Get black technology from Meiman

Chapter 178 A genius comparable to Jobs!

Chapter 178 A genius comparable to Jobs!

Flint raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but look at Harry Osborn:
"Spider-Man, did he offend you?"

He felt that it was understandable for Harry to kill Osborne's top management.

after all--

Harry Osborn has just inherited the business, and there must be many people who are in the way to stop him.

Therefore, these people must be cleared away.

As for killing Spider-Man, he hadn't expected it at all.

As a superhero in Queens, Spiderman basically fights criminals in his daily life.

Even, he has played against him several times.

The two sides are basically tied!

Osborne Enterprises can be regarded as a large enterprise second only to Stark Industries.

Most of the business is biological and military projects, so how could it have anything to do with Spider-Man?

What's more, Spider-Man also helped Osborn deal with Professor Connors who tried to turn all New York into lizardmen.

It has been helpful to Osborne Enterprises.

If Connors is really successful, then Osborne Enterprises may also face severe investigations!

There was a hint of madness in Harry's eyes:
"You know, I'm dying, and only Spider-Man's blood can save me!"

"However, it refused to save me, and refused to give me even a drop of blood."

"There are also those self-righteous high-level executives of Osborne Enterprises. In order to regain the confidence of investors, they actually stopped the project that my father had painstakingly studied for 30 years. This project may have a cure for my blood disease."

"All my hopes of survival have been destroyed by this group of people. You say, should these people die?!"

"As long as you help me control these high-level executives and force them to sign an equity transfer agreement so that I can gain absolute control of the company, then I will follow my promise and give you enough money to treat my daughter, and even let you and your daughter go through the formalities of going abroad. "

"Believe me, the money I gave you is enough for you to squander your whole life!"

Flint's expression remained indifferent:
"Spider-Man is unpredictable, how can we lure him here?"

"I have to be in a special position with a lot of sand to maximize my ability, otherwise, I can't guarantee that I can kill Spider-Man!"

There was a cold light in Harry's eyes:

"You go and kidnap someone. This person's name is Gwen Stacy. As long as you kidnap her, Spider-Man will naturally come to you."

He knew that Gwen was the girlfriend of his good friend Peter Parker.

Peter Parker, familiar with Spider-Man again.

Then, as long as Peter's girlfriend is kidnapped, Peter will naturally ask Spider-Man to save her!
With Spider-Man's character, he will definitely make a move when the time comes!
Flint nodded slightly upon hearing this:
"Okay, I promise you!"

Harry said excitedly:
"Well, but don't worry, I have to plan again and try to destroy all these high-level officials in one go!"


the other side.

After Lu Cheng adjusted the parameters of all the equipment, he finally started to make the 3D printer.

Because the main raw material of ink benzene tin has been produced.

The rest is to make some special alloys.

Lu Cheng intends to make vibration gold isotopes to replace ordinary alloys.

In this way, the performance of the 3D printer will also be upgraded to a higher level.

The process of making a 3D printer is relatively cumbersome.

Fortunately, during this period of time, Rosalie also helped her find some engineers and material science experts.

Under the lure of high salaries, these talents are naturally willing to join Chengxi Technology!

No one can live with money.

Lu Cheng first showed them the modeling drawing of the 3D printer, and then asked them to follow the steps on the drawing to make it.

The process is very cumbersome, but for these talents, it is not too difficult.

It is nothing more than plate making, plate revision, molding, foundry, polishing and other steps!

It was rare for Lu Cheng to relax when he saw these high-end talents start working in full swing.

Just come back once in a while and stare at the progress of making the 3D printer.

In this way, half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

The first 3D printer of Chengxi Technology has also been officially completed!
Lu Cheng personally tested and ran it, found various modeling drawings on the Internet, and imported them into the 3D printer.

As long as the material is placed in a fixed position, the finished product can be printed exactly the same by the 3D printer in no time.


These recruited experts couldn't help being amazed when they saw this miraculous scene!

"My God, what kind of black technology is this?!"

"I think this material is mainly inkbenzene tin and some special alloys. Why can the model be printed so perfectly?!"

"Yeah, it's incredible!"

Lu Cheng smiled and explained a little:
"There is a vacuum area inside the 3D printer. Once the modeling drawings are imported, the program will run automatically, allowing the vacuum area to change its position and shape and print out the finished product."

This vacuum area is the core function of the 3D printer.

The whole process is done by Lu Cheng.

Therefore, these experts do not know.

Lu Cheng didn't mind revealing this information!

First, this 3D printer has already applied for a patent, so there is no need to worry about being plagiarized.

Secondly, the vacuum area where the finished product is made requires a special program to be activated, and only Lu Cheng knows the core code of the program.

Therefore, even if they know the principle of 3D printers, there is no way to reproduce 3D printers!
Lu Cheng looked at the group of experts and said:

"Okay, I will announce all the development drawings of the 3D printer later. You can make them according to the above steps, and strive to make the 3D printer mass-produced as soon as possible. This is the key to the company's future profitability!"

It takes half a month to produce a printer, and the efficiency is still too low.

Lu Cheng wanted to make quick money to support his research on other new materials.

Then, the efficiency must be improved, and it will take at least five days to produce a 3D printer.

These tasks are naturally handed over to this group of experts.

after all--

Their monthly wages are all over ten thousand, so they can't just take their wages for nothing and do nothing!
After everyone's affairs are arranged.

Lu Cheng left the factory and came to the office building of Chengxi Technology.

