Get black technology from Meiman

Chapter 194 Cross-era material science!

Chapter 194 Cross-era material science!
"What's the fire?" Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows.

Could it be because of the Dabai and Xiaohei robots?
its not right.

It's been a while since this happened, and logically the heat should have passed long ago.

Gu Qingzhu laughed and said:
"Boss, I posted the video of yesterday's celebration banquet on the official website, you can check it out on Zhalang."

Hearing this, Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly, and said helplessly:
"Is it because of the lottery draw at the end?"

Gu Qingzhu said:

"Boss, go and see for yourself. Since I'll see you tomorrow, I'll make an appointment with you over there."

Lu Cheng said:

"Well, just let me know in advance when the time comes."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Cheng opened Zhalang again, clicked on Chengxi Technology's official website and took a look.

At the top is the video of yesterday's celebration banquet.

There are tens of thousands of comments!
Lu Cheng clicked on the comment and glanced at it, and the following was full of envy!

[Oh my god, I want to join this kind of company as a luxury car for the celebration banquet! 】

[Ah, brother Cheng is invincible, the most heroic boss in history]

[The envious facial features are distorted, this car is enough for me to fight for a lifetime]

[Wooooow, is it still too late to join Chengxi Technology? 】

[Add me and send your resume to Chengxi Technology now]

[Only my focus is on Brother Cheng, Brother Cheng in a suit is really handsome, I never thought that I avoided all the idols, but fell in love with the boss of a technology company]

[Brother Qiu Cheng shows his face more, I can buy ten Dabai robots! 】

In addition to these sought-after netizens, there are naturally yin and yang weirdness.

[Hehe, I have just made a little achievement, and I am eager to show off my wealth, nouveau riche mentality]

[That's right, get Dabai out earlier, don't skip tickets, and stop doing these gaudy things]

【Hey, can this kind of boss who gets inflated after making some money really develop qualified products?】

However, these comments were drowned out by the massive criticism.

[You people, you can’t eat grapes and say grapes are sour, right? 】

[People make money by themselves, and give benefits to employees, is it hindering you? 】

[Some people look like dicks in life, and they look like they are superior on the Internet, they are really keyboard warriors]

[In reality, I am inferior and cowardly, swallow my anger, dare not conflict with others, and dare not laugh at others, for fear of being beaten.But on the Internet, this seat is full of vigor and strikes hard.Heaven did not give birth to me as a keyboard hero, the world of spraying is like a long night, key! 】

[These people, have you ever spent a dime on Chengxi Technology? 】

After several hot search events, the reputation of Chengxi Technology has gradually accumulated.

Those fans who really like Chengxi Technology will no longer be led into rhythm so easily.

Seeing this, some people who secretly provoked could only leave in despair.

Lu Cheng glanced at it for a while, and found out that the topic of #史最众谷民主# was directly on the top ten of the most searched topics.

Invisibly, the official Weibo of Chengxi Technology gained a lot of fans.

Now, there are almost 80 followers!

Although the speed of attracting fans is not as fast as his account at station B, it is still very good.

It's a pity that after gaining so many fans, it didn't increase any technology points.

after all--

This wave of hot searches has nothing to do with new technological products.

"It's boring." Lu Cheng shook his head.

He is actually a low-key person who doesn't like to be overly concerned.

Since he has no technology points, he naturally doesn't care too much about this kind of thing.

He possesses all kinds of powerful black technologies, and there is no need to use this method to gain attention!

"Get to work!"

Lu Cheng looked again at the temporary "Yu-Gi-Oh" battle platform in front of him, and began to get busy.

He first transformed some optical materials into higher materials.

These materials can directly project light and shadow into mid-air when passing through signal transmission.

And, through a series of sound effects, the realistic effect of the battle is achieved.

This kind of material does not exist in the real world yet, so it can only be improved by using technology points.


It would take several months at least to set up this battle platform.

Including the laying of cables, the design of the display screen, the circuit design on the card, and the connection of the sensing device.

These are all done step by step!
After staying in the underground garage for an afternoon, I finally got the basic frame roughly done.

The rest is tedious filling details and debugging.

After completing the frame of the phantom of the hormonal system, Lu Cheng returned to the villa and prepared dinner for Lin Xi'er.

Usually, except when the company is very busy, he will notify the fixed restaurant to prepare dinner for Lin Xier, and at other times, he will basically do it!

Lin Xi'er is still too thin now, he wants to raise this little girl until she is white and fat.

Otherwise, what if the child is hungry in the future?
After enjoying a delicious dinner with Lin Xi'er.

Lu Cheng began to sort out the material science knowledge he had learned in the Marvel world.

Try to be as professional and systematic as possible, from the shallower to the deeper, lest those experts in materials science be confused.

Fortunately, he now has an extraordinary memory, and the knowledge of materials science is basically engraved in his mind.

As long as he wants to, he can basically reproduce it completely.

"With these material synthesis technologies, the real materials can at least be several grades higher than before." Lu Cheng looked forward to it.


Research on materials science requires a lot of professionals and funds.

This matter has to be done slowly, and it cannot be done overnight.

Therefore, the meeting tomorrow is particularly important!

Once the agreement is reached, the Institute will definitely send professional talents to carry out relevant research.

Even, it can persuade the superiors to allocate funds.

It was only after eleven o'clock that Lu Cheng had finished his knowledge of materials science that he washed up and lay down on the bed to sleep.

the next day.

