu Cheng appeared in the blue transfer station composed of 0 and 1.

Although this is not the first time he has entered here, he is still attracted by the dreamlike technological color here.

【Rating is being calculated】

[The host is rated A for this task]

【Starting to distribute mission rewards】

Soon, a line of reminders popped up in front of Lu Cheng's eyes.

After a while.

A blue dialog box popped up in front of his eyes.

[The rewards have been issued, please click to check]

With previous experience, this time Lu Cheng didn't hesitate, and quickly reached out and clicked.

In an instant.

Countless lines composed of 0s and 1s around them slowly flew out and merged into Lu Cheng's body.

Lu Cheng also quickly received his own reward.

[Reward: 3D printer related technology]

[Bonus reward: Hamada Hiroshi's extraordinary memory]

next moment.

A large section of memory was integrated into Lu Cheng's mind.

It is about some introductions and usage methods of 3D printers.

The so-called 3D printer can actually find templates in the real world.

It is based on a digital model, and then uses bondable materials such as powdered metal or plastic to construct objects in a layer-by-layer manner.

to be honest.

That is, as long as the three-dimensional figure is modeled, special materials can be used to print out the modeled three-dimensional figure completely.

This technology is mostly used in jewelry, industrial design, building construction, automobile aviation and other fields.

However, if this is the case, naturally it cannot be called black technology!

The 3D printer technology obtained by Lu Cheng is even more special.

Traditional 3D printers, in fact, still have great disadvantages and limitations.

For example, it can only be printed with special materials, and the printing is often abnormally slow.

If it is a more complex modeling, there is even no way to deal with it!

Lu Cheng's 3D printer is different, it can accommodate various materials.

You only need to model well, and then set the relative position and proportion of the material.

The 3D printer can automatically print out the perfect finished product.

There is no need for manual operation at all.

In this way, the development time will be greatly saved.

If the factory has a printer like this, the production capacity may be more than tenfold.

Compared with ordinary 3D printers, this is undoubtedly an epoch-making technology!
Lu Cheng was extremely satisfied with this reward.

At least, it will definitely be useful when starting a company in the future.

"The attached rewards are also very good, everything can be remembered after just one look!"

Lu Cheng has experienced the perverted effect of this extraordinary memory.

If he didn't have this ability, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to research the Transformers so smoothly.

Now, it is quite good to be able to obtain this ability permanently.

"Materials for making 3D printers are not as hard to find as steel suits, they can be made directly!"

Lu Cheng was already a little eager to try.


He did not leave the transfer station, but asked:
"What is the next mission world?"

The system responds quickly.

[Please wait, the world is being generated...]

In an instant.

In front of Lu Cheng, countless lines composed of 0 and 1 are distorted and combined.

The screen images of Lu Cheng's experience in the world of "Big Hero [-]" are formed.

From getting to know Lin, to developing arc reactors, enrolling in Geek University, and making Transformers...

Enmity with Cray Technology, and then mass production of Transformers, landing on the island and fighting with giant mechs.

Finally, the picture freezes on the scene where Lu Cheng drives the giant mech into the quantum space.

next moment.

On the left side of the screen, the lines twisted again, forming a poster.

On the poster, there is a picture of a group of elementary school students exploring in another world.

When seeing one of the characters, Lu Cheng knew which world it was.

This character has classic blue skin, looks like a feline, has a short stature, a golden bell around his neck, and a big pocket on his stomach.

Lu Cheng recognized this character at a glance.

No way, it's too familiar.

This is a classic cartoon that accompanied a generation of childhood.

In the center of the poster, there is a line of big characters: Nobita's Creation Diary.

"This seems to be the theatrical version of Doraemon." Lu Cheng's eyes flickered slightly.

Doraemon cartoons are broadcast in the form of unit dramas, and each episode is a short story.

The whole story will not be coherent, you can click on an episode at will to watch without stress.

There are actually quite a few cartoons of this type, such as Tom and Jerry, Chibi Maruko, Crayon Shin-chan and so on.

The theatrical version is based on the characters in the original work, creating a separate story.

It's like a side story in a novel.

Lu Cheng had watched the theatrical version of "Nobita's Creation Diary" before, but he didn't have much impression.

I only know that in this plot, Nobita seems to have become the god who created human beings!

"Play the animation." Lu Cheng said directly.

He felt somewhat relaxed.

After all, the animation of Doraemon can be regarded as a daily show.

Not like Marvel or Big Hero [-], with all the dangers and intrigues.

As long as you follow that magical blue fat man, you shouldn't have any big problems.


The screen poster in front of him changed for a while, and the animation began to play.

In fact, the content of the animation is very simple. It mainly tells that Nobita wants to complete a summer homework on a free research theme.

It's a pity that with Nobita's IQ score of zero every time, it is definitely impossible to complete.

Seeing that his friends had already found the research topic, Nobita, who was devastated, turned to the multifunctional robot Doraemon for help.

In desperation, Doraemon lent Nobita a Genesis Unit of Future World.

This formation can simulate the birth process of the real universe.

Nobita can rely on this component to study the evolutionary history of organisms.

With the help of Doraemon, Nobita created a universe and became God once.

In order to better observe each creature, Nobita and Doraemon entered the universe created by themselves.

During the research process, an accident happened, which led to the birth of a new race of insects!

During the evolution of the insect people, they discovered the underground world, developed silently for millions of years, and technology became extremely prosperous.

However, the increasing destruction of human beings and the exploration of coal resources have made the insects feel threatened.

In order to regain the surface world, the earth is green again.

Therefore, the insect-man decided to launch a counterattack...

of course.

In the end, the conflict was successfully resolved with the help of Doraemon.

Lu Cheng now has a supernormal memory, and he can remember all the details and content after watching it at the speed of watching porn.

He thought for a while and asked:

"So, what is my mission this time?"

ps: The world this time should not be too long, and it should be kept within twenty chapters, mainly to pave the way for the following chapters.Finally ask for a recommendation ticket~
 Thanks to the book friend 'Sheng Xiaopang Fat' for the reward of 100 coins, and thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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