Chengxi Technology's factory and office building are separated, but it's not too far away, only a few kilometers away.

Lu Cheng is not as bold as Stark, and directly owns the office area of ​​a building.

He just rented a floor of the office building.

The entire office area is only five or six hundred square meters.

After this period of development, Rosalie has initially established the company.

However, there are still relatively few departments, only the sales department, operation department, after-sales department, and finance department.

Lu Cheng came to the CEO's office and found Rosalie who was busy!
The company started.

Lu Cheng became the shopkeeper again, only responsible for product development.

Therefore, all matters of the company, large or small, are handled by Rosalie alone, which can be described as exhausting.

"Boss!" Rosalie smiled when she saw Lu Cheng coming, "Why are you free to come here today? It seems that it's not time to report the work progress."

Lu Cheng found an office chair and sat down, and said:

"I'm here this time, mainly because I want you to arrange the promotion."

Although the effect of 3D printers is against the sky, if no one knows about it, there will naturally be no sales.

Therefore, promotion is an extremely important part.

Rosalie looked a little surprised:
"Boss, have you made your new material so quickly?"

Although she is a layman in the material industry, she also knew in the past that a new type of material has to go through a lot of tests from being put into production to being processed into a finished product, and it can only be officially launched after it is correct!

This process will take half a year to a year at least!

The company has only been established for more than a month now.

How could the finished product be made so quickly?
Lu Cheng explained:
"It's not a new material, it's a new product I developed called a 3D printer."

"Whether the company will be profitable in the future depends on it!"

Rosalie was stunned.

She knew that the field of materials is not suitable for start-up companies at all, let alone making money.

But can new products make money?
She is worried about it!
After all, the current printer market is basically saturated and occupied by various large enterprises.

For a start-up company, if it wants to get a piece of the pie from these large enterprises, it is undoubtedly more difficult than reaching the sky!
No matter how good the quality of this printer is, it will be difficult to seize the market.

Even if others fight a price war, they are enough to crush the company!
She knew that there were only about 500 million left in the company's account.

Can't stand too much splurge at all.

Lu Cheng saw Rosalie's worry and said with a smile:
"Don't worry, my 3D printer is different from ordinary printers, you will know soon."

After a while.

A group of workers moved the 3D printer to the president's office.

Lu Cheng quickly connected to the computer, then found a modeling drawing, and imported it into the 3D printer.

The printer was up and running quickly, and in a few moments, a beautiful piece of jewelry was printed!

Seeing this, Rosalie's eyes were full of disbelief:

"OMG, amazing, boss, how did this happen?"

This is amazing too!

He saw with his own eyes that an unremarkable ore was polished into an exquisite gemstone in the blink of an eye!

Moreover, it seems to be exactly the same as the modeling diagram, it is a perfect replica!
This isn't a printer at all, it's a magic machine.

Lu Cheng smiled:
"You don't need to worry about how to do it, you just need to know that as long as you have modeling drawings and raw materials, this printer can perfectly reproduce the finished product."

"This printer can be applied to various fields including aviation, jewelry, real estate, automobiles, etc. The prospect is still very good!"

"I can give you a budget of 500 million yuan for promotion, contact some well-known bloggers and advertisers, and see if you can promote the product as soon as possible!"

"Of course, this 3D printer is mainly aimed at the high-end market, such as large enterprises, state agencies, etc., so try not to be too low in the advertisement, and make it taller."

"I'll leave it to you to handle the promotion work, and strive to open up the market as soon as possible and find a partner!"

There is such an advanced technology as 3D printers here.

Lu Cheng wasn't worried about not being able to find customers to buy from!
At least some aerospace companies, in order to ensure the precision of the equipment, will purchase 3D printers for processing.

Of course, the premise is that the 3D printer can guarantee the accuracy!

"Boss, don't worry, I believe many large enterprises will be interested in this magical equipment." Rosalie nodded excitedly.

He has management experience in many large enterprises, and he also has certain contacts.

As long as the renderings of the 3D printer and the brochure showing the functions are made, I believe many bosses will be interested.

As long as the company can make money, he owns 5% of the company's shares, and his worth will naturally rise.

Rosalie asked:

"Boss, what is the approximate price of a 3D printer?"

If the price is too high, it will undoubtedly lose a lot of market.

It must be moderate, neither high nor low, in order to attract more customers.

Lu Cheng thought about the cost and his own monopoly technology, and then said:

"What do you think, 300 million units, how about it?"

"Of course, the company can also make additional customizations and print out larger finished products including cars. Of course, the price will be higher!"

Rosalie nodded:
"At this price, I believe many companies will be interested."

300 million is really not too high for some enterprises that really need 3D printers.

"Well, you can arrange other things yourself!" Lu Cheng nodded slightly, "I still have something to do, so I'll go first, you are busy!"

"Goodbye, boss." Rosalie nodded.

She has long been accustomed to Lu Cheng's behavior of throwing his hands away from the shopkeeper.

Before, she had some complaints about Lu Cheng in her heart, thinking that Lu Cheng was here to burn money.

Now that she has seen the magic of 3D printers, she realizes what a genius Lu Cheng is!

This kind of intelligence is comparable to Bill Gates and Jobs.

Once the 3D printer comes out, it is enough to set off a new technological change!
Get out of the company.

Just as Lu Cheng was about to drive back to Trident headquarters to check in, he showed his face.

He got a call from Mike:

"Lu, come back quickly, another murder has happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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