Lu Cheng looked at Lin Xi'er who was still gargling, and said:

"Xi'er, I'm going to the imperial capital today to do some errands. I don't know if I can make it back tonight. If I don't come back, I will ask the restaurant to prepare dinner for you!"

Xi'er spit out the mouthwash, looked at Lu Cheng, and said:

"Why are you traveling again?"

Lu Cheng smiled:
"Why, you can't bear me?"

Xi'er pouted:

"I'm afraid you'll die of exhaustion on the road!"

Lu Cheng smiled and said:
"This time I'm just doing a research and discussing cooperation, it won't be too troublesome."

Xi'er was silent for a while, and said:

"Are you going with Sister Qingzhu?"

Lu Cheng nodded:

"Yeah, after all, she was the one who made the contact, and I'll ask her to introduce you when the time comes."

Lin Xi'er immediately turned her head, her voice was a little louder:
"Hurry up, otherwise Sister Qingzhu will be in a hurry!"

Lu Cheng leaned over and looked sideways at Lin Xi'er:
"No way, no way, my Xi'er will be jealous?"

Lin Xi'er pushed Lu Cheng away, and said:

"Who is jealous!"

She ignored Lu Cheng, looked in the mirror, and rinsed her mouth seriously.

Lu Cheng shook his head, rubbed Lin Xi'er's head, and said:

"Well, I'll bring you the Imperial Roast Duck when I come back. If you get angry again, I'll spank your ass."

Lin Xi'er glared at Lu Cheng with white foam in her mouth.

Lu Cheng smiled and left the villa with the small bag.

This kind of business trip may become the norm in the future.

He wouldn't have to explain it clearly to Lin Xi'er every time.

Although Lin Xi'er has a little temper, she definitely won't take it too seriously.

Anger is temporary.

Lu Cheng and Gu Qingzhu made an appointment to meet at the airport.

Therefore, instead of going to the company, Lu Cheng drove directly to the airport.

two hours later.

When Lu Cheng came to Hongqiao Airport, Gu Qingzhu had already been wearing a simple T-shirt, skinny jeans, and sunglasses, sitting in the airport lobby and waiting.


Next to Gu Qingzhu, there was a man in a suit standing, chatting up Gu Qingzhu.

However, Gu Qingzhu directly turned his body to the side, obviously not wanting to talk to the man in the suit.

This is not surprising.

After all, Gu Qingzhu's appearance is really outstanding, and it's normal for some men who think they are in good condition to want to strike up a conversation.

Lu Cheng stepped forward, ignored the man in the suit, and said directly:

"Qingzhu, have you got in touch over there?"

He doesn't want to waste too much time on insignificant people.

Seeing Lu Cheng, Gu Qingzhu seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, and hurried forward to grab Lu Cheng's arm, and said coquettishly:
"Honey, you are finally here, everyone is waiting impatiently!"

The man in the suit glanced at Lu Cheng, seeing that the latter's appearance and temperament instantly killed him, so he left awkwardly.

After the man in the suit left, Gu Qingzhu breathed a sigh of relief:
"Phew, it's really annoying. They even said they won't send WeChat messages, and they are still pestering them!"

Lu Cheng rubbed his eyebrows:
"I have become your tool man!"

Gu Qingzhu wrinkled her nose:

"Boss, why are you a tool person? Isn't my husband's name just now better than the boss?"

If it's called in another place, it might sound better... Lu Cheng complained.

"Okay, let's board the plane first." Lu Cheng pursed his lips.

Gu Qingzhu nodded, and followed Lu Cheng to the boarding gate to go through formalities.

Gu Qingzhu said while walking:

"I made an appointment to meet there at 01:30 in the afternoon, and I just got there to chat while having lunch."

"If the talks go well, you can visit their research institute in the afternoon!"

"This research institute is well-known in the industry and has special funding from the state."

"Their director is Wang Wentao, a well-known professor of materials science. He has published many influential documents in the well-known journal "Science"!"

Gu Qingzhu made the itinerary very clear.

If all goes well, it can indeed save a lot of time.

Lu Cheng nodded:

"Well, I have basically read his literature, and he really has his own opinions on the research on materials science."

This is very pertinent, just like commenting on the younger generation.

But let's be honest.

With Lu Cheng's current material knowledge, he can indeed be Wang Wentao's teacher.

At least in theory!
After all, the knowledge of material science he has mastered is cross-age in this world.

Gu Qingzhu asked curiously:

"Boss, why do you suddenly want to cooperate with an institution that studies materials?"

Lu Cheng explained:
"The development of smart products involves software and hardware. The software can be solved by me, but the hardware is still too poor. In the final analysis, the existing materials are too weak to support my design."

"I'm wondering if I can reach a cooperation with the research institute to see if I can develop the materials I need."

Gu Qingzhu didn't understand this aspect, so he just nodded adoringly.

After boarding.

Lu Cheng took out some real-world material science documents that had been prepared and looked at them.

Gu Qingzhu was playing a small game on the sidelines.

four hours later.

The plane finally arrived at the imperial capital.

Gu Qingzhu called Didi and went directly to the agreed restaurant.

In the car.

Gu Qingzhu said:

"Boss, you have to behave well later, the people in this research institute seem to be very arrogant, they didn't even come to pick us up!"

"Hey, if it weren't for our Chengxi Technology's reputation, I'm afraid they wouldn't even meet us if they met."

Lu Cheng smiled and said:
"With the support of the country, it is normal to have arrogance."

While the two of them were talking, Didi had already arrived at the restaurant they had agreed upon!

(End of this chapter)